2-Day Intensive Mindfulness Training Course – Terry Fralich


Watch this in-depth Mindfulness Training Course recording to develop a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to help your clients incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily routine and help you provide greater healing for your clients who suffer from:TraumaDepressionRelationship challengesToxic habits or beliefsThis course will provide you with detailed hands-on instruction on incorporating mindfulness into your treatment plans for the specific mental health disorders you see in your office each day. Full of structured and experiential exercises, interactive discussions, and case studies, you will take away practical strategies and reproducible handouts that are instantly usable upon your return to the office.From intervening in the downward spiral of depression and anxiety to cultivating safety and groundedness in traumatized clients, you’ll learn the art of applying mindfulness insights, skills and techniques to a variety of clinical populations. Finish this transformational recording armed with the skills and tools you need to enhance your very next session!Get 2-Day Intensive Mindfulness Training Course – Terry Fralich, Only Price $67Describe how clear psychoeducational descriptions of the relationship between mindfulness, neurobiology, and common disorders can be used to motivate clients to engage in treatment.Communicate how a case conceptualization that draws upon neuropsychological principles can help clinicians establish realistic expectations and goals with clients.Formulate treatment plans for anxiety that incorporate mindfulness strategies clients can use in and out of session to help alleviate symptoms.Dissect the neurobiological underpinnings of how emotions are created, and communicate why this is important to the therapeutic process.Employ mindfulness training and diaphragmatic breathing techniques that clients can use to help them manage unhealthy anger responses.Construct treatment plans for depression that incorporate mindfulness interventions that can be used to interrupt rumination and automatic negative thoughts.Characterize how mindfulness based stress reduction techniques can be used with clients to address prolonged periods of stress that can impact mental and physical health.Consider the clinical impact of research regarding the effects of mindfulness based practices on the neuropsychological aspects of trauma.Explore the clinical implications of research regarding the association between mindfulness and relationship satisfaction and outcomes.Establish how barriers to implementing mindfulness can be overcome using informal techniques clients can incorporate into their daily lives.Characterize how clinical tools that increase self-awareness can be used in therapy to help clients better manage their thoughts, emotions and behaviors.Articulate the importance of the connection between therapist and client in contributing to positive clinical outcomes, and delineate how mindfulness may enhance the therapeutic relationship.MASTER THE CORE SKILLS OF MINDFULNESSTreatment ConceptsIntroduction of mindfulness to clientsMindfulness as self-directed neuroplasticityMindfulness as a skill-based pathReconsolidation of neural networks through mindfulness practiceExperiential exercise: self-regulation techniquesStrengthening Therapeutic PresenceBenefits of therapeutic presence: presence, attunement, resonance, trustStabilize the mind: the foundation of focusSelf-regulation: the foundation of settlednessSpaciousness: the foundation of opennessFive Core Skills of MindfulnessClarify, set and re-affirm intentionCultivate witnessing awareness: metacognitionStabilize attentionStrengthen self-regulationPractice loving-kindness for self and othersExperiential exercise: stability of attention and awarenessNeuroscience and MindfulnessEffective drivers of neuroplasticityInterpersonal neurobiology: importance of early experiencesFormation of mental models: core negative beliefsNeuroception and the operation of the brain’s survival mechanismsExplicit and implicit memoriesAdaptive safety strategies: negative side effectsExperiential exercise: cultivate an inner refugeMindfulness PracticesThemes in beginning mindfulness practiceAm I focused or distracted?Am I settled/grounded or tight/churningMindful transitions: a practice for new clientsStop-breathe-reflect-choose practiceDevelopment of client self-talk, scripts and mantrasPositive visualization practiceCultivate a new vision of self: transform core negative beliefsGet 2-Day Intensive Mindfulness Training Course – Terry Fralich, Only Price $67TRAUMA, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, RELATIONSHIPS, ANGER, STRESS AND SEXMindfulness for TraumaCultivate safety and groundednessRetrain the dysregulated nervous systemExperiential exercise: positive visualizationMindfulness for AnxietyWitness the anxious mindGet unstuck from anxious ruminationExperiential exercise: self-regulation practices for anxietyMindfulness for DepressionTransform core negative beliefs that power depressionCultivate motivation and actionExperiential exercise: develop behavioral plans with the clientMindfulness for RelationshipsClarify intentions that work in relationshipsTransform unhealthy patternsExperiential exercise: cultivate positive experiences/exchangesMindfulness for AngerUnderstand the source of anger energyIdentify the anger stormClarify the practice when anger arisesExperiential exercise: rehearsal of the Stop-Breathe-Reflect-Choose practiceMindfulness for StressEducate the client about the impact of stressChange the stress reaction through practiceExperiential exercise: strengthen awareness of stress response, shifting to relaxation responseMindfulness for SexCreate conditions for healthy and mutually satisfying sexOpen to the full power of sexual intimacyMindfulness In-SessionAvoid compassion fatigueApproach each session as meditative practiceCounsel “in the flow”Experiential exercise: path to enjoying our work more meditation practiceResearch, Limitations and the Potential Risks of Mindfulness in TreatmentCurrent state of research on mindfulnessLimits of the current researchMindfulness-Based treatments – potential risks and limitationsThe importance of client evaluationPractices beyond your training and experienceGet 2-Day Intensive Mindfulness Training Course – Terry Fralich, Only Price $67Tag: 2-Day Intensive Mindfulness Training Course – Terry Fralich Review. 2-Day Intensive Mindfulness Training Course – Terry Fralich download. 2-Day Intensive 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