11th International Congress On Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy – Complete Conference


File Format: [20 DVDs – AVI; 11 – PDFs]File Size: 28.399 GBDelivery: Digital DownloadPurchase 11th International Congress On Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy – Complete Conference courses at here with PRICE $199.98 $4511th International Congress On Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy – Complete ConferenceCLINICAL DEMO 1 – EXPERIENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPYPsychotherapy is a symbolic drama of change the imperative of which is: By living this experience you will be difference.OBJECTIVESList three essentials of experiential therapyGiven a patient with a behavior problem, create an experiential treatment plan to elicit changeCLINICAL DEMO 2 – HYPNOSIS AS A CATALYST FOR TAKING THE NEXT GROWTHFUL STEPHypnosis itself cures nothing. Rather, it’s what happens during hypnosis that has therapeutic potential. In this demonstration, the focus will be on helping the volunteer client evolve an awareness for and willingness to take “the next step” in addressing some issue.OBJECTIVESDemonstrate the merits of linear thinking in problem-solvingDemonstrate hypnosis as a therapeutic tool in encouraging growthful experienceCLINICAL DEMO 3 – SOLUTION-ORIENTED HYPNOSISSolution-oriented hypnosis derives from Erickson’s work and is concerned not with the origins of problems, but with accessing past, present and future resources to resolve problems. This session will demonstrate the assessment and treatment process involved in solution-oriented hypnosis.OBJECTIVESCompare solution-oriented with traditional hypnotic and hypnotherapy approachesApply a resource-based approach in hypnosis and hypnotherapyCLINICAL DEMO 4 – GENERATIVE TRANCEThis demonstration will show how problems/symptoms may be viewed as attempts by the creative unconscious to bring transformation and healing, and how the development of a generative trance can allow that transformation to be realized.OBJECTIVESDescribe a problem in hopeful and positive termsDemonstrate techniques by which a problem may be transformed into a solutionCLINICAL DEMO 5 – HELPING A CLIENT EXPLORE THEIR METAPHOR FOR THEIR PROBLEM TO DISCOVER A SOLUTIONMetaphor primarily activates the client’s subdominant hemisphere, and this can be utilized without knowing the content of the problem. Asking a client to discover more about their metaphor for a problem is a way to communicate directly with their unconscious understandings, which are often the keys to making useful changes.OBJECTIVESDistinguish between a client’s guiding metaphor and a mere “figure of speech”List the four major criteria for expanding a client’s metaphor in a useful wayCLINICAL DEMO 6 – STRATEGIC TREATMENT OF OBSESSIONS AND COMPULSIONSPersuading OCD clients to adopt a new frame of reference is the therapist’s primary task. Altering perception–not adding technique–helps them change directions, because belief always trumps exposure practice. Participants will learn a persuasive strategy–built out of whole cloth within the first session–that will frame the entire treatment protocol.OBJECTIVESDefend the importance of altering perception, as opposed to utilizing technique, to help clients with obsessions or compulsionsDescribe and utilize a persuasive strategy to frame the treatment protocol for obsessions and compulsionsCLINICAL DEMO 7 – SELF-HYPNOSIS TRAINING AS A FIRST TRANCE INDUCTION Working at the Department of Speech Pathology, University Clinic, Heidelberg Germany in the 80s, most patients with voice disorders came with expectations getting medical treatment. But resistance to psychological approaches were common. Being confronted with this resistance many times created a very indirect approach of self-hypnosis training (which actually is a trance induction). Tailoring the standard approach to different patients and symptoms will be discussed, as well as how to use this in group therapy.OBJECTIVESDemonstrate a new way of self-hypnosis trainingDemonstrate how to tailer the standard approach to individual patients and symptomsCLINICAL DEMO 8 – THE UTILIZATION OF THE “INNER FAMILY SYSTEM/INNER PARLIAMENT” FOR SUCCESSFUL HEALTHY SOLUTIONSSymptoms are expressions of contradictory inner needs and movements and inner fights. This demonstration will show how the different parts of a person can be utilized as helpful “messengers of needs and knowledge” and as powerful competences for goal-serving synergy and context- flexible successful behavior.OBJECTIVESList three methods to induce relieving dissociation and the creation of safe placesState three techniques that could be used with a subject with massive inner conflicts and confusionCLINICAL DEMO 9 – UNCOVERING PREVIOUSLY UNRECOGNIZED POTENTIALSSocial roles, established identities, and learned expectations can sometimes stand in the way of healthy adaptation and personal achievement. Hypnosis an experiential phenomenon that enables individuals to access previously unrecognized human potential.OBJECTIVESExplain how to discern the type of interpersonal stance needed to achieve positive results with hypnosisMake clinical decisions based on the nonverbal responses of the hypnotic subjectCLINICAL DEMO 10 – HYPNOSIS AND FAMILY THERAPYSpecific direct and indirect techniques are required to activate family resources and to induce a deep and meaningful change of the most rigid family patterns. A family hypnotic session tends to overcome the powerful and subtle resistances a family may develop in the course of the treatment as well as to offer many different solutions a therapist may adopt to overcome these resistances. Special focus will be how to combine properly direct and indirect in the different phases of the therapeutic process.OBJECTIVESExplain the peculiar phenomena that are typical of the family tranceDescribe how to combine direct and indirect approaches in an hypnotic intervention with familiesCLINICAL DEMO 11 – DIMENSIONS OF DISSOCIATION IN HYPNOSISThis demonstration and discussion will focus on the ways in which dissociation is utilized in all phases of a hypnotic session. A structured model of dissociation will be presented then illustrated in the hour.OBJECTIVESIdentify eight dimensions of dissociationDiscuss three ways in which dissociation facilitates therapeutic hypnosisCLINICAL DEMO 12 – CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS FOR HEARING AND EXPANDING WHAT THEY SAYFundamental in Ericksonian work is expansion of perspectives rather than removing problems. Learning to hear underlying meanings in clients’ stories, enlarging those and then presenting new perspectives in direct and indirect ways clients are willing to hear will be demonstrated with a volunteer.OBJECTIVESList three ways to offer productive changes to clientsDescribe three ways to deal with client reluctance to implement new, different or expanded thinking or behaviorsSale PagePurchase 11th International Congress On Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy – Complete Conference courses at here with PRICE $199.98 $45