2-Day Intensive Training: Shame, Guilt and Self-Criticism Certificate Course – Pavel Somov


12 Hours 52 MinutesThere’s no better feeling than providing relief from suffering. From the chronically stressed, to those grappling with trauma, dysfunctional relationships with food, substance use issues or anger — you love the fulfillment of making a difference.Purchase 2-Day Intensive Training: Shame, Guilt and Self-Criticism Certificate Course – Pavel Somov courses at here with PRICE $299.99 $124There’s no better feeling than providing relief from suffering. From the chronically stressed, to those grappling with trauma, dysfunctional relationships with food, substance use issues or anger — you love the fulfillment of making a difference.But shame, guilt, and self-criticism play a critical role in these problems and can dramatically disrupt therapy. You worry that you’ll fail to convince clients who feel unworthy that they deserve a better life. And you’re left frustrated, drained and unsure what will move therapy forward when fears about failure and inadequacy create a state of paralysis in shame-driven and self-critical clients.This recording will give you the skills and tools you need to end the tyrannical hold of shame, guilt and self-criticism and empower your clients to develop the acceptance of themselves, others and reality necessary for the effective treatment of trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, binge eating, substance use, and anger issues.Experience the satisfaction of greater therapeutic success when you can help clients release unhealthy shame and cultivate the self-acceptance they need to move toward a brighter future!Characterize how shame, guilt, and apathy can function as impediments to clinical progress.Establish how clinicians can teach clients techniques to negate the sweeping generalizations that can lie behind shame.Discriminate guilt from regret and communicate how this informs therapeutic approach.Communicate how normalizing strategies can be used with clients to dissipate self-doubt.Articulate how Choice Awareness Training can be used in therapy to combat motivational apathy.Specify how techniques that reframe symptoms as strengths can be used to increase therapeutic effectiveness with self-critical clients.Assess the impact of exposure and mindfulness interventions on affect avoidance.Establish how exercises that help clients rediscover their self-worth can be used in trauma treatment.Communicate how shame pushes clients into binge eating and clarify how self-acceptance interventions can be used to reduce emotional eating.Determine how shame acts as a cover for anger and explain how compassion exercises can be employed to help clients let go of anger.Analyze research that establishes shame as a risk factor for suicide in depressed individuals.Address the importance of managing shame in clients with substance use issues in efforts to prevent relapse.Shame, Guilt and Motivational Apathy as Impediments to Clinical Progress​Therapy as a trigger and affect avoidanceClinical impasses (underutilization, stagnation, premature termination)Shame, guilt and a sense of not-deservingSecrets from self and from therapistTools for Catalyzing Progress in TherapyNormalizing, de-pathologizing, un-diagnosingDialectic reframing & evolutionary psychologyMindfulness & metacognitionSelf-acceptance & self-compassionNeuroplasticity of internalizationShame: Clinical Techniques to Move Therapy ForwardDebunking the myth of self-sabotageManage outside judgement with a self-referenced identityTechniques to negate sweeping generalizationsFoster self-forgiveness with motivational innocenceGuilt: Help Clients Overcome the Debts of GuiltDifferentiate guilt from regretOrdinary perfection & self-acceptanceMaster the fear of making mistakesSelf-Doubt, Dilemmas & Indecision: Interventions for Clients Paralyzed by UncertaintyNormalizing strategies to dissipate self-doubtManage the anxiety of unpredictability with uncertainty trainingMake decisions easier with the art of arbitrary choiceReframe a dilemma as a choice between two rightsMotivational Apathy & Self-Inefficacy: Strategies to Improve Motivation and AutonomyFind a reason-to-change with the change equationTechniques that leverage intrinsic motivationFind freedom-to-change with Choice Awareness Training (CAT)Pattern interruption for habit change – get clients off autopilotSelf-Criticism and Self-Stigmatization: Quiet Your Client’s Inner CriticVarieties of self-deprecation (self-criticism, self-loathing, etc.)Techniques to reframe symptoms as strengthsCompassion exercises for problematic habits of self-careRecover from the disease modelWorking through Affect AvoidanceExposure, mindfulness & metacognitionTop-down & bottom-up emotional self-regulationCue-conditioning of self-RegulationConnect Specific Strategies to the Treatment of:TraumaDamaged goods, survivor’s guilt & avoidance of conflictSomatic interventions to restore the original goodnessStrategies to survive without guiltConflict avoidance: Paper tigers v. real tigersExercises to rediscover self-worthStress and AnxietyMediate the paralysis of perfection with self-acceptanceNon-neurotic, stress-free perfectionismSocial anxiety as shame & self-doubt: disapproval inoculation & self-referencingMindfulness-based, non-anxious self-consciousnessEmotional Eating & Binge EatingHow shame pushes clients into binge eatingChoice Awareness Training for moderation & presenceSelf-acceptance strategies for emotional eatingTranscend body shame by dis-identifying from the physicalAngerShame of fear: Shame as a cover for angerThe vicious guilt-anger loopSelf-acceptance techniques for internal damage controlCompassion exercises to let go of angerDepressionDepression as self-exileShame as a risk factor for suicideMindfulness for managing ruminationMetacognitive silence: From negative self-talk to selfaccepting non-talkSubstance AbuseAddressing the shame of relapseSelf-assertive trigger avoidanceChoice awareness techniques for habit modificationBuild craving/impulse control skill powerBetrayal, Secrecy & DeceptionSeparation & divorce as self-care & progressSecrets from therapist without rupture of rapportDe-pathologizing the motives behind lying & deceptionResearch, Limitations and Potential RisksTag: 2-Day Intensive Training: Shame, Guilt and Self-Criticism Certificate Course – Pavel Somov Review. 2-Day Intensive Training: Shame, Guilt and Self-Criticism Certificate Course – Pavel Somov download. 2-Day Intensive Training: Shame, Guilt and Self-Criticism Certificate Course – Pavel Somov discount.Purchase 2-Day Intensive Training: Shame, Guilt and Self-Criticism Certificate Course – Pavel Somov courses at here with PRICE $299.99 $124