
Nayan Pokharkar Paid Course-Premium

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Nayan Pokharkar Paid Course


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ntra Day Trading Strategy ONLINE Course / Training

IntraDay Trading Strategy ONLINE Course / Training 

ONLINE Training, Highly Personalized i.e. One-To-One. Not in group.

Topic / Course Content :
1 .How to select instrument/script/stocks for intraday trading ?
2 .How to identify important psychological level from daily chart
3.What are the volume confirmation criteria?
4 .How to calculate Risk to Reward ratio ?
5. What is minimum Risk to Reward ratio required to execute trade ?
6. How to trail Stop loss?
7. Where to book complete  or partial profit ?
8. What type of money Management system we have to use ?
9. How to fix per trade risk ?
10. How to calculate lot size / number of share ?
11. When to stay away from market – How to know big news days ?
12. How to back test and forward test any trading strategy?
13. How to build trust / confidence on your trading strategy?

Component of Professional Intra Day Trading Strategy :
1.Criteria for Stock Selection : How to select Stock for IntraDay Trading ?
2.Entry Rule :
3.Exit Rule :
3.1 Stop Loss Exit :
3.2 Profit Exit :
A)Partial Profit Exit
B)Full profit Exit
C)Trailing Stop Exit
4.Money Management : How to calculate quantity or Lot size ?
5. Back testing : To know whether trading strategy is profitable or not before start of live trading ?
6. Forward Testing : To know whether trading strategy is Practical or not ? (During intraday whether we get sufficient time to place and execute order or not?)