[Download] Approved Affiliate (2021)


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About the course: 

Approved Affiliate Download

Inside this eBook, you’ll discover:

  • ​Why ​good​ vendors are almost ​forced ​to deny your request (page 4).​​​​​​
  • ​And how you can tweak the situation in your favor and get ​approved (page 6).
  • ​The four things you ​must​ check off before you request to promote (page 7).
  • The horrible mistake that so many affiliates commit and which can easily be overcome (page 7).
  • ​What ​exactly​ you should write when you request permission to promote (and no, it doesn’t follow a lame template. It will be YOUR words) (page 8).​​​
  • The mistake a lot of affiliates commit and which make me instantly facepalm and push the ​Deny​ button (page 8).​​​
  • The mistake a few affiliates make, which only leaves the vendor with one choice: instant rejection (page 9).
  • How you can almost force the vendor to click ​Approved​ as fast as he can (page 9).
  • How to get approved on other networks than WarriorPlus and JVZoo (page 10).
  • The sneaky outside-the-box method that will make even icecold vendor-hearts meld faster than a snowman during the summer (page 11).
  • How to show the vendor that you can make sales, even if you’ve never done it before (page 12).
  • Still not approved? Pay for it (page 13).
  • What to do when a vendor doesn’t react (page 16).

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