Captain Jack – Sexual Framing System


This program is designed to show men how to unleash pent-up sexual desire in a woman and direct your way. This program about how to get sex with beautiful women, with ease.
Module 1: The ‘Society Conditioning Loophole’ that makes sexual framing effective.
Module 2: The Full Game Plan… How to unleash her pent-up sexual demand and aim it squarely at you.
Module 3: Standard date structure and why it ends up in sex 95% of the time. Plus case studies of successful seduction breakdowns.
Bonus products include:
– Conversational Blueprints ebook
– Sexual Framing System Workbook
Table of Topics:
– How to “flip the script” a woman chases you
– How to get more than just a woman’s phone number
– A method for getting a woman to answer your texts and calls
– The reasons not to worry about other men (except husbands)
– What to do if a woman has a boyfriend but still seems interested
– Constructing a story that gets a woman emotionally hooked on you
– How to say things that tap into the sexual parts of a woman’s mind
– A method for sexually escalating that makes sex seem to happen naturally
– How to get a woman to come to you, without going out on a proper date
– A method to get a woman constantly thinking about you in a sexual way
– How to make a woman feel comfortable about sex to bring out her wild side
SIZE: 95 MB (400 MB after unzipping)
Captain Jack – Sexual Framing System Contents: Videos, Pdfs