Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $39 $97, 100% You Home Study – Julie Renee Course.The 100% You Formula is our basic training for understanding the parts of the Human Blueprint and integrating the technique of the quantum pump and clearing tools.The most important aspects of this training are:An in depth look at the 4 parts of the Divine Human BlueprintYou’ll learn about the role of perception in the blueprint, how to identify when it is working well for you and when it is failing you, along with many NEW clearings for perceptionUnderstanding the important role of Essence ~ Your spirit soul life force and high self as it related to the blueprint, and how to identify interruptions in the smooth connection with other parts of your blueprint.The role of Matter and all the components of the physical body. Why they were set up they way they were in the living organism that is you and how to use parts of your neurology to improve healthHow the Energy Body fuels and serves your entire being. Chakras, aura. Meridians, golden reigns human access portal and more.This is a class that is incredibly foundationaland pulls everything together.If you have taken this class in previous years, you will find this is an entirely new program. I feel everyone should have this foundational information prior to diving into an advanced training as the pieces of how everything fits together are explained in this training.100% You training consists of a 3-part series of trainings with Julie Renee to help you both understand the Human Blueprint and begin to own and clear areas in your life you previously had no access to. It is on par with Julie Renee’s Apprentice training as you will be learning the deepest levels of how the structure of the blueprint works and how to access and shift, thoughts, body, spirit and energy systems!I’ve included my easy to comprehend 100% You Formula book, in ebook and audio version. This incredible book walks you through the concept of PEMER; Perception, Essence, Matter Energy and Realms. You will have an action plan for beginning to move forward to own and really shift your own blueprint for greater self-expression and joy! In the book we focus on shifts in perception, and you’ll find I have given you a unique and very doable approach to getting into perception from both how you see and interrupt things and how others see you.With this foundational training all other healing projects you are working on will become easier. Caring for your health, reversing aging and living at 100% should be easier, right?!Here’s what’s included:Part One: Three Powerful Trainings and Quantum Shift Clearings3 ~ 1-hour stream and audio trainings on the 100% You Formula and the human blueprint. If you haven’t yet been part of a group clearing with Julie Renee you are in for a big surprise. Many spontaneous miracles happen in the group clearing with one of the most powerful Quantum Shifters on the planet as your guide. You will learn how to create these shifts for yourself as Julie Renee always shares her secrets and shows what she is doing so you can do this powerful work yourself! – Value: $600.00Part Two: 100% YOU Ebook and Audio VersionThe 100% You book takes you into the world of Your Divine Human Blueprint, providing you with the map for manifesting your Quantum Shift. Recorded in a sound studio this audio book is enjoyable and the exercises are simple to follow and easy to implement. – Value: $50.00Part Three: 100% You Fast Action Fulfillment Self Study GuideThe companion to this amazing book is the fast action guide and videos to help you go even deeper in your quest to live 100%. This incredible program creates a map for you to chart your specific destinations on the radar and a way to fulfill your life purpose and mission. The program includes 7 videos and 11 action guide assignments that will help you take your Quantum Shift to Your Best ever life and do it now! – Value: $97.003 One-Hour SessionsTraining OneTraining on PEMER. Perception, Essence, Matter and Energy. You’ll Receive the all New CHART! And learn how each part of the blueprint is interconnected with each other part and what to do to improve each area. This training is truly the foundation of all other classes and will give you a sense of confidence as you move through any other training that you understand what you are doing and why it works.Training TwoExplore the supporting realms, their purpose and function as it relates to all other parts of the blueprint, if it was original to the source blueprint or an addition, and how best to access and use these realms for living a fully balanced, authentic fully realized life!Training ThreeFocus on Perception and Amplification. You’ll learn how this area affects everything you do and think in life. How to shift and upgrade negative influences and how to most effectively up level your thinking and outer actions for the best results in all aspects of your life. Ever wonder why perception is part of the blueprint and not a supporting realm? Is perception a precursor to the development of the human spirit? Find out in this incredible 3rd training!Enroll today in the 100% You ProgramAnd discover the hidden secretsto your life and being!Honestly, you’ll likely never meet another person like me with this kind of outrageous story and the gumption to write it all down so you can enjoy and access the secrets of your own magnificent design! You may well have heard about the Quantum field, but you probably have no clue about what it is or how to use it. I can give you the direct route to accessing your Quantum field so you can supercharge all aspects of your health and vitality!
Akashic Records Level 1 Training Course – Josephine Hardman
Intuition by Design – Karen Curry Parker
100% You Home Study – Julie Renee