Discover How You Can Build A Life Altering Business In Under 12 Weeks Without Any Previous Experience or ‘Tech Knowledge’Here is what you get today when you join 100K blueprint1 – 12 Week Proven System – Step By Step, Hand Holding (Valued at $997)2 – Community of High Performance Coaches (Valued at $997)3 – World Class Support System In Your Members Area (Valued at $997) BONUS: Untouchable Ads Vault: (Value: $1,997) BONUS: Profit Machine: (Value: $2,995) BONUS: Dropshipping Power Hour: (Value: $979) BONUS: Mentorship Private Access: (Value: $997 / Year) BONUS: Ads Mastery: (Value: $497) BONUS: Email Jedi: (Value: $297) BONUS: Higher Level Consulting: (Value: $2,000)$1,000 Instant Discount If You Invest Today For One Payment Of $997A Few Words From Our StudentsAfter 4 years of drop shipping product I never had to see, over 8,000,000 minutes of my content consumed, and over $15 Million generated – it’s about time I teach you how to become a Drop Shipping Wizard.I want to be honest with you. Drop shipping is NOT easy. Everyone wants you to think that this business model will make you millions of dollars overnight.But the truth is, that simply can’t happen.…. At least not overnight.If you look past the facade of the gucci shirts, the Lamborghinis, the crazy $156,973 days that are probably fake, and all the other ‘hype’ and ‘dream selling’ gurus put there… you’ll realize it’s extremely easy to be financially independent with Drop Shipping. Want to know something crazy? Here is what you get today when you join 100K blueprint1 – 12 Week Proven System – Step By Step, Hand Holding (Valued at $997)2 – Community of High Performance Coaches (Valued at $997)3 – World Class Support System In Your Members Area (Valued at $997) BONUS: Untouchable Ads Vault: (Value: $1,997) BONUS: Profit Machine: (Value: $2,995) BONUS: Dropshipping Power Hour: (Value: $979) BONUS: Mentorship Private Access: (Value: $997 / Year) BONUS: Ads Mastery: (Value: $497) BONUS: Email Jedi: (Value: $297) BONUS: Higher Level Consulting: (Value: $2,000)$1,000 Instant Discount If You Invest Today For One Payment Of $997Building Your Own Drop Shipping Empire is Incredibly Easy…Just think about it, so many people are making thousands… heck even MILLIONS with it, so it can’t be that hard, can it?The answer is not a simple yes or no. Let me explain. Think about this: before Amazon, everyone had to get their products from a big retail chain store like Walmart. But now, we are at the mercy of online retailers!So much so, that 50% of products sold by Amazon are actually from 3rd party sellers. Most of those products are in the supplier’s warehouse. Do you get it?  Amazon THEMSELVES don’t even touch certain products, they DROP SHIP from other vendors too! However, we are lucky that we do not NEED Amazon. We can build and operate our own website now using a platform like Shopify. Years ago we could never do this and that means one thing.  You’re In The PRIME “Gold Rush” Era Of Drop Shipping And You Would Be A Fool To Do It WrongYou know who did it all wrong when he first got started?Yours truly.In fact the first time I tried I was already thousand dollars in debt. I sunk my self even deeper then already was. I tried it all and failed. Heck I even tried SCO, YouTube, article writing, everything! I got so frustrated I stopped drop shipping. I struggled finding what I was good at. Let me tell you, a high school dropout with no degree – I had nowhere else to go. I decided to circle back to drop shipping, even though my first go around was an utter failure.  But I do know this: Others were making money hand over first and I KNEW I could too! I Sought Out A Mentor & Found One Who Was Willing To Help…his was truly the changing point of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I had to pay for his time to teach me and hand hold me through the ins and outs. To go over EVERY single little detail with me.  I was scared.  Petrified to be exact.  This was a point in my life where even $10 was big money for me. Forking out over $1,500 from a personal loan to my new mentor was equivalent to digging my own grave if I couldn’t make this work.  However, I had SO MUCH confidence in myself, I knew without a single doubt in my mind, I could do it.  My mentor told me something so important, I want to share it with you.Stop Wasting Your Time On The Useless Stuff And Focus On THIS – He Said If you are wondering what ‘this’ is, then great news – you’re at the right spot. You see, once I learned this, I realized this is single handedly the same reason 95% of people fail. The reason most fail has nothing to do with:No. None of this.  The real reason is… A Dumb Person With A Plan Will ALWAYS Beat A Brilliant Person Without OneWhen was the last time you sat down and mapped out from A-Z PERFECTLYwhat you needed to do to build your business? Heck, when was the last time you saw anyone do that?Before I was told this, I had no idea. He was right, I had day to day activities I did, but nothing set or planned out to follow. Essentially I was doing ‘busy work’ not ‘money work’. Money work is work you and I do that directly make us money. Busy work, is exactly as it says, keeps us busy but doesn’t make us money. Today – it all changes for you. Think about it… There is more competition than ever  There are more people promising you something they could never deliver on than ever  There are more scams than ever Let me ask you this. The last course, programs, ‘mentorship’ you were apart of..Was it systematic? Day by day?Instructions every single day? Most likely not, and that, my friend, is a massive problem. The way I learn is by my hand being held. In the beginning when I knew nothing, I wanted as much help as I can get.  That’s the reason I sought after a mentor, & paid for his time to teach me. I could not afford it at the time, but the tradeoff was worth the risk. Do you see why it is important to have your hand held when you’re just getting started? We are fortunate enough to live in a time where we can now RECEIVE that hand holding, day by day, guidance.  All we have to do is follow a simple formula to launch a highly successful dropshipping business.The 4 Step Formula That Can Effortlessly Have Any Beginner Up, Running, & Profitable In 90 Days.I’ll be teaching you how to build and scale a real drop shipping business following this 4 step formula.Look, there are 4 crucial steps to launching and scaling a profitable dropshipping store. No one has ever showed these steps in depth. No one has ever cared enough to show you every mini detail that goes into it. However, that’s what I am going to do here.Look at this store.This store following MY formula went from $0 to over $100,000 in 30 days.This 4 step formula applies to anyone who owns a store, or has ever tried to start one.Dropshipping Is Not Difficult Once You Have The Right FormulaLet me show you the kinds of results you could potentially get if you apply my proven step by step formula…How To Master Dropshipping?Step #1 Join 100K Blueprint 3.0This 12 week program is going to hand hold you every week to getting a successful store up and running in record breaking time.You’ll have the same 4 step formula I follow on a day to day basis at your fingertips. Not only that but you also get MY PERSONAL HELP, as well as the other 100K blueprint coaches.  This is the best dropshipping course on the planet that teaches you how to become successful in a crowded marketplace, and in ANY niche! We’ve built this out for anyone, no matter the skill level, to be able to follow over the course of the next 12 weeks. During The Next 12 Weeks You’ll Be Transformed Into A Elite Dropshipper, Being ‘Top-Dog’ In Your NicheWeek 1 (21 videos)Navigating the members areaCOMING SOONWhat’s new in the ecommerce spaceCOMING SOONBuyers mindset and how to tap into itCOMING SOONWhat is Dropshipping00:08:48(2.0) Tri Level Research00:12:43(2.0) Why Research Is Important00:07:45(2.0) Why Tri Level00:06:28(2.0) 100K Product Research00:24:08(2.0) Cross Referencing Research00:11:23(2.0) Ali Order Research00:07:35(2.0) Niche V. Generic00:13:18(3.0) Generic Store Example00:03:56(3.0) Niche Store Example00:05:31(2.0) Understanding A Healthy Niche00:06:40(2.0) Understanding Upsells00:09:02(2.0) Healthy Niche Know How00:08:40What is Dropshipping00:08:48(3.0) Free + Shipping and why we are going to use it00:15:586 Figure Secrets (Interview)00:40:19(Workshop) Retargeting Platform AdRoll00:50:49Start the creation of my store. Over the shoulder case study/ walkthrough02:20:40(3.0) Personal Mentorship – Access Me Whenever00:03:25Week 2 (35 videos)(3.0) Live chat appCOMING SOON(3.0) Knowing stripe prohibited businessesCOMING SOON(3.0) Done for you copy and paste emailsCOMING SOON(3.0) In house fulfillment + vivr smiles case studyCOMING SOON(2.0) What Is eCommerce00:05:32(2.0) Why Focus On eCommerce00:08:57(2.0) Platforms You Can Use00:06:21(2.0) Shopify Pro’s and Con’s00:08:30(2.0) WooCommerce Pro’s and Con’s00:08:11(2.0) Setting Up Shop00:02:14(2.0) Domain Set Up00:03:57(2.0) FaceBook Pixel00:01:48(2.0) Google Analytics00:04:18(3.0) Themes00:08:16(2.0) Payment Preferences00:05:55(2.0) Products and Learning About Products00:13:09(2.0) Oberlo + Importing FAST00:11:18(2.0) Collections00:02:05(3.0) Shopify Discount00:00:53(3.0) Scarcity App00:01:39(3.0) Product Review00:03:36(2.0) Cart Abandonment00:04:09(3.0) Klaviyo00:03:51(2.0) Upsell Apps00:03:57(3.0) Perfect Layout For Store00:06:04(2.0) Creative Commons00:03:26(2.0) My $150K Lawsuit – OH YES LIFE LESSON00:01:54Dropshipping Explained Pt 100:08:01Dropshipping Explained Pt 200:05:06Dropshipping Explained Pt 300:06:00In House Fulfillment Pt 100:18:37In House Fulfillment Pt 200:10:33AdRoll Install00:10:30Shipping Settings00:10:00(3.0) 100K Quick Start To Sales01:03:47Week 3 (38 videos)(3.0) Super broad targeting + let facebook reward youCOMING SOON(3.0) Scaling case studyCOMING SOON(3.0) Video ad creating it LIVECOMING SOON(3.0) Creating redirects in ShopifyCOMING SOON(3.0) Our new ad strategy for 2019COMING SOON(3.0) Interview / Anthony ad examples + LAA’sCOMING SOON(3.0) Retargeting video viewers & strategy for 2019COMING SOON(2.0) Ad Events00:06:30(2.0) Biz Manager Register00:03:05(2.0) Biz Manager Walkthrough00:08:57(2.0) Shopify Pixel Install00:02:09(2.0) Targeting Explained00:07:38(2.0) Niche Down Targeting – Audience Insights00:19:47(2.0) Broad Targeting00:08:05(2.0) Mobile V. Desktop00:02:40(2.0) 20% Rule With AI00:04:49(2.0) Flex Targeting Live00:03:49(2.0) Flex Targeting Explained00:02:16(3.0) Daily Budgets00:02:48(2.0) Scaling – Best For Beginner Scaling00:04:42(2.0) Scaling Cheat Sheet00:04:24(2.0) Video Ad Creation00:01:30(2.0) Video Ad Time – Ideal00:03:23(2.0) Setting Video Objectives00:03:00(2.0) List Custom Audiences00:02:13(2.0) Custom By Link00:04:42(2.0) Custom By Engagement00:03:55(2.0) Our Ad Strategy00:01:20(2.0) Funnel Video Walkthrough00:05:56(2.0) Traditional Ads Process00:02:01(2.0) Trinkets00:01:57(2.0) Which System To Use?00:01:59(2.0) Ad Copy Techniques00:03:51Ad Design Theory00:07:05Ad Reporting00:12:12Creating Pages and Linking With Account00:05:45Retargeting Pixels00:09:01Look-A-Like Audience00:06:33Week 4 (12 videos)(3.0) Scaling globallyCOMING SOON(3.0) Scaling globally + store translator appsCOMING SOON(3.0) Scaling globally + translating adsCOMING SOON(3.0) Income research with global scaling to see if the median is worth targetinCOMING SOON(3.0) Untapped marketsCOMING SOON(2.0) Horizontal Scaling00:05:30(2.0) Vertical Scaling00:06:21(2.0) LAA Intro00:03:30(2.0) Creating LAA00:02:20(2.0) My Take On LAA00:02:53(2.0) 20% Scaling Rule00:03:45(2.0) Live Example: Automatic and Manual Campaign00:11:25Week 5 (15 videos)(3.0) The NEW influencer modelCOMING SOON(3.0) Influencer consumer mindsetCOMING SOON(3.0) Product pricing for influencersCOMING SOON(3.0) Books / training for sale & backend to physical productsCOMING SOON(3.0) Done for you PLR contentCOMING SOON(3.0) Done for you ClickFunnels funnel for the Influencer GiveawaysCOMING SOON(2.0) Influencer Overview00:12:29(2.0) 100K Interview – Anthony Mastellone00:49:04(2.0) Contacting The Influencer00:09:47(2.0) Dynamics Of Influencers00:07:24(2.0) Proper IG Funnel00:08:10(2.0) The Perfect IG Ad00:05:09(2.0) Hackforums (Secret Location)00:02:09(2.0) IG Tracking00:02:50(2.0) DONT LET THEM DO THIS00:02:05Week 6 (14 videos)(3.0) Done for you funnel – physical productsCOMING SOON(3.0) Done for you digital 2 physical productCOMING SOON(3.0) ClickFunnels affiliate video / sign up under me – be transparent that I get commissions + provide a raw link if they don’t want to use mineCOMING SOON(3.0) TriFunnels native creation inside ShopifyCOMING SOON(3.0) Funnels and perfect sales strategy / mindset of why people purchase from a funnelCOMING SOONClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 100:03:36ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 200:07:01ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 300:13:17ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 400:02:53ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 500:03:28ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 600:01:24ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 700:02:32ClickFunnels A-Z Training Module Pt 800:07:09(2.0) Tri Funnels Update00:02:28Week 7 (12 videos)(2.0) Project Manager00:04:50Hiring A Project Manager00:22:27Where To Hire00:06:54Tasks To Assign00:05:14(2.0) Content Writer00:03:15(2.0) Fulfillment Job00:04:51(2.0) Customer Support00:04:46(2.0) Intercom00:02:34(2.0) Freshdesk00:03:04(2.0) Contact Forms00:03:04The ‘Hireangle’00:06:53Trello00:03:30Week 8 (8 videos)(3.0) Building social proof with PPECOMING SOON(3.0) Manual Bidding Strategy00:09:05(3.0) 100K BP Step By Step Outline(2.0) Comment Automation + Auto Reply Strategy00:13:09(3.0) PPE Strategy – Advanced Retargeting Methods00:05:11(2.0) Custom Audience With URL + Creating Retargeting Campaigns00:02:55(2.0) Hook Funnels For “Free” Products00:08:25(3.0) 10 Day Email Series00:10:17Week 9 (8 videos)(3.0) 5x Done for you post sales sequence emailsCOMING SOON(3.0) Remove 10 Day email series, give 7 days done for youCOMING SOON(3.0) Cart abandonment + what it isCOMING SOON(2.0) 100K BP Step By Step Outline(3.0) Post Sales Sequence00:07:00(2.0) Klaviyo Custom Audience00:02:54(3.0) SendLane To Shopify00:01:19(2.0) 10 Day Email Series00:10:17Week 10 (5 videos)Bing Part 1 – Linking Your Bing And Shopify00:07:19Bing Part 2 – Adding Products To Bing00:06:07(2.0) What Are Product Ads00:05:04(2.0) Product Ad Auctions00:01:09(2.0) Uploading Products To Your Store00:07:44 Week 11 (7 videos)(3.0) Introduction to your brandCOMING SOON(3.0) Recurring and subscription modelsCOMING SOON(2.0) Premium Pricing Strategy00:24:14(2.0) How To Increase Price And Make More Sales00:17:40(2.0) Pricing Rules And Strategy00:07:03Top 3 Ways To Make Sales FINAL00:05:54Defining Your Own Strategy00:05:49Week 12 (10 videos)(3.0) Done for you video ads (20x – we are going to try and push 50 but we can guarantee 20 that we KNOW work. We don’t want to give ads just to give them we will provide ONLY WORKING ADS)COMING SOON(3.0) Ads case study $100K+ #1COMING SOON(3.0) Ads case study $100K+ #2COMING SOON(3.0) Scaling country targeting case studyCOMING SOON(3.0) 3x custom workshops – 2-3 hours each members only for 2019COMING SOONWorkshop 1 – Creating My Store00:47:01Workshop 2 – Store + Support Structure00:39:57Workshop 3 – Influencers + FB™ Ads Strategy00:43:57Workshop 4- FB Ads And Research01:12:39Workshop 5 – Congruent Upsells00:36:09BONUS (3 videos)(2.0) Private In House Fulfillment Center00:01:189 Done For You Ads00:02:54100K Suppliers00:05:26 WEEKLY WORKSHOP100K Post Sales Email Sequence01:23:307 Incredible Bonuses For 100K Blueprint 3.0Members ONLYWhen you join 100K Blueprint today, you will also gain immense benefit from these bonuses.Untouchable Ads Vault: 20 done for you ads, with precise Facebook targeting and 100K Blueprint members only ad creatives with unlimited rights to them – upload and profit from these proven ads.(Valued at $1,997)Profit Machine: You get instant access to the world’s best product research tool that finds extremely profitable & high converting products in seconds(Valued at $2,995)Dropshipping Power Hour: You’re exclusive invite to the 100K Blueprint 10 week live coaching calls that are recorded and put inside the members area for you to access at any given time(Valued at $979)Mentorship Private Access: Direct email access to Dan Dasilva and the other 100K Blueprint Coaches to have any of your questions answered(Valued at $997 / Year)Ads Mastery: Live case studies of highly profitable ads – the before, the during and the after!(Valued at $497)Email Jedi: You’ll learn how to generate 200% MORE profit from your efforts with 3 simple emails – never before seen.(Valued at $297)Higher Level Consulting: Private access to Dan Dasilva’s secret $2,000 video recording on how to stand out & generate over $100,000 in 27 days(Valued at $2,000)Here Are A Few Words From Other StudentsTake a look at the results my students are having when they implement my 100K Blueprint formulaOn Top of that all you are going to have EXCLUSIVE access to our invite only software that does all the heavy lifting for you. You see, one of the hardest parts about this business is being able to find PROFITABLE products at incredible prices. Meaning it would take you hundreds of hours to find your ‘diamond in the rough’.  We’ve decided to do something extremely special for our 100K Blueprint 3.0 members – (AND ONLY the 3.0 MEMBERS). Our 100K Blueprint 3.0 Members Get Special Access To Our Secret Software That Finds Highly Profitable & Converting Products For YouNot only that but the software even UPLOADS the products for you. All you have to do is take the file the software gives to you…Here’s how simple it is to use the profit machine software:Step 1Use Profit Machine to HAND YOU high converting and super profitable productsStep 2Let profit machine give you all the crucial and vital information for your new found high converting productStep 3You’ll even have the PERFECT targeting information for your new product so all you have to do is upload and profitStep 4Lastly you can import these products RIGHT from profit machine to your own website with ease, letting nothing hold you back what so everTag: 100K BluePrint 2019 – Dan Dasilva  Review. 100K BluePrint 2019 – Dan Dasilva  download. 100K BluePrint 2019 – Dan Dasilva  discount.