The Coaches Incubator – Kelsey Murphy


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $197 $997, The Coaches Incubator – Kelsey Murphy Course.For my aspiring coaches who have natural talent, but zero structure….Finally A “Framework” For How To Be An Exceptional Coach & Discover The Career You Were Meant For(WARNING: THIS IS THE STUFF THAT CHANGES LIVES)“Kelsey, I bow to you and your coaching to our B-schoolers. You’re a GENIUS angel.”– MARIE FORLEODoes everyone tell you… “you’re the best listener!! You give the best advice!”You can’t help it… you’re obsessed with helping other people.You get high off seeing people overcome their hurdles and GO FOR IT.You’ve always been a people person.Your friends say they can talk to you about ANYTHING.And then one day someone mentions you could get paid to do this… and not just pennies, but A LOT of freaking money.Because coaching is one of the most lucrative industries in 2021.(Apparently, a lot of us cooped up with our kids & husbands during Covid NEED HELLLLLP).But I don’t need to tell you this because…You’ve probably been thinking about becoming a coach for a long time.Maybe you’ve even dabbled in some other coaching courses & classesYou’ve seen other people become coaches (and make A LOT of money doing it)And you KNOW you’d be great at it.BUT YOU HAVEN’T COMMITTED… WHY?Does this sound familiar?I don’t know where to start… and honestly, it feels overwhelming.Don’t I need some sort of certification… I don’t want to be irresponsible.I definitely don’t want to fake it… and be grouped in with those phony gurus.Don’t you have to be on social media all the time… honestly, that sounds awful.I’m an introvert… and the idea of putting myself out there makes me feel exhausted.Sometimes coaching seems like a sham… I don’t want to be associated with that.I’m not a risk-taker… and the coaching industry seems full of uncertainty.I’m still working on myself… how can I coach others if I don’t even have it together?Sure, I might be a great coach… but I know NOTHING about business.People think “coaching” is weird & woo woo… even I think that sometimes.What if I can’t get anyone “results”? I’m a good listener, but don’t I need to do more to get paid for this?I have A LOT of insecurities… how can I ethically coach someone else if I’m not even confident in myself.I’m scared of looking dumb… I know I shouldn’t be, but I am.It sounds like a lot of work… and I barely have time to shower.I just can’t start something again & not follow-through… I’d hate myself.And don’t even get me started on the “flimsiness” & lack of regulation of the coaching industry …ANYONE can be a coach, which is NOT a good thing.It’s the free-for-all industry with a low barrier to entry, which waters down the quality of coaches.Setting new coaches up to fail.I was this “new failing coach”.I’ll never forget when I first learned about coaching & started to track down my friends to “test my skills on them” (oh lord, get ready for this).One night, over a giant plate of nachos & a fewtoo many beers… I found myself pushing a friend to go deeper, to tell me their DEEPESTDARKEST FEELINGS.“If you could be any tree, what would it be, and why? What are your secret fears that no one knows about? DIG DEEPER… BE HONEST… TELL ME ALL YOUR INNER SECRETS!!!”*** The only thing my friend wanted to “dig deeper” into was their nachos.I WAS LIKE A HALF-ASSED, ILL-EQUIPPED, ARMCHAIR THERAPIST.I still had great coaching bones in my body, but it was coming out in all the wrong ways.I still had great coaching bones in my body, but it was coming out in all the wrong ways.I felt lost & confused… maybe coaching was a sham after all.And then one day I overheard someone at a TedX event talking about the “secrets to great conversations”.I turned around at that moment, and did a weird yell-beg-thing asking him to please, please “Teach me your secrets!”He taught me about how to phrase certain questions, communication techniques of all the greats, and the secrets to opening & closing a conversation in a way where someone feels moved & inspired.I took those techniques, applied them with a few coaching models & scripts I was working on and BAM… my coaching conversations (EVEN with friends & family) became life-changing.I quickly became known as the go-to coach for any difficult conversations or decision you had to make.I went from embarrassing myself to feeling confident AF… and most importantly – helpful.And after my first few clients, I quickly found myself on a flight to the New York Headquarters of Twitter getting paid to coach women on “doing work they love”.Since then I’ve been lucky enough to help thousands of big-hearted humans make the transformations to create a life they love.My strategies have been featured in Forbes, Business Insiders, Huffington Post, LaurenConrad, LivingHealthy and more.And whether you’ve heard Marie Forleo & I coaching Live on B-School Calls, or caught any deep convos with Kelly Leveque & I on The Be Well By Kelly Podcast… you know I can’t hold anything back.So, what’s the secret to being a great coach?it’s the intersection between logic & emotion…CONNECTIVE COACHINGThis is the intellectual aspect of guiding conversations (the human psychology, structure, methods, techniques). It’s the place where logic takes the lead.This is the emotional aspect of guiding conversations (the quiet intuitive moments, the silence, the triggers, the shifts). It;s the place where yourgut takes the lead.A GREAT COACH INTEGRATES BOTH.CONNECTIVE COACHING is based on the idea that when you master the balance between listening & guiding, your woo & your logic, your head and your heart…that’s when you create transformational results and get feedback like this:I’ve only been working with you a few weeks & it’s been life-changing. I had no idea I needed this so much. Can I book time with you for like, the next 5 years?!?! Not joking.Where have you been all my life? One session and I feel 1000x more clear. Thank you!!!I’m in tears right now. I expected a lot from your “coaching” and you over-delivered. You’re truly amazing at what you do. What a gift.THESE ARE THE MOMENTS YOU’LL REMEMBER FOREVER.Can these moments happen without CONNECTIVE COACHING? Yes, of course. But they are sporadic and unpredictable.And that unpredictability is what has shaken your confidence.You’re not 100% sure you can create that magic for people… but when you simplify to focus on the pillars of CONNECTIVE COACHING, you will be.BECOMING A COACH IS NOT A QUICK FIX, FLASH-IN-THE-PANTS, SHINY JOB.Being a coach is about adopting a new way of living.A new way of listening, learning, communication, & showing up in the world.You start seeing things from a brand new perspective.You watch people get triggered, empathize with them, and have the innate, gut tools to respond in a way that would make any coaching-guru-shaman proud.You’re no longer reactive… you’re intentional & thoughtful.You start seeing the good in humans, you see their effort and you see that they’re doing the best they can, with the tools they have.(They just might not have the right tools, but that’s where you come in).YOU’LL START TO GET MESSAGES LIKE THIS…Honestly, it’s not because you’re a genius…It’s because you created the space, the empathy, and the tools they needed to move forward.Because you are their coach.And that’s what coaches do.Ready to make this legit? Introducing…WITH KELSEY MURPHYTurning Big-Hearted Humans Into Exceptional, Professional CoachesThe only 6-week coaching intensive designed to fast track your way from “aspiring coach” to “professional coach” by teaching you how to become a master communicator & get your clients results.… aspiring coaches, new coaches looking for more structure & direction, corporate ladder climbers looking to pick up another skill, or someone who simply wants to become a beautiful, kick-ass communicator.YES, I NEED A SPOT IN THE COACHES INCUBATOR!“For those of you who don’t know, Kelsey literally changed my entire business.”-KELLY LEVEQUE“Kelsey, you are seriously a genius. So grateful for everything you are doing for our business.”— ALY & LEIGH, PURESALT INTERIORSTogether we will…Practice & master key coaching techniques (so you can create the perfect blend of listening & guidance in all your conversations)Create & define your own coaching models (so you know exactly how to combine your expertise, past experience, & current skills)Learn how to run flawless coaching conversations (with 60 & 20-minute coaching scripts that you’ll love)Define your coaching beliefs, rules & methodology (so you have a framework for your practice)Gather & Master a set of fresh communication tools (so your conversations are smarter & more thoughtful)Ace 5+ beautiful, practice coaching sessions like a pro (with all our materials & framework backing you up)Create your welcome packets & client on-boarding chart (so you’re ready to take on new clients the second you walk out the door)WE’VE DESIGNED THE PERFECT PROGRAM FOR YOU TO GET ALL THE TOOLS, PRACTICE, AND CONFIDENCE YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO USE YOUR COACHING SKILLS IMMEDIATELY. THIS INCLUDES…6 Module Coaching Curriculum + Video TrainingsHomework & Next Step Checklist for each weekLive Q & A with KelseyPrivate FB Group CommunityReciprocal Coaching Program (to find your first pro-bono clients)Coaching Call Scripts, Email templates, Client Onboarding Materials & more“With Kelsey’s coaching, methods and UNWAVERING support I have gained the confidence needed to forge ahead”“Working with Kelsey has been a total game changer! Her coaching model & teaching methods helped me take my area of expertise and create a successful framework gaining the clarity I needed.”– ALBIONA RAKIPI, PARENTING COACH & PARR EXPERT“Within one hour of Kelsey coaching me through the genius of discovery calls and sharing her script, I had booked a new client!”She’s beyond generous with her insight and experience, and I cannot recommend her enough to anyone who wants to build an effective coaching business they love!– ANNE WATSON, BUSINESS COACH & COMMUNICATIONS EXPERTNerd out with me for a second on this awesome syllabus, will ya?MODULE 0.1The Coaches PlanIn this module, you’ll learn how to define, measure, & achieve becoming a great coach. We’ll cover 4 main pillars to develop the skills & follow-through of great connection & communications, setting you up for success. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of where to focus & a new lens to view your training through.WHAT WE’LL WORK ON:Outline The Difference Between A Good Coach vs. A GREAT CoachDefine Your Main Strengths & Skills That’ll Allow You To Be SuccessfulCreate A Confident Knowledge Base Foundation For Your Coaching PracticeBONUS: The Coaches Goals Setting Workbook (Knowing how to measure & achieve your coaching goals can make or break your confidence. Use this workbook to get your goals out of your head & onto these sweet-ass pages).MODULE 0.2Coaching MethodologyIn this module, you’ll learn how to create a step-by-step system to get clients results & create a practice you love. You’ll understand the main types of coaching methodologies that you can adopt and start practicing in your current relationships today. We’ll also teach you how to create your own, unique methodology based on your speciality.WHAT WE’LL WORK ON:Understanding how different coaching methodologies show up in different relationshipsChoose a step-by-step framework you want to practice & begin owningLearn how to define the results & transformations you will help your clients achieveBONUS: Methodology Creation Worksheet (This is a “fan-favorite” worksheet that’ll help you drill down on the small, but important details of an ownable methodology).MODULE 0.3Coaching SpecialtiesIn this module, you’ll learn how to define what problems you can help clients solve & the type of person you’d love to work with. We’ll also clarify what “speciality” you want to test out & lean into. If you’ve ever wondered “what kind of coach you should be”, this module will take care of that.WHAT WE’LL WORK ON:A crystal clear picture of the type of problem you help people solveThe #1 coaching statement you need to be able to communicateThe profile for the perfect client & where you can start finding themBONUS: Coaching Speciality Ideas (There are SO MANY specialities you can choose from, but sometimes it’s hard to go from “generalist” to “specialist”, so this list will help you define where you want to focus)MODULE 0.4Coaching Tools & TechniquesIn this module, you’ll learn how to handle any coaching situation thrown your way. We’re going to cover what questions to ask, what scripts you need, plus a handful of key tools that every good coach should have in their toolbox. You’ll walk away with an entire coaching kit filled with digital assets to create amazing coaching conversations.WHAT WE’LL WORK ON:6 Tricky coaching situations you should be prepped for & scripts for handling themA list of coaching mantra, POV’s and quotes you can use in any conversationThe difference between coaching & consulting (when to give advice vs. when to listen)BONUS: The Perfect Call Script & Template (This is the exact script I posted on my wall for every coaching call at the beginning of my career (that is now ingrained in my brain). It’s a key asset to have for any coach).MODULE 0.5Coaching Beliefs & RulesIn this module, you’ll learn how to create beliefs & rules that will guide every coaching decision you make. I’ll share my own core coaching beliefs that guide all of my sessions (both business & life calls), that you can lovingly steal for yourself. We will also build you a set of rules that’ll help guide each coaching call you conduct with confidence.WHAT WE’LL WORK ON:Define Your Unique Coaching Point Of View & Foundational ValuesLearn Why Every Successful Coach Creates Core Beliefs & RulesUnderstand The Secrets To “Conversations With A Container”BONUS: Belief Idea Bank (Use this list, of over 100+ beliefs to get you started on seeing the core foundational ways in which you want to run your coaching business.)MODULE 0.6The Coaching ExperimentIn this module, you’ll learn how to find great humans to practice coaching on (without looking like a newbie). We’ll create a system to test & validate your coaching ability, so you no longer “think” you’re a good coach… you have proof. This is one of my favorite modules & helps bring all your learnings from thought to action.WHAT WE’LL WORK ON:Discover A New Way To Organize The People You Coach (Pro-Bono OR Paid)Find Your People To Practice Your New Coaching Skills OnCreating Your Measurements For Validating 5+ Coaching SessionsGet The Coaches Incubator – Kelsey Murphy, Only Price $197Tag: The Coaches Incubator – Kelsey Murphy Download, The Coaches Incubator – Kelsey Murphy review, The Coaches Incubator – Kelsey Murphy Discount, coaches incubator, incubator coaching, coaches institute, coaches creating impact, business incubators near me.