Derek Lamont – Online Pickup Secrets


This course is available now – Download it nowSame author: Derek LamontAll will be sent via email after you sign up.Purchase Derek Lamont – Online Pickup Secrets courses at here with PRICE $47 $18Derek Lamont – Online Pickup Secrets Important Notice: You’re about to learn information that will revolutionize the way you attract the women you really want…I met my last two gorgeous, long-term girlfriends through Facebook!I even went through my “rockstar” phase and had sex with as many attractive women as I could… and succeeded like no tomorrow. Yeah, that’s right… I just sat at home with my laptop computer and effectively became the new Justin Timberlake. And I don’t look like him at all…So how the hell do I do it?What am I doing differently than all those wealthier, better-looking guys who spend hours upon hours trying to get dates… when I’ve been getting several dates a week with all these beautiful and intelligent women?They’re doing something VERY wrong… and it’s one of those two mistakes I’ll tell you about shortly!But Let Me Tell You First – I Wasn’t Always Successful With Beautiful Women…I think I lost count after the twelfth girl rejected me at my high school. Yeah. I was that bad. In fact, I was SO bad that I earned the nickname “Derek The ‘Loner’ Lamont.” Kids can be so brutal, huh?And yes… I even tried the club scene when I was “of age.” I figured that maybe drunk girls would have found me attractive…Wrong. Drunk women seemed to be even more repelled by me… and I thought that wasn’t even possible!“I can remember that one night after coming homefrom the bar as if it were yesterday…”It was my best friend’s birthday bash and we all decided to go downtown to the new night club. The new night club… in fact, it was Grand-Opening Night.It felt like the whole city was there.Everyone was mingling with everyone… but me, of course. I chose to sit in the corner and watch my friends dance away. I can never bring myself to yell over that loud music… it just takes too much effort.Then I saw her. Tiffany. The girl I had a crush on since third grade… the girl that I wrote poems for in grade six… the girl that I thought was just WAY OUT OF MY LEAGUE!Crap, I thought. Should I go talk to her? Maybe not… she’ll just shut me down like the other ninety-five girls.I downed a few more shots… “Liquid Courage” is what they call alcohol nowadays… so I figured some extra confidence wouldn’t hurt…My best friend came over to give me some moral support, thinking that I could actually pull off a successful “pickup” this time… obviously, he was drunk too.But then, in a split-second, spur-of-the-moment… I decided to go for it!I was shaking. I was sweating more than a chubby kid running an Olympic-sized marathon on a hot summer’s day…I Was More Nervous Than I HadEver Been In My Life!I walked up to her. I was literally just three feet away…“Hi… um… Tiffany?” I mumbled, quietly… “I was wondering if you maybe wanted to dance with me or something? It’s okay if you don’t want to…”She turned around and looked at me. She gave me the stare. The same stare the other ninety-five girls gave me when I asked them out…This was a BAD idea, I thought… and before I knew it…“She dumped her full glass of caramel appletini all overmy shirt and walked away…”I expected the whole club to erupt in laughter. I expected everyone to point at me. I expected everyone to ridicule me aloud.But that didn’t happen. No… it was worse. The club fell almost dead silent and everyone just looked at me with pity.I honestly would have felt better if they just laughed at me.I left the bar. I had to leave… I had to salvage what little dignity I had left. Wait… I take that back. I don’t think I ever had any dignity before that incident, anyways…I took the bus home, I sat in my room, took off my stinking, martini-soaked shirt… and I completely lost it.I Actually Began to Cry.I sobbed like a little girl for an hour! Twenty one years old, in my room alone, crying like a little baby.I thought to myself… “What the hell is wrong with me?”I decided the next week to go on some online dating sites to find a girl. I thought online dating was a BRILLIANT idea! I don’t even have to worry about approaching women… ever. And if they do reject me, I won’t even have to hear about it in real life. It’s a “win-win” situation.“However, after my first sixteen messageswere ignored, I completely gave up.”I almost threw my computer out the window.… until one day, it all changed.I met this guy at my work… and I’ll leave his name out of this one. Average-looking guy, maybe even a tad less attractive than I was.Yet almost every shift we were on, he would have stunning… and I mean drop-dead gorgeous women come in everyday wanting to see him. How did he do it? He showed me one day…I went over to his place and he casually walked me over to his little laptop computer at the corner of his room.“He held it up to me like it was some sort of golden trophyand showed me what was on it…”My jaw dropped. The guy literally had dozens and dozens of gorgeous women messaging him on Facebook, MySpace, and online dating websites.He told me after extensive, painstaking research online, he developed a solid, fool-proof system that easily allows any guy to create instant-attraction with any woman he chooses a liking to.I tried it out and it worked. I landed my first date in 2 days… and she was GORGEOUS. Not bad for a beginner, huh?Weeks turned into months…And finally, after literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours of testing profile pictures, profile content, methods of approaching women online… and after dozens and dozens of first dates… We finally developed the most effective system EVER for attracting women online.A few more months went by…And I got together with some of the most well-known and elite online attraction gurus known to man and created something truly amazing…But first… remember how I told you about those mistakes the “other guys” were making with women online?I’ll tell you two huge mistakes right now…They overlook the importance of their online profile. From what I’ve seen on the internet, especially recently, there is definitely no shortage of guys with online profiles that just spell “I’m a loser” or “I’m a creep” in big, huge, neon letters.They don’t bother optimizing their profile pictures and say the most boring or obscene things in their “interest” boxes. It really makes me want to punch somebody when I read stuff like this. No attractive girl is going to reply to anything that guy has to say… ever.They do the same thing every other guy is doing… the same BAD thing. They all approach women in the same, generic, and CREEPY way…. and they don’t even know it. I’ll show you some examples in a bit.Lucky that you’re here right now reading this…Do You Remember The Last TimeYou Went to a Night Club?Yeah, I know what you’re thinking… cheap booze, boring “fake” people… not to mention the predictable music selection…However, at these bars, there are always the one or two really hot girls. And to no surpise, ALL the guys are trying to talk to them…Those girls might be enjoying the attention – after all, girls will be girls, right?But it’s easy to see that this can get pretty annoying for them because all of those guys are the SAME… and those guys are using the same tired and useless approach over and over…Now let’s take this analogy and apply it to online attraction…I want you to guess what it’s like being an attractive, young, and sexy girl with a well-written profile on an online dating site or social-networking site.You guessed correct – it’s TEN TIMES WORSE!A ton of gorgeous, young women on some popular dating websites get anywhere from fifty to A HUNDRED messages A DAY!What’s really disgusting is how many messages these women will accumulate in a week… a month… or even a year!JUST TOO MANY!dream dinner date you indexed to your profile…”“You’re warm! I’m the nicest man you will ever meet in case you provide me the chance. I promise! Message me back, please!”“Hey! Nice profile. Check mine out! If you notice something you like… message me back.”Don’t accept as true with me? Well, I ran a bit test myself to show it. I were given certainly considered one of my freshest girlfriends to make a profile and instructed her to ship me all of the messages she were given.You might be FLOORED at a number of the horrid and tacky introductions she were given.Don’t do what those men are doing.Attractive ladies are continuously attacked with the aid of using messages that scream, “I’m a low quality, low shallowness person so as to do all in my strength to thrill you. Please stroll throughout me.”… or…“I’m so insecure that I ought to act like I’m cocky and boastful to cowl up my shortcomings.”You recognize what is worse? Guys who TRY and be authentic and humorous however fail miserably. If you do run that little test I instructed you about, you will see that lots of the so-called “authentic and humorous” messages are not simply authentic and humorous AT ALL.Usually, they may be the precise opposite… neither authentic nor humorous. Trust me in this one!It’s too awful for them that they may be now no longer studying the statistics you are studying proper now!Let Me Present To You…A few of the top and elite online attraction gurus and I have put the finishing touches on a new and revolutionary program that teaches any guy how to attract and meet beautiful, quality women on dating sites, social-networking sites, instant messengers, on the phone, and more! You name it!Whether you want unlimited sex or a relationship with the perfect girl, this is the magic that will make it ALL happen.And it’s SO easy. You can effectively get a date RIGHT now with almost zero effort on your part… I mean it! You will be able to attract the women you want MUCH EASIER than in real life.The only work that is involved is the development of the system itself… which you won’t have to worry about. We’ve done all the hard work for you!Developing this system by yourself would take literally years upon years of rigorous trial and error… assuming you even figure out how to do it!And yes, I have read ALL of those online dating books and used ALL the other online attraction programs… and so has my team.We’ve combined EVERY SINGLE online attractionstrategy that DOES work and eliminated all thestrategies that DON’T work.And that’s only the beginning… it only gets BETTER from there…This system starts out with the #1 online attraction guide on the internet (as rated by ClickBank!)…Here are just a few things you’ll learn in my book…The most definitive system on how to attract beautiful, QUALITY women – you won’t have to “settle” for anything less ever again.You get instant download access to everything you need to start attracting beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, high-quality women right now…It All Starts With The #1, Most Explosive Online Attraction E-Book of 2008. Period.The Online Game. I mentioned this earlier… and I’ll mention it again. This is your definitive online attraction bible. No questions asked.This 224-page e-book is your complete guide on everything you need to know about online attraction. It is written in an easy to follow, step-by-step format.I cut through the ALL the nonsense and delivers the most effective model for picking up, attracting, seducing, and meeting beautiful women through the internet.Is it profile content tips you’re looking for? Messaging strategies? Instant-messaging conversation pointers? Phone conversation techniques? How to interact with your date during the first meet?It’s ALL here from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.…and so much more!… And The “Quick And Easy Tips” Audio Course.The Quick And Easy Audio Course. Yes, this is the one you’ve probably heard about. I personally cover the most vital tips for profile content optimization, profile picture optimization, messaging women, and much more…Sometimes you don’t have time to just read the book…I understand that! That’s why I made this concise audio course to give you some of the most key techniques that I like to use! Click play to hear a high-quality sample!I have three full audio sessions jam-packed with the most powerful and effective tips that will help you meet the women you want to meet. What if I Included A PERSONAL COACH?What if I gave you full personal e-mail support for 3 months? That’s right. I’m throwing this in for a limited time only!If you’re looking for online attraction advice, just e-mail me at my special e-mail address that I’ll give you. I will personally respond to you in 48 hours or less.Need help composing your profile content? Need advice on what photographs you should use? I’m literally just one message away!And maybe you want to ask me anything about relationships and women! Do you suffer from approach anxiety? Do you not know what to say around the women you REALLY like? Just send me your question.I’ve been through all the pain and suffering and I’ve learned my mistakes VERY well, so I’m here to help you! You won’t ever have to make the wrong moves again with women…You Think I’m Done? I’m Not…“How’s That For A Complete Package? This program has been in the making for over a year… and it already has been labelled the best online attraction system ever by COUNTLESS top pick up artists and relationship experts.You get the best-selling E-book and twoother amazing modules.If I stopped right here, you’d alreadybe getting the best of the best.However, I’m Not Done. Not Even Close.I’ve Been Known As The Guy Who‘Gives Way Too Much’…That’s Why I’m Going To Make This Program ‘The COMPLETE Package’… And Add These Incredible Bonuses… FOR FREE!”#1: 101 Romantic Ideas101 Romantic Ideas… by Michael Webb. Yes, he is the same Michael Webb that has appeared on Oprah, NBC News, CBS, The Chicago Tribune… and more. Clearly, he is one of the top relationship experts.I talked to Michael and told him about my revolutionary online attraction system and he absolutely LOVED it. He wanted to help me in any way he could. So I asked him if I could include his 101 Romantic Ideas report and he graciously, and thankfully, said “YES!”In it you’ll find some of the most creative romantic ideas that will keep those girls coming back for more!And for those of you who are looking to attract women for more “noble” reasons, you will find this report VERY helpful!How’s that for a “bonus” item?#2: Three Keys To Seducing Any WomanGet Derek Lamont – Online Pickup Secrets full course for 18 USD. Sign up now to receive your own special offers!For further information, Online Pickup Secrets course, Online Pickup Secrets video, Online Pickup Secrets book, Derek Lamont course reviewPurchase Derek Lamont – Online Pickup Secrets courses at here with PRICE $47 $18Reviews There are no reviews yet.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.