Bill Walsh and Lem Moore – The Next Trillion Dollar Industry Course


Bill Walsh and Lem Moore – The Next Trillion Dollar Industry CourseCup of Joe Saturday training’s video: Watch the beginning of this. They go over Next Trillion Dollar Industry a bit. Then they move on to go over other things.EMAILS:EMAIL 1:I knew when i was going to attend a certain Event in 2013( Break out and Marketing Mayhem) that it was going tomake a huge impact in my life!One thing that i knew was missing was a business Partner who shared my same vision that i had,which i knew, once i found that right match, then nothing could not stop me from doing anythingin this world!So then there was Bill Walsh! ha ha .My brother from another Mother!When i was picked for a certain project from the Top leaders in the IM industry, ilearned and took loads of notes from these guys and knew that the Information that they gave me wouldspread like wild fire if i took action!Well action was taken and I shared it will my awesome Business partner Bill Walsh, whotook it to the next level! Once we masterminded about this whole secret niche thatno one is talking about, which is the next Trillion Dollar industry, he knew that weneeded ti start making money from it Asap!So we did!Now you have the chance to start doing something that most marketers won’tdare share with you!If you want to capitalize on the next big thing, then you should grab this deal now!I know most of you are so wrap up into all the Smoke and Mirrors of the Web,but Bill and I made a promise to always give our group something better than the norm!So, if you have not joined the Next Trillion Dollar Program, then you shouldconsider doing so now!EMAIL 2:As you may know Bill and I are not the best when it comes to selling you on something, so of course, we just tell you how it is and let you decide.So what’s the title about then Bill and Lemster?Well like I said yesterday we had this idea andIt quickly turned into more than an idea.Bill and I developed about 85 pages of content and startedfiguring out how to explain it in videos.It was really good content laid out to show you exactly what to do and howto market it to the right people!Forbes said this industry is the next trillion dollar boom and you need toget in the marketing now while others are chasing their tales and jumpingthrough hoops.We where totally stoked when we found those shocking stats!So what was we to do next?Now we just needed to find a partner to help us share it with the world.Soon we found that to be a very big problem. We didn’t know awhole lot of people and we needed to find the right partner to help usget this secret information out. So we didwhat anyone else would do, which is start looking.We started making connections, but the right partner wasn’tappearing so we decided we would wait tillwe had the right partner established or the right group.Now that we have this amazing group of people, (You guys) we no longer haveto wait keep this on the back burner!What we have, we can now share some amazing ideas with you that no one is truly capitalizing on to this day!We are super excited to share this with you this week after turkey day.Be on the look out for more information to come!Get Bill Walsh and Lem Moore – The Next Trillion Dollar Industry Course download