Jason Capital – The Obsession Code


In this home study program, Jason Capital aims to show men how to activate obsession in a woman to make her wildly obsessed with them.
It uses 7 words rarely talked about to attract women who want to be around you and do what you want. The words are intended to lead you to creating a relationship where you are in control and have the power, as well as getting women to chase you.
The 7 forbidden words aim to:
– Magnetize a woman to you
– Unleash a woman’s sexual desire
– Make a woman feel she can trust you
– Make you intriguing and ultra-attractive
– Convince a her to believe that you are the one
– Unleash a woman’s excitement and sexual attention
– Intensely maintain a woman’s attention and attraction
Table of Contents
– Getting her to implicitly trust you
– Ways to communicate high value
– How to get her addicted to you
– Igniting a woman’s “soulmate” fantasy
– Getting a woman to gladly do what you want
– How certainty influences perceived pre-selection
– Why women are turned off when you explain yourself
– The sign a woman is irrationally obsessed over you
– A quality that makes a woman do anything for a man
– The priority thing a woman really wants in a relationship
– Activating the female obsession DNA gene in a woman
– How to keep her obsessed over you for the long-term
– Get a woman to practically beg to give you blowjobs
– How to create obedience and compliance in a woman
– Become more attractive being in control of your emotions
– Powerful tools to drastically increase obsession in women
– How emotionally dishonest destroys obsession in a woman
– Activating a woman’s obsession by the way you communicate
– Getting a woman to tap into her unconscious thoughts and feelings
– Creating irresistible attraction from the very first time you meet a woman
– The 4 foundation characteristics of The Obsession Code man archetype
– A obsession quality that makes it hard for a woman to figure you out
– Shifting three principles in the female mind’s selection process to your favour
– Ways to use the principle of certainty/uncertainty to improve a relationship
– Using your tonality to activate intense unconscious attraction in a woman
– 7 unconscious questions that continuously go through a woman’s mind about you
– Why “fake till you make it” is not a good plan for creating attraction and obsession in women
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