The Foreclosure Fortune Hunt in March 2017 –


HAS THE CURRENT MARKET KEPT YOU LIVING IN FEAR?ARE YOU MAKING THE MONEY YOU WANT AND NEED TO BE MAKING?WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRULY LEARN HOW TO BECOME FINANCIALLY FREE IN THIS ECONOMY?WOULD YOU LOVE TO BRAG TO YOUR FRIENDS HOW YOU BECAME FINANCIALLY FREE WHILE OTHERS WENT BANKRUPT IN THE WORST ECONOMIC CRISIS OF OUR TIME?DO YOU WANT OUT OF THE RAT RACE?DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET OUT OF THE RAT RACE?WHAT IF WE COULD OFFER YOU THE ANSWER YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR?The Foreclosure Fortune Hunt!We have been doing these bus trips for almost 20 years! We have taken hundreds and hundreds of investors out to personally show them the TWO best options for today’s economy:REHABBING and LENDINGREHABBERS: We know many of you love the idea of buying, fixing, and flipping homes. Based on our current economy there has never been a better time!The people who were misplaced during the downturn have now been renting for years, they have had time for their credit to restore (to some level) and are now venturing back into the buying market.In the past they may have lived in a “Level 3-” neighborhood and can now afford a “Level 2+” area. This is where you come in – find houses in the right areas, fix them up, and sell them for a HUGE profit. (We will explain “Levels” on the bus trip.)LENDERS: Many of you have a ton of money and are making squat with CD’s and mutual funds. We have a great opportunity for you! Come on the bus trip, look at the houses we are rehabbing, and invest in the next one!We pay 15% interest and 5% of the profit!You’ll need at least $200,000 in cash to fund a deal. We try to find houses in the low $100’s, most need $50,000+ in rehab and we sell them for a $65,000 to $100,000 profit! It’s crazy what is happening in Colorado!Where else will you get that kind of return on your money?WE ARE THE FASTEST GROWING ECONOMY IN THE UNITED STATES!I GUESS LEGALIZING WEED WASN’T SUCH A BAD IDEA FOR THE COLORADO ECONOMY…LOL!In fact, several of the houses we are currently working on were seized by the government! We are finding KILLER deals!When you attend this bus trip we are going to spend the day looking at and analyzing properties. Hopefully, we can go into a few pot houses that were seized – people sure put a lot of work into growing this stuff!The NEXT Foreclosure Fortune Hunt is Coming in the Fall – SEPTEMBER!We will pick you up in Denver with the busWe will hand out paperwork for the day that you will use to analyze dealsWe will spend the day in the mountains looking at housesWe will teach you IN DETAIL how to analyze the numbersWe will show you IN DETAIL how to add square footage, where there seems to be none, for extra profitsWe will have a private lunch and a Q & A at a beautiful Waterfront restaurant in BaileyWe will teach you how to choose rehabs when you get homeFor those of you who are ready, you can pick a house you want to fundAnd much, much moreI have never seen anyone analyze deals the way we do. NO ONE uses the detail we use.You will literally be figuring the:BUY PRICESELL PRICEREHAB EXPENSESLENDER FEESCARRYING COSTSPROFITSWHERE OVERAGES OCCURPICKING NEIGHBORHOODSANALYZING WHY ONE AREA IS BETTER THAN ANOTHERWHEN TO FIX AND FLIP AND WHEN TO KEEPAND MUCH MOREWe will take you by at least one house that we are currently rehabbing and let you analyze our deal!YOU can tell us how we did and what you would do differently!This FORECLOSURE FORTUNE HUNT will change the way you see real estate, show you the amazing opportunities you are missing, and how you can find money to rehab if you don’t have any!WHAT I NEED FROM YOU:A simple $497 investment per seatA great attitudeI need you to wear warm comfortable clothing – it is the mountainsWear long pants as you will be sitting on floors as we analyze propertiesWear closed-toe shoes as we will be walking on mountain terrain – preferably bootsHave your goals lined upBe willing and open to instructionBring a calculator and writing utensilsWarm clothing (really people don’t realize that even in the summer we can get cold weather). It is May and it snowed today…lolDrink a TON of water three days before you arrive as we will be at 9,200 feetIf you are able, take an aspirin a day for three days before you come to thin-out your blood so that you can produce more red blood cells once you arrive so that no one gets altitude sickness – we will bring a GIANT cooler of waterRegister today as we only have 20 seats on the busRegister now as 20 seats won’t last long.Register today and receive 90 days of Mentoring with me personally!I’ll help you get your next deal closed!We Guarantee:A wonderful learning experienceA bus trip like you have never seenA place to invest your moneyWe will teach you how to do this where you live so you can duplicate the success we are having hereWe will show you how to get money for rehabs if you don’t have anyWe will show you how to write a detailed repair list which will help you in rehabbing as well as with your short sales – it’s why we get them so cheapWe will teach you what areas are fastest growing and why you need to buy rentals there100% education all dayNo sales-stuff – You are here to learn not to be sold a bill-of-goodsWe will open your eyes to possibilities you never knew existedAnd much, much moreTag: The Foreclosure Fortune Hunt in March 2017 – Review. The Foreclosure Fortune Hunt in March 2017 – download. The Foreclosure Fortune Hunt in March 2017 – discount.