Richard Nongard – Hypnosis with Alcohol and Drug Addiction


Deliver Digital Download link to your email after successful paymentFormat: [WebRip – 10 MP4]File Size: 7.224 GBPurchase Richard Nongard – Hypnosis with Alcohol and Drug Addiction courses at here with PRICE $97 $28Create a niche helping people overcome addiction toAlcohol & Drugs of Abuse** The Step-By-Step Approach and Resources I Use with Clients **  This is far more than a training course. Substance abuse intervention is a highly open market that is seeking hypnosis, and something I am an expert in. I started my career as a substance abuse counselor and have been using hypnosis with addicts for 30+ years. I want to share with you how to help support those who are recovered to live their best life. The course contents are based on the research in addiction, my real-life client successes, and 31 years of personal sobriety.A life-changing opportunity for you!  Treatment centers nationwide will hire hypnotists to facilitate patient groups, teach self-hypnosis and even provide one-on-one hypnosis sessions. But they will only work with hypnotists trained in a multi-disciplinary approach, and hypnotists with a depth of knowledge about substance abuse and recovery. Do you want that knowledge and the documentation to prove your training?Are you creating hypnosis programs for this niche? If not, you are missing out on individual clients in your office, Skype clients online and helping people overcome addictions. We all know hypnosis works for nicotine addiction, so apply your skill sets to a broader market and specialize in helping people live their best life in recovery from addition to drugs and alcohol.