Become a Course Creation Queen – Amanda Frances


Do You Dream of Making a Great Impact? Do You Desire to Positively Effect the World with Your Voice, Skillset or Gifts? Do You Have a Speciality, Message, or Knowledge that Could Serve More People? Do You Desire to Get the Messages You Love to More People?Are You Feeling Financially Capped in Your Current Business Model? Do You Fear That If You Don’t Get Yourself Out There in a Bigger Way That You May Never Create the Income and the Impact That You Desire? Does the Idea of Creating Something Once and Selling it Forever Make You Giddy? Do You Want to Wake Up To Payment Plan Payments that Come in While You Sleep Daily?I know those feelings, and I’ve been there. Eight years ago I began life-coaching. The work I was able to do with clients and the personal freedom that came with owning a business was everything to me.I began to feel so limited by working with one client at a time. I wasn’t helping as many people as I desired to help. I wasn’t making as much money as I desired to make.I knew there had to be a better way. I didn’t want to stop coaching, but I was ready for a way to help more people at a time. I was ready for new streams of income.Online Courses create the unique opportunity to grow your business while serving the world.Once a course is created, recorded, and automated, it can make you money all of the time whether you are sleeping, laying on the beach, or grabbing a green juice with friends.Only 15 people signed up for my first digital course — however — I made over $10k on that one launch. That was more than enough to pay my rent for the year.This changed the way I thought about earning forever.Today, digital courses have generated over $350k of revenue in a single month in my business.I receive income from recurring payments for digital courses every single day no matter where I am in the world, or what I’m doing.Digital Courses are one of the most effective (if not the most effective) ways I know to…I do not know how I would help/teach/train/empower the number of women I help or earn the amount of money I earn without the magic and ease of digital course creation.To be clear, I make this process simple. I am unavailable for hard.In Course Creation Queen, I share with you exactly what I did to create and sell my first four digital courses.If you want to learn how to get a digital course into the world…then I am thrilled to take you through that process. Creation. How to take your unique process, skillset, or system and turn it into a digital course.Automation. This is my strategy for earning money more easily; I believe in creating a course that releases content automatically to students without me doing anything.Integration. The back-end system that allows course content to be delivered automatically when someone pays — without you doing anything.Launching.  My six week process for releasing your course into the world. This is how I announce, share, and continually create buzz around my course.Earning. My strategy for choosing a price point and payment plan options. The energetic state I get myself into to bring in the clients I desire.Plus : Course Creation Queen – Peer to Peer Support virtual Facebook community where you can support each other and tag Team AF as needed for questions, guidance, teaching, and inspiration.Plus : A weekly meditation, weekly course creation affirmations, and strategic homework to get your course out into the world.Plus : Transcriptions of each of the training modules! If you learn by reading instead of watching, no big deal, I’ve got your back!Plus : Course Creation Queen workbook! Some people like to create their course as they go through this course, but I’ve found that some people desire to simply watch the course and make a plan first. This workbook is designed to help you map out your ideas and make a plan as we go. All your notes will be there when you are ready to start!Bonus : Laying Out Your Course bonus! How to take your ideas/processes/skillset and turn it into a course. This is how to turn ideas in your head into a course you take people through.Bonus : Membership Site Creation bonus! (This isn’t typically necessary in the beginning, but I want you to know how when you are ready!)Bonus : Two New Bonus Modules! One on authentic sales! One on my launch process!Bonus : I am here on purpose + My work changes lives Mug!This mug is scripted with your new very favorite affirmation. Drink your favorite beverage out of it each morning as you journal, set your intentions, and rock the Course Creation process!This is a gift from me for the first 50 people to select the Pay in Full option upon enrollment. (The rest of the bonuses + all course content is for everyone no matter the payment option you choose.)(Pay in Full Bonus)The course creation processWeek 1 :How to identify your unique course. How to determine formatting, length, and content. My process for upping your course confidence. How to get clear on your ideal client, your unique spin on what you teach, and the need for your course in the world. New bonus: How to sequence the steps/sections of your course and turn them into modules.Week 2 :How to construct a sales page that sells. (Yes, I designed my own sales page for my first four digital course launches… And I’m way NOT a web designer.) Let me show you how via screen-sharing. I will build them right in front of you. Step by step. Nothing left out. The eight things every sales page must have to generate no-brainer sales. My best strategy for growing your email list with individuals who will be right for your course.Week 3 :This week is all about integration and automation! I show you how to get your sales page talking to your payment buttons so that your payment buttons trigger course content to be delivered. The back-end of automating your course is so important. This allows you to sell courses and deliver content without doing anything. Tech Stuff Just Got Simple. Earning Just Got Easy.Week 4 :Let’s talk about course branding. How to infuse your unique personality into the promotional content and sales page for your course is everything. Here is how to brand your work in such a way that it’s authentic to you + attracts your ideal clients to you. Let me show you some different places your course can live and different ways to create your courses’ home on your own website. This is simpler than you think.Week 5 :IMPLEMENTATION WEEK: You can use this week to record content, select your launch dates, finalize your sales page, etc. This week is built-in strategically for you to work on whatever you need to before we wrap things up.Week 6 :How to market your course online. I share my practical and energetic steps for enrolling students into my courses. How to utilize social media, webinars, and your email list to get your course out there. (It’s not as overwhelming as you would think…) PLUS: My process for setting goals and holding vision for my course. What I do when it looks like my course isn’t selling. This is how I squash limiting beliefs and stay connected to my goal to bring in my desired outcome.Week 7 :Authentic sales. How to tell everyone about your offer and why they need it without being a douche bag. Let’s clear up the mindset that says getting your work into the world by selling your offer is wrong/evil/greedy/salesy, once and for all. Selling is of high service, when you know your work changes lives.Week 8:  :UPDATE! I am so jazzed to share my entire f*cking launch process including present day upgrades. Everything I do energetically and practically when I release a course into the world in present day. Including how I use Facebook lives, email sequences, Facebook groups and my social media pages! This is a massive part of my multiple six and seven figure launches.Get Become a Course Creation Queen – Amanda Frances, Only Price $179Tag: Become a Course Creation Queen – Amanda Frances Review. Become a Course Creation Queen – Amanda Frances download. Become a Course Creation Queen – Amanda Frances discount.queens creation  water creation queen vanity creation green queenstowncreation homes queensland