Young Alpha Kings – Female Nature 101


If you understand Female Nature, attracting women is EFFORTLESS and being left heartbroken or frustrated is IMPOSSIBLE.
99% of men are:

Finessed for their money

Annoyed and fed up with women

Left heartbroken by the woman they ‘love’

Frustrated that they can’t attract any women

Struggle to grasp why women act the way they do

Is this you? Aren’t you tired of feeling like this?
“Getting mad at women for doing what they do, is like getting mad at a snake for biting you if you hold it.” – Patrice O’neal
Female Nature 101 is the Ultimate guide to eliminating frustration and attracting women with ease.
Within are 90 actionable laws that will help you IMMEDIATELY understand the true psychology of women.
For example, LAW 33: She doesn’t like you; she just loves the attention that you give her
You’re likely thinking, ‘Wait, for real?’.
This is the exact reason why women leave your text on read.
She pretends she likes you, so you give her attention.
Once she’s got your attention, she leaves you on read and goes to the next guy.
That’s the cold truth G.
And this is just 1 of 90 laws.
Inside you will learn:

LESSONS that your dad never taught you about women

Game that will allow you to attract women WITH EASE

How to TRANSFORM into a man that women desire

The ways to AVOID being used/finessed by women

How to NEVER end up in the friendzone

Once you have read the laws, everything that a woman does will make PERFECT sense.
Whilst the average man is left frustrated, you’re easily sweeping up women.
Apply these laws & women will:

Simp for you

Treat you like a king

Think about you 24/7

‘It’s too good to be true’. Nope.