Consulting For Equity Masterclass By Roland Frasier


Sale page, Archive, Total size: 89 GBYou’ll know:1. Exactly how to set up an environment for people to run to you, reach out to hire you, ask you for advice…because of my simple 3 sentence framework.2. How to Clearly Identify the DREAM Consulting Client that you can help…AND that has exponential future wealth equity for you.3. How to Get Them to Beg You…Without Trial And Error. I’ve had 30 years of trial and error to figure out the best way to Pre-Frame and make it easy for them to ask, but as a CFE™ Accelerator member, you can skip the line and get my exact methods…with ZERO guesswork.A 20 Year Wealth Shortcut Process…Is Now Yours!Do this once, you’ll find that you start using the CFE™ process all the time…and choosing the best dealsYou’ll receive:The 1 Page “Paint The Picture” Zero-Resistance Pre-Sell Sheet to send any potential client or lead that wants to hire you…and watch as they wire you money……WITHOUT EVER GETTING ON THE PHONE.By doing this…you get paid a FEE 2X-5X what you are currently charging……and opens the doorways to one dream equity deal after another……with happy clients who follow YOUR rules!After the flow increases and the pre-sell/pre-frame is in place, you’ll have clients filling in your calendar with Big Pay Days leading us to possibly THE most important step in the CFE™ process.Delivering a World-Class consultation experience that has them begging you to “TAKE” equity in their business for more of your Investment of Continued Intellectual Capital (i.e. Wisdom).CFE™ Pillar #3: World-Class CFE™ Level 10 Experience™ Creating Exponential Value Before, During, and After You Become An Equity Partner!This is where the real magic lies for becoming wealthy through consulting.Each situation can be slightly different…and trying to figure it out on your own can make things worse both to your reputation, your income, and sadly to your mindset and self-confidence as a thought leader, consultant, and CFE™ practitioner.Which, is why we created 6 Done-For-You CFE™ Level 10 Experience Frameworks you can use and follow depending on what your clients need.6 Complete Done-For-You“Level 10 Experience Consult Kits” For:1) Grow Your Sales Consult Day – Walk them through how to Flood their business with sales with our 27 lead flow frame-work and best conversion strategies we’ve mastered across our 8 and 9 figure businesses.2) Grow Your Profits Consult Day – One of the biggest blind-spots in many businesses is identifying their sales vs. profit activities. When you point out where the most profitable and unprofitable customers, markets, products, operational inefficiencies and/or opportunities lie, you’ll have the keys to the kingdom. They’ll appreciate your insight and want you to stay on for continued guidance.3) Total Marketing Makeover Consult – After showing a client where the biggest profit opportunities are at; you’ll want to be able to show them how to position, change, modify, or completely re-do their marketing. I’ll give you my simple 3X3 method…that simplifies doing this on the spot…and appearing like a magician.CFE™ PILLAR #4: Identify The Best Client Equity Deals and 10-20 Year Wealth Short-Cut Opportunities!Once we help you 4X-10X your Clients for Equity demand and equip you with the 6 Level 10 CFE™ Experience Kits, your biggest challenge is going to be to sift and sort out your deals.Taking “bad” equity from the wrong business can suck up money, time, bandwidth, energy, and destroy your own personal morale on this 10 Year Wealth Short-Cut.Screw this up….and nothing else you do matters.The reason we call it “10-20 Year Wealth Shortcut” is that we are REPLACING 10-20 years of plunging your hard-earned money into the stock market or other slow growth methods……and in 1 fell swoop acquiring the “assets” of a business through YOUR INTELLECTUAL Capital, Experience, and Specialized knowledge.When you start mastering the CFE™ method, this will become easy, but early on you’ll be tempted to jump early and often on the wrong deals.It’s human nature.Now, the good news is: If you follow the CFE™ process, I bet that RIGHT NOW, in your current client base or circle of influence…..there is a 6 figure recurring deal waiting for you.I will help you identify it.Position yourself so it is drawn TO YOU…If this part scares you…don’t worry about it…we have you covered.You’ll receive my $25,000 ½ Day Checklist that opens up doorways for clients…You’ll notice as your immediate cash flow increases by 2X-5X simply by turning “gotta minutes” or “can I pick your brain?” into$7,500,$12,500, and…$25,000 paydays.Then watch those clients beg you to be a partner in their business…giving you equity… rapidly increasing your Net Worth.….Getting you off the “transactional highway” of life…which we all know can get detoured at any moment…