The Titans of Direct Response – Brian Kurtz


Two days’ worth of the most powerful, profitable direct marketing principles, strategies, and immediately useful tactics — this will change your business and your life…Get the recordings NOW from what Dan Kennedy called “THE Event of the Decade”…The Titans of Direct ResponseThis Is Your Chance To Be A “Fly on the Wall” For This Historic Event – Today’s greatest direct marketing entrepreneurs and copywriting legends came together for the FIRST and LAST time to reveal their most powerful business-building secrets…Now you can enjoy every presentation from the comfort of your home or office – with original bonus materials totalingover 1,000 printed pages PLUS more than 8 hours of audio content, all pure direct marketing gold!The Most Powerful Direct Response Principles, Strategies, And Up-To-The-Minute Tactics YOU Can Use Immediately To Sell More, Profit More, and Build a Titan-Level Direct Response Business… (These Lessons Apply in Any Media, in Any Market…)From the desk of Brian KurtzDear Business Builder,In my 34 years in direct response — as an avid learner and seminar-goer — I’ve never before seen a lineup like you see above. And I don’t really expect to see another like it again.But it’s not so much the WHO that matters. Rather, it’s WHAT was covered that could completely transform your career, your business, your life…For any serious, sophisticated direct marketer or business owner, you know as much as I do: we live and die by results.If You Want To Succeed In Direct Marketing, You Have To Do More of What Works, And Less Of What Doesn’t…It’s simple enough, but it’s profound… Sure, we can test. And any direct response marketer worth their salt is an avid tester. No matter what business we’re in, or what media we use.But entire tests can be won by knowing in advance, “Do this, not that.”If you’re a business owner, knowing what works leads to substantially less marketing waste, and bigger winners with your hits… With that, a business that runs better, gives you more income, and leaves you with more free time to enjoy your good fortune in whatever way you please…If you’re a marketer, this means more wins on your scorecard… Leading you to faster promotions, bigger opportunities, and the ability to write your own ticket…And if you’re a copywriter, bigger winners are your keys to the kingdom… Leading to fat royalty checks, your choice of A-list direct marketing clientele, and a reputation as a “god” of direct marketing…In fact, it’s not a stretch to say…Each of These Titans of Direct Response Has Made Their Career AND Personal Fortune By Creating Winning Campaigns…And it’s not really an accident…As a matter of habit, these Titans have all become avid lifetime students of the world’s best direct marketing. Always looking at the best-of-the-best and thinking…“What has this incredible marketer done that I could use in my next campaign?”And…“What haven’t they done that I could use to do even better?”Through the years, this study has led to each and every one of these Titans having such a storehouse incredible marketing wisdom that they could go into almost any business, in any industry, and immediately create profitable marketing campaigns that would boost profits by substantial volumes.And consistently, each of these Titans will tell you something else…They’re Not Self-Made… They ALL Stand on the Shoulders of Giants!Every Titan — from Dan Kennedy to Gary Bencivenga to Greg Renker to Jay Abraham, and all the others (me too!)— learned from others.They each discovered tremendous amounts of “do this, not that” wisdom by sitting at the feet of their own teachers, soaking up every bit of marketing wisdom that was offered.And while each would go on to apply it in their own unique way, it was only because they were building on what came before that they were able to ascend to such great heights…Today, A NEW Generation of Titans Is Being Born…I was blown away at The Titans of Direct Response event…Before the event, I’d been accused of simply stoking the embers of an “old boys club.” Some suggested Titans was the last hurrah of an aging generation of direct mail experts. (Never mind the fact that the Titans collectively are responsible — TODAY — for well over $1 billion per year in revenue in nearly every media you can imagine.)It was clear from who was in attendance that this was anything but. YES, there were many of my old “direct mail” friends — including many who are running online operations in the tens of millions of dollars, some $100 million or more.But there was also many younger marketers, recognizing that the timeless principles and strategies of world-class direct response marketing can be adapted to apply to ANY media.The youngest marketer in attendance, less than 20 years old. Many, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.A good balance of women and men. Countries represented from every corner of the globe.All, coming together, in one room…Recognizing that by learning from the Titans of today, discovering the “do this, not that” truths of direct marketing…You, Too, Can Become a Titan — And Enjoy the Success and Fortune That Comes With It…It was only under a very special set of circumstances that I was able to bring these Titans together for the first and last time, at a single event…And it’s unlikely to happen again — at least until the NEXT generation of direct response Titans…But even if you weren’t in attendance, you haven’t missed out completely…Because the Titan-level direct response marketing and business-building wisdom that was shared was recorded, edited, and packaged together in an exclusive 12-DVD set.I challenged them to bring their best-of-the-best— befitting this once-in-a-lifetime event…Much of what was shared from the stage at The Titans of Direct Response had never been revealed before… And hasn’t been revealed since!And now YOU are going to have the opportunity to enjoy, take in, and profit from each of the Titans’ presentations — from the comfort of your home or office…Now YOU Can Stand On The Shoulders of These Giants…Taking full advantage of all the “do this, not that” direct response strategies, principles, and tactics they shared…And yet… I won’t even ask you to wait for the DVDs to start profiting from the most powerful lessons shared on stage at The Titans of Direct Response.Just by reading this letter, you’ll discover…Dan Kennedy’s single-biggest buying trigger he hides in ALL copy he writes to boost response and profits…How A-List copywriters “tinker” with clients’ products to create irresistible copy hooks and multiply response….The most powerful mental “hack” Gary Bencivenga has discovered in 40 years of research — can be used to be more productive, write better copy, and achieve your biggest goals…And more, all revealed below…Read On, And You’ll Get These Direct Marketing Secrets to Creating Bigger Winners, More Often…Of course, those of you who are serious students of the craft may recognize this lesson. If you’ll allow me to be a little transparent here…Gary Bencivenga, one of the most successful copywriters ever, is well known for packing his sales copy with useful information. For many years, it was his secret “control-beating” weapon. (Now it’s pretty much a bare minimum requirement for getting a control.) Gary would pack his magalogs, bookalogs, and other promotions full of valuable little tidbits, lessons, and flat-out giveaways that made you want to keep reading. All the way through the sales process, he’d keep delivering value!I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself here, because I’m not ready to introduce Gary’s presentation yet. And I certainly don’t claim to write copy like Gary — he’s one of a kind!But I’m going to do my best to be a good student of Gary, and share at least one big takeaway from each Titan here in my letter about the DVDs.And I’ll start with my kick-off presentation setting the stage for “The Event of The Decade,” with a lesson on.. Get The Titans of Direct Response – Brian Kurtz, Only Price $57How to Achieve Titan-Level Success!I’ve spent 34 years in this business, helping build one of the world’s top direct response publishers to $150 million in annual revenue.I’ve seen too many marketers come and go — careers, profits, and businesses flare up and fizzle out (sometimes ending in deep financial despair).And I’ve seen a few who’ve endured as long as my career. Folks who used direct marketing to not only build their personal fortunes, but do amazing things. Connect with, meet, and work alongside some of the world’s most brilliant and influential people. To invent and create a life of abundance for themselves far beyond most folks’ wildest hopes and dreams.Personally, I’ve dined with world leaders, industry transformers, Nobel Prize winners, and yes, the greats of direct response marketing. I hesitate to list them because I will just as surely offend those omitted as honor those I include.I’ve become a leader in our field. And connected with many of the greats — not just as colleagues, but as personal friends.And when I decided I wanted to do the impossible — bring all these greats together under one roof, one time only, to share their secrets…I managed to get all these Titans to say yes!(Including folks who have turned down “blank check” speaking offers.)This wasn’t an accident.For the last 34 years, I’ve lived my life and built my career on the premise that it’s better to give than to get. That it’s better to be generous in business and life than to always come out on top.Has it ever come back to bite me? Sure. But by giving 100% and expecting nothing in return, I’ve been able to get pretty much everything I ever wanted from life, and a whole lot more.This isn’t just “self-help” — it’s a marketing principle to apply in offers, a business principle for negotiations, a life principle to be used every day.Throughout my opening address at Titans, I shared real-life stories of how to apply this lesson in your life and business.)But that’s just the beginning, because in my presentation you’ll also discover…Why helping your competitors get rich may be the single-best way to succeed in business…The “one-pitch” method… Mariano Rivera — the best closer in baseball — reveals unexpected lessons for business…Dead, bloody moose on the conference room table reveals: How to make any meeting more productive…Demonstration: Fast, easy way to overcome objections works in almost any selling situation…The “experience” secret — why some people spin their wheels for their entire career… And how YOU can set yourself on the certain path to becoming a Titan (of ANYTHING!)…How to get everything you want by giving away all your best… (In helping competitors, to clients, to the public, in marketing… everywhere!)The “Vince Lombardi” secret you can use to be a better boss, now — and make your team play like Super Bowl champions…Football parable reveals the master key to becoming an untouchable champion… How Jerry Rice embarrassed my friend, former NFL safety Bo Eason, at 49ers training camp (and every other player on the field) — plus the one sentence “excuse” Rice gave for his behavior that revealed how he became “the best player in the history of football”…Bust this popular “happiness” myth and you’ll be more content with your life than everyone you know… (A lesson from a Unitarian minister — first revealed in a 1932 book on EducationHow to make friends with Nobel Prize winners (and other amazing people)…THINNK — “There is no no” — achieving impossible goals is suddenly possible using this simple saying (the right way)…Sherlock Holmes most valuable quality (NOT exceptional intelligence) that you can steal — NOW — catapults you to copywriting, marketing, and total business success…A simple formula: Dream + Optimism + Measurement = Direct Marketing Success… (Don’t overlook this because it’s “fluffy” — discover how it was applied to generate OVER $300,000 PER DAY in direct response revenue!)How to generate unlimited POWERFUL, PROFITABLE ideas…The simplest way to get the essence of every important book you’d love to read (but don’t have the time to) in minutes instead of hours…Tiny, pointless things that make all the difference for making millions in direct response…How to use the secrets of “Consequential Thinking” to boost response to your next direct mail effort (or your next PLF product launch, or VSL, or infomercial, or…)The secret to eliminating objections (before they occur)…“Logic Lines” — this simple test determines if your copy is dead in the water (if you can ask one simple question, you can stop failing copy before it mails — also works for other ideas in business)…Attract success by being “dumb” — or, how to use people smarter than you to build your business…Why many of the smartest YOUNG direct marketers in the world came from as far away as Dubai, Thailand, and Australia for Titans — and what that says about the direct mail dinosaurs who took the stage…A simple formula for surrounding yourself with the smartest, most successful, most amazing people you could ever hope to (or not even hope to) know…Why Mentors Matter — can you become a Titan at anything without standing on the shoulders of other Titans? Maybe… But I wouldn’t risk it! (Here’s what kind of mentor you should be paying the most attention to…)The Rear Admiral whose life was saved by telling him to get a colonoscopy — NOT a joke — the lesson in this story was the secret to gaining over 4 million HAPPY customers…Are you a “life-saver”? This greater mission approach to business attracts success, fast…Stupid little things that save lives (and how these can be used to make the world’s best copywriters — or anyone else — fall in love with you)…Try this if you’re having trouble getting clients, customers, contacts, or friends to respond to your emails — works especially well for PROSPECTS…“Life is long” — a handful of lessons from these three simple words (for business success AND a happy life)…And yet, of course this was just the first presentation of a two-day conference…Up next…Dan Kennedy Reveals The (Secret) SUPER-Psychology Of Direct Response…Dan’s spoken to marketers of every level of sophistication. From folks who’ve never heard the term “direct response” all the way up to, well, the Titans audience.Dan himself was blown away by the high-level, sophisticated direct response marketers who came together for this event. And he knew he had to deliver some of the most advanced concepts and hidden secrets that have gone into his most successful ($50-million-plus) copy and marketing campaigns…It will all start with an exclusive SAMPLE BOOK of Dan’s work, created only for this presentation, and this audience. This has only ever been shared with Titans attendees — but I’ve also arranged for YOU to get a copy with the DVDs. This book includes ads, sales letters, VSL scripts, and more — each worth between $1 million and $50 million to the clients…This sample book is a companion toDan’s first-ever (and likely last) presentation on what he calls The (Secret) SUPER-Psychology of Direct Response.With over 40 years in the business himself, Dan’s been around this racetrack a few times. And yet, he’s still innovating and coming up with new insights and new perspectives on how to create bigger, more profitable promotions each time out of the gates.My Biggest Takeaway from Dan: Instantly Increase the Selling Power of Your Copy With “Dark Arts” Persuasion…One of the most fundamental premises of Dan’s presentation was on a clear distinction between weak copy and copy that can generate millions of dollars in sales.In short, beginning copywriters — and copywriters who never progress — get stuck in “by the rules” copy that superficially follows all the recommendations from folks like Caples, Schwab, and others.And yet this “beginner” approach can completely miss the mark if it doesn’t touch on the dark, suppressed, often hidden emotional factors that make people buy (or not).For example, one of Dan’s favorite ways to increase sales is to tap into our almost universal desire to escape, to find greener pastures, to be somewhere or someone else.He explained how in selling to business owners, he sells business reinvention over improvement. While ultimately he may deliver a way for the business owner to increase profits, they’re far less interested in that than, for example, having a business that runs itself and allows them to take vacations without checking in nine times a day on what’s going on back in the shop.And escape was just one of the 7 “Dark Arts” desires Dan covered. His presentation was packed full of these examples — referencingspecific “swipe file” copy examples in the sample book you’ll get with the DVDs.I’ve taken a ton of notes on some of the other items Dan covered, and as you watch the DVDs you’ll want to be on the lookout for these…Howard Stern’s offensive opening comment at Joan Rivers’ memorial service (Dan was there) — and how to use its lesson to get instant attention for your selling message…Why Dan doesn’t think so much about “writing copy” — what he thinks about instead when clients pay him upwards of $100,000 to write a sales letter…The “Auto Mechanic” trap that keeps most copywriters — hired gun or writing for your own business — from ever getting any good at writing copy (this also applies to marketers)…5 “default” marketing approaches that shout HACK and ROOKIE from a mile away — they may work okay for newbies, but rely on them too much and you’ll put a glass ceiling on your success…Fill in the blanks, become a master salesperson in print: “The dominant thing that affects successful influence is ‘Have we tapped into the _________ of the _________ we’re attempting to persuade?’”4 Guiding Principles for tapping into The (Secret) SUPER-Psychology of Direct Response…How customers and prospects NORMALLY act — what you do about this can kill the sale instantly, or spur massive buying action…Muggers and copywriters get the same reaction from prospects — how you handle it (or don’t) could double or triple response…The ONLY 2 kinds of sales copy that exist…How to decide whether or not you should MANIPULATE prospects in your advertising — a simple test…If Dan Kennedy had to wager his house on an ad’s performance, here’s what he’d put into it…The “boxes” approach for what every SUCCESSFUL direct response ad must contain…Yin-yang wisdom in copywriting — the only way to use dark emotions in your copy to actually drive response (instead of leaving your reader in a whimpering pile on their kitchen floor)…Pornos, condoms, and empty whiskey bottles — would you go this far to sell? (True story!)Dirty politics — the obvious copywriting lesson ignored by most (gets instant reader buy-in!)…Real life example: The hidden buying motivations behind Disney World’s “Private Guide” service… Luxury is the weakest appeal, and NOT the secret to this $2,400 per day Disney upsell…SEX at Disney World?! YES! How Disney taps the lizard brain (without the kids noticing), and how you can apply this principle…The “Mink Coat” test to understand what your prospects really want…Write this down: “One of the goals of great copy is to AGITATE…” But just wait until you hear Dan reveal HOW to do it!Why selling improvement NEVER works as well as hoped — the “Farmer Sam” story reveals secret desire of everyone who ever hoped for a little change (and how to use it in copy)…Specific, swipe-ready “stealth” examples of negative emotion in copy — how to trigger powerful negative emotions WITHOUT getting caught by leery, skeptical prospects…“The male version of the padded bra” —- an ad that’s worked since the Civil War, and why it works so well…If your copy lacks feeling, here’s where you’re failing — simple “do this, not that” could turn rookie copy pro, practically overnight…How to sell a product nobody wants, and won’t admit they need (even more powerful if your product holds some inherent appeal)…If you have salespeople (who can’t sell, or who sell inconsistently), do this to maximize their closing ratio…Secrets A-list copywriters don’t want you to know (ESPECIALLY if you’re a rookie writer going head-to-head with them to “beat the control”)…Why “normal and customary behavior” is your greatest enemy — specific examples for beating it in every piece of copy you send out…Dan’s favorite negative emotion — “Do you leave your pet at home alone all day in a quiet, empty, unstimulating, depressingly lonely house?” The most common answer to this question reveals a HUGE marketing lesson (and sells truckloads of robot cat toys!)…“Behind the scenes” tour of Dan Kennedy’s headline writing process, applied to Proactiv (reveals how to instantly access powerful buying emotions)…How to trigger biochemical reactions in your prospect’s brain — this stimulates reactionary buying behavior…“My kids hate me because I spend too much time at work!” Simple copy strategy transmutes guilt into profits…“Man or Mouse” copy secret makes your reader practically argue with you to ALLOW THEM to GIVE YOU MONEY!How to use your prospect’s worst enemy to get them to buy from you (this sneaky positioning strategy works again and again and again)…A template approach to bypass the universal objection of “Yeah, but will it work for ME?”A RENEGADE approach to instantly tell your reader (without telling them) “You and me are on the same side…”Stupid things people do because of greed — how to use the same motivation to get them to do things that are good for them (like buying your product)…If you think your prospect is “too sophisticated for that,” think again… (PROOF!)Case Study: How to sell $50 million worth of Iowa Real Estate to a Silicon Valley tech mogul — by mail, with cheap, schlocky, ugly advertising…Convert non-interested non-prospects into rabid buyers with a “progressive sequence of agreement” — simple, repeatable method revealed…A rare, intimate — dare I say, “soft” — moment from Dan Kennedy…After Dan, the one panel I wanted to make sure was featured at Titans — a group very important to me personally…“Mount Rushmore of Titan Copywriters” Reveals the Proven Secrets to Creating$1 Billion in Sales with Direct Mail!Together, these writers have been responsible for a conservatively-estimated 628 million “control” pieces of profitable direct mail since 1995 (and more before that!)… These are the top current copywriters I’ve worked directly with, and among the very best A-list copywriters living today.On the DVDs, you’ll get to sit down with us as I grill these writers on how A-list copywriters think and work and beat each other’s controls (and what you need to do if you want to knock them off the “control” throne). You’ll discover their secrets to “sales multiplied” ad copy that mails profitably to millions, even tens of millions of households…And here’s a fascinating fact: between everyone on stage, this panel represents WELL OVER $1 BILLION in sales generated through direct mail (one $39 product at a time)!Every time I sit down and talk with one of these writers, or watch them break down something they’ve written, or critique someone else’s work, I get a deeper understanding into what makes buyers tick…And how to generate maximum response with your sales copy!And so I pulled that out through dialog with them, there on stage at Titans. We dissected their thinking. Showing YOU how to immediately apply it to revamp and re-energize your current promotions, plus amplify the selling power of everything you write in the future.(Or use it to simply recognize good copy from the writers you hire, and provide feedback that will make it great! There was much talk not only about how to BE a great copywriter, but also how to HIRE and work with great copywriters.)HUGE Takeaway from This “Mount Rushmore” Group of A-List Copywriters…These copywriters are research fiends. They know that ONE good piece of research they can share with a reader can be the difference between getting twice the response of the current control, or half it.And so frequently, in the course of research, they’d find something that wasn’t in the editorial. Maybe it’d been cut in their client’s editing process. Maybe it was something the editors just hadn’t found yet. The critical point is that they found it OUTSIDE the product itself.But because this little proof point was so incredibly powerful, they’d grab the phone and call our editors, and almost shout into the phone, “YOU HAVE TO LET ME INCLUDE THIS IN THE COPY!”And so — through product edits, bonus reports, or some other delivery mechanism — the editors and copywriters would find a way to deliver this delicious, juicy, response-getting tidbit…By knowing what people will respond to — and finding a way to get it included in the offer — these copywriters give themselves a HUGE advantage over the copywriters that won’t take these drastic measures.Parris Lampropoulos refers to this as, “Don’t leave your best material on the cutting room floor.” He’s well known for getting controls around this concept.Gene Schwartz was ALSO known for this — in fact, he’d write an ad first, based on all the juiciest material he could dig up, then put together the editorial to suit. (The similarity is NOT an accident.)This is just one of the incredible lessons you’ll pick up from listening to the “Mount Rushmore” panel. Others include…Response-getting secrets of the most successful copywriter you’ve never heard of…Why finding a client or friend who disagrees with everything you do will make you a better copywriter…Really simple “perspective trick” from top copywriter reveals exactly what voice to use in your next promotion to get an instant emotional connection…If you want to make $1 million or more next year as a copywriter, quit calling yourself a copywriter — here’s what to call yourself instead…On the irrelevance of media — how a direct mail only copywriter used the exact same skills and techniques to generate over $200 million in sales with TV infomercials, direct mail, and internet advertising…How to say anything you want or anything you think will sell in advertising… (Of course, you can’t break the law — but this was one of Gene Schwartz’s biggest secrets to writing incredible ads with “pick up the phone right now” irresistible promises.)Lawyers: don’t let them run (or destroy!) your business. Secrets to dealing with attorneys and avoiding (unnecessary, inane, and downright dumb) “profit-suck” revisions to your most powerful copy…Case Study: How to make a losing infomercial into a direct mail control.“Vibrator” secret reveals how powerful your copy is at stimulating your reader — way of testing copy and knowing if it will be a winner, before showing it to a single prospect…Copy reviews and editing: how copywriters self-sabotage by missing their copy’s flaws, and the 2-second trick that gives you instant clarity on if your copy is good or not…How to write copy 2 to 10X as good, almost immediately… (Comes from biggest reason amateur copywriters fail by going pro.)Throw out your copies of Caples, Schwab, Hopkins, Schwartz, and every other book on copywriting — how a fit of frustration could turn you into an even better copywriter…How to read your prospect’s mind to predict what they will (and won’t) respond to — hidden power discovered in old advertising book…The only time copywriters should ignore deadlines (important to remember for copywriters AND clients)…Hiring top copywriters? Critical rules that will maximize the profits from the work they give you…3 instances where copywriters need to give in to client editing demands… Aside from this, “hands off for higher profits!”NEVER write headlines first… (Do this instead. Leads to more powerful, easier to write headlines.)Henry Kissinger, 900 bullets, and “ruthless” copywriting — even a B-level copywriter who does THIS has a chance at writing A-level copy…“The Iceberg Effect” and believable copy — this is why Parris Lampropoulos, a health copywriter, was my second phone call after getting diagnosed with prostate cancer…The most powerful way to use mundane, irrelevant details from your product to boost sales… (If these copywriters did it with one sentence about saran wrap… And another time with a sentence about farts… YOU can certainly pull it off!)The 2 most important things a top copywriter is looking at before taking on your project… (The 2nd is the expected “greed” answer, but did you guess the 1st right?)When to fight with clients (and when not to) — this makes both copywriters AND clients more money…Clients: send this to your copywriter with your advance payment, and they’ll write more profitable copy, faster…Swipe Files: Why one of the world’s top copywriters has a tiny swipe file, and why another has a huge one… (Plus, how to use ANY good copy to internalize the secrets of maximum-response copywriting… And NO, it’s NOT copying it by hand.)6 best books for aspiring A-list copywriters to read… And only ONE is on advertising, marketing, copywriting, business…When you should “make shit up” to add selling power to your copy — and other tips to including more interesting points in your copy and beat the control…“Take ’em to the circus, show them something they’ve never seen before, and take them on a ride they’re going to love.” This is one of the maxims of one of the world’s best copywriters — here’s how to apply it with every promotion you write (including in the DESIGN).How clients can make more sexy products for copywriters to sell. This not only contains the secret for more profits, it’s how to create a dopamine surge in your customer’s brain and make your marketing literally addictive to read.And Then…A Moment the Direct Response World Thought Would Never Happen…Gary Bencivenga Speaks… Again!Just in case you’re one of the tiny fraction of the direct response world who doesn’t recognize what a momentous occasion this is, here’s a quick background.Nearly every A-list direct response copywriter today tells their own version of this story: Once they hit the big leagues in this business, they recognized one copywriter whose copy was head and shoulders above the rest: Gary Bencivenga. When they opened the mailbox, they’d go twitterpated if there was a new piece of Gary’s copy in there. And they’d spend the next month dissecting every line, every word, to TRY to capture his brilliance.As A-list copywriter Doug D’Anna has put it…“If a copywriter beats the control one out of four times, you’ve got a really good copywriter. If he beats it two out of four times, you’ve got a great copywriter. If he beats it seven out of eight times, you’ve got Gary Bencivenga.”I was fortunate to work directly with Gary on many of his most famous, successful promotions. Once he got the control for my company’s flagship product, he didn’t give it up until retirement.Gary was, in fact, on my ORIGINAL “Mount Rushmore of Copywriters.” He, Jim Rutz, Mel Martin, and Gene Schwartz would have rounded out the panel of writers who built our publishing company from zero to over $100 million. Today’s “Mount Rushmore” all speak of Gary with extreme reverence.Gary famously NEVER shared his methods, except in hints to clients who’d pay him at least $25,000 per project plus royalties (he was the FIRST to charge royalties).He gave ONE interview, as he retired — with Ken McCarthy, another Titan who spoke at this event. And this was only ever made available to Ken’s private System Club students. (But thanks to Ken and Gary’s generosity, YOU get a complimentary copy of that 4-CD recording with your DVDs — more info