The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas


Growing up I was NOT an attractive man.I know what you’re thinking:“Noooo… Darius, I’m sure you’re just not giving yourself enough credit. Surely you didn’t look that bad”That’s a nice sentiment and I appreciate it but let me show you this:This is a photo I took several years ago to illustrate how I would look if I stopped taking good care of my grooming and wore my old clothes. It was also part of the experiment to see how quickly I could get back to looking “normal”.You know, something like this:So imagine my awkward face when showed “the ugly” photo to a close friend of mind who has known me for years and literally said this“Oh yeah, I remember you looking like this…”Seriously?!Look, like every smart man on this green earth I never wanted to look like a freaking Neanderthal, I didn’t want to be ugly.And it was both a crushing and sobering moment to realize that there was a time when this was the best I could do.You see, back in the days when this “super sexy” look was my default I was reading a lot of forums and books on “how to get good with girls”.Nearly every one of them said that “looks don’t matter” and “you just need to be confident” and “learn these 3 techniques”.And you know what? I actually believed it.Despite seeing first-hand how my attractive friends were hooking up with girls and getting into relationships with the hottest of them, I actually believed that as long as I take a shower and wear a clean t-shirt, I was good to go and the way I present myself past that point didn’t matter.Two Outfits That Changed My Life ForeverWhen I finally got into college I got so desperate, so frustrated with not being able to get any results with women that I decided to do the unthinkable and defy the “looks don’t matter” gurus.I decided that I will change my image, change the way I dress.Because I knew nothing at the time about clothes, what items go well together, how clothes should fit or how I should wear colors in an outfit, I asked a friend who was studying fashion design to help me out and go shopping for clothes together.She then explained how different clothes work together and helped me get two head-to-toes outfits.I will admit, I was very skeptical at the time.The outfits she got for me were very different from what I used to wear and I didn’t feel very comfortable in them at the start.But hey, when you’re that desperate, you suck it up and do what you’re told.The first time I wore one of those outfits I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Walking through the university campus felt like a scene from a movie where a character gets a makeover and suddenly the whole world reacts to him differently.I could actually see women checking me out!But the real mind blowing moment was just about to come…The One Who ALMOST Got AwayAs any desperate enough guy can tell you, developing “crushes” on beautiful women doesn’t take long when you hadn’t had any in a long while (or in my case, ever).For me, that crush was on the hottest girl in our dorm – GOOD FREAKIN` JOB, BRAIN!So when I was invited to a dorm party that I knew she would attend it didn’t take long for me to accept the offer.I decided that I’ll be rocking one of the outfits that my friend picked out for me but I’ll be honest, despite having all sorts of NSFW fantasies about this girl as the party day got closer I didn’t really expect much.I mean I was still pretty shy and very nerdy and she was… well, SHE.So imagine my dumb-founded face, trying to figure what the hell is happening when the night of the party arrived and it was HER asking ME to go onto the dancefloor with her!Is this some elaborate prank the whole dorm is playing on me?! If I say Yes, will everyone start laughing and shouting “oh my god, he actually fell for it. What an idiot Hahahaha!”(Did I mention my low self-esteem at the time?)Anyway,I actually refused the first time but she persisted and after seeing her turn down other guys (I mean have you seen this girl?! Of course there were other guys trying to get into her pants!), I gave in and went to dance with her.You should’ve seen my goofy face!I promise you, at that moment I felt like the happiest man in the world!We ended up making out that night and… that’s about it. For the time being.But,When you go from being looked-through and ignored by women despite how hard you try to having one of the most attractive women you’ve ever met show the initiative, take the first step and even persist to get with you.Well, let’s just say its one of those moments when your brain starts re-thinking your whole life.And you know what the difference was between that night and all the other nights that happened before it?No, it was not some elaborate NLP routine or new kino technique.I simply changed my image, how I dressed, how I presented myself to the world.After that night understanding image, style became a passion for me, almost an obsession.I wanted to learn and understand how something as simple as the clothes we wear can so tremendously affect the way we are seen and perceived by others, the way we are treated.Turns Out It’s Not As Easy As It LooksBut deciding to learn everything I could about men’s image, especially in the context of meeting and dating women turned out to be not as easy as it looked when my fashion designer friend told me what clothes to wear…I started looking online and encountered my first problem – no one was actually teaching guys how to look attractive.Sure there were men’s fashion blogs and websites but most of them looked like they were written by and for men, who are “married with children” looking for how to pull off a pair of khakis.I mean how could I take seriously advice on how to dress to meet and look attractive to women from someone, who hasn’t been in field for years?And then there were the “how to get girls” websites and forums.For the most part, they avoided the topic of how to dress and in most cases resorted to the generic “just buy a fitting shirt and a blazer and you’re fine”.(Spoiler alert: BULLSHIT!)So my “brilliant” plan was to look for bits and pieces of advice that both men’s fashion experts and dating experts agreed on and experiment with that advice.This was a slow and tedious process. I wasted so much time and money looking for clothes that turned out to be butt-ugly, ill-fitting and sometimes straight up unwearable.I mean I knew that I wanted to look so much more attractive, I could see other attractive men dressing sexy (usually with a gorgeous woman around their arm) and yet when I tried to copy them, do what they were doing I would always end up falling short.I would stare into the mirror in defeat and wonder “why can they do it and I can’t? Am I destined to be the ugly nerdy guy forever?”We Are Men And We Don’t Give UpIf life was a movie this would be the point where some larger than life character would walk into my life and taught me straight.Too bad this wasn’t the case.Instead, what followed was nearly a decade of trial and error, experimenting in the real world and seeing how different women would react to my image.If all the self-development books I’ve read over the years taught me one thing, it’s definitely that as a man you don’t give up when things get tough. You stand up, dust off, stop bitching and go after your goal again.If you want to be an attractive man, you do what you have to do to get there.Here you can see just a small fraction of all the looks I tried over the years: some of them worked brilliantly and qualified as my “I’m Getting Laid Tonight” outfits and others failed miserably and could probably classify as a form of contraception (cater to guess which ones are which?)Oh, and remember that girl I had the massive crush in university?We actually met up several years later and you can see the outfit that finally sealed the deal in the bottom left corner.Get The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas, Only Price $37I’m Here To Help You Get Here TooAbout three years ago, after reading yet another forum thread asking for advice on how to dress for nights out and seeing half a dozen replies with advice that if implemented would ruin that poor bastards night, I finally decided that it’s time to create a place for guys, who want to learn to dress sexy when meeting women.Not job interviews, not impressing your aunts and uncles at a family re-union, not impressing some fashion snobs. No!Dressing specifically for spiking your sex appeal, for looking your most attractive self and doing so in a genuine way based on your personality, body type, lifestyle and the type of women you’re attracted to the most.This is how Sexy Style for Joe was born.Shortly after, I started offering guys like you and I personal style consultations. Turns out the strategies that I used worked just as well for others and in some cases even better.I quickly got so confident in my ability to help guys get better results with women by improving their image that I started offering a guarantee that no one else had the balls to do:“IF YOU DON’T NOTICE A SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT IN HOW WOMEN REACT TO YOU, I WILL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK, NO QUESTIONS ASKED”The problem was that working personally with someone is a very time consuming endeavor and in turn includes an appropriate price tag. Something a lot of the guys reading SSfJ couldn’t afford.So the next step was to systematize everything I learned about image, about men’s style and clothes and create a course for dressing sexy like nothing you’ve ever seen before!Eleven months later “The Wow! Factor” course was born with the sole goal of taking you by hand and helping you start dressing sexy. To become the sexiest, most attractive version of yourself.And yes,I know, I know, if something sounds too good to be true it probably is.THE WOW! FACTORA Course In Head Turning, Panties-Dropping, Personalized Men’s Style For Dating And Meeting WomenThis is THE course to take, if you want to present the most attractive version of yourself to the world, and attract the beautiful women you see out there.In a nut shell the Wow! Factor is…A step-by-step process to find the style image that suits your personality, goals, and lifestyle, and attracts your type of women best, along with guides meant to give you a solid understanding of fashion fundamentals. It thoroughly answers the question, “How should I dress?”Since the Wow! Factor is extensive, let’s examine the major points of what you’ll be getting:A process to discover your perfect image type. Each image has sex appeal, but differ in the qualities they communicate, and the audience they attract. We use exercises designed to accurately identify the image that suits and satisfies your personality best, in order to work for you in terms of achieving your goals and to attract your type of people into your life, especially sexy women.Detailed guides covering your perfect image. 5 extensive guides covering the 5 major image archetypes, including all the necessary items to make up a full wardrobe for every season, suggested cool additions to add in later, and EPIC items that take your sexy look into the sphere of a style icon. You’ll also be given the tools to get creative with your looks, so you can expand on these images if you so desire.A SOLID foundational understanding of sexy style. Color psychology, perfect fit, and a purchasing guide are just a few ways to help you select the best items, to make these looks the way they were intended to be. This way you can make decisions on your own, out there in the vast world of department stores and boutiques. You’ll also have access to personal feedback from myself, and an active private group of guys both experienced and learning just like you.And although the content is deep and effective, the process is easy, with its simple exercises and steps, and detailed guides going into specifics.The course is hosted via teachable, which means that it’s easy to navigate and revisit later, easy to use on a phone anywhere you are or you can download the lessons in PDF format to your laptop, phone or tablet.And remember, you’ll also have access to feedback from myself personally, as well as being part of a whole group dedicated to guys who aim to dress their sexiest with high ambition.Now that we’ve got a general idea of the course, it’s time to be specific about the main aspect of this course – lets look at the archetypes.The Wow! Factor dissects 5 major image archetypes, hand picked styles that are most attractive for a man. These are the Edgy, Elegant – Edgy, Smart – Casual, Rugged – Masculine, and Sharp images. Each of these images satisfy different personality types, communicates different things to other people, and attract different types of women.The Edgy Image“Inappropriate…” “Parental Advisory…” Better suited for the reckless urban denizen, the rebellious wildfire youths, the carefree spirits of the night. Don’t give a F*^& could be the man’s mantra, but more accurate is that he goes to the beat of his own drum. As for women, he attracts the fun, wild, and sexually un-bashful types, because they can see he is just like them. 😉Elegant – EdgyFor the man who likes to be bad and classy at the same time. The “good” life, the social, high status world is his play ground. He’s a rebel within the normally proper confines, and looks damn good. Hard to pin down, a bit mysterious, exciting, open minded, sexy. His women are sexy and elegant, just like him. You both enjoy the benefits of being bad in that classy way.Smart – CasualAlso know as the sophisticated intellectual that actually has a penis, and is not afraid to use it. He’s a go getter, mature, and appreciates the finer things in life– but he’s also laid back and doesn’t take himself too seriously, partly because he’s got it handled. His women are feminine, dress well, and a bit reserved, although certainly playful when he’s around, which complements the Smart – Casual man perfectly.Rugged – MasculineA man who is pure man. In his free time, he’s the type who finds himself in the great outdoors, or building something, or, or maybe all that at once. A straight shooter, and gets his hands dirty to get the job done. His women are submissive and love his dominance.The Sharp imageThis is for the man who is driven, knows what he wants and goes after it, and the Sharp image communicates all these things naturally. It’s an image of flawless execution that is classy, high status, and professional, all while maintaining sex appeal. His dance the fine line of sexy and elegant with dresses and high heels, subtle and graceful.So I hope that paints a picture of the course for you, but to leave no stone unturned…Get The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas, Only Price $37Here is a deeper look, let’s walk through the course flow.First,You will learn how the first impression can make or break your interactions with women and how you can leverage the right first impression to your advantage.You will overcome any doubts and self-limiting beliefs that stop you from dressing sexy and being an attractive man.You will identify and get rid of the clothes, that are KILLING your sex appeal and any chances of looking attractive, with a wardrobe intervention.Next we’ll dive into style fundamentals,You will learn which color can make you look more trustworthy, which one can make you up to 15% more attractive, and which one can make you look sickly and weak (you should probably avoid it…), as well as learn how to coordinate colors in an outfit.You will also learn which colors suit you best, based on your skin color and complexion.You’ll finally understand what clothes communicate about you: which clothes make you look masculine, feminine, nice, sexual, classy or dressy.And you’ll also learn what to look for when buying specific clothes and how to avoid mediocre purchases.But next comes the most important part, you will finally and confidently be able to answer the dreaded question of “How should I dress?” because you’ll know what the right image is for you, your personality, and your lifestyle that attracts your type of women.The wardrobe guides in Module Three will blow your mind. Seriously…For every image archetype, we have prepared a list of clothes that you can get to rock it and hundreds of great looking outfits to choose from.More than that, each guide will also show you how to modify those wardrobes based on your physique (to look taller, leaner or more muscular), based on where you spend most of your time, and your ageBut hey, no one wants to be some stereotype, so you’ll also learn how you can mix different images to create a unique image for yourself that makes you intriguing and mysterious because you’re not like the restOnce we get closer to the finish line, you’ll learn how to find EPIC clothes (and what EPIC clothes mean) and how they can help you steal the show and leave those other gents in the backgroundI will also show you how to get your own “I’m getting laid tonight!” look and how to make shopping so much easier and fasterAnd even this doesn’t cover everything you will learn in The Wow! Factor… But the point is, and I’ll say it again, this is THE course to take, if you want to present the most attractive version of yourself to the world, and attract the beautiful women you see out there.And to remind you, you’ll have help right at your finger tips, with a group of fashion experienced men, as well as students just like you, to give feedback and pointers along your journey. Not to mention I’ll be right there too.So all in all,I’m making it very hard for you NOT to dress amazing.You can see the full course curriculum here (and I’m so confident that you will absolutely love this super course that I made some of the lessons available for preview, free of charge!)Course CurriculumIntroductionIntroduction – Welcome To The Wow! FactorModule One1. The Art Of First Impression2. Tearing Down The Mental Blocks Holding You Back3. The Wardrobe InterventionModule Two0. Module Two – Start Here1. Clothes Decoded2.1. Colors Decoded2.2. Colors And Your Complexion3. In Search Of The Perfect Fit4.1. How To Find The Right Image For You4.2. The 6 Image ArchetypesModule ThreeModule Three – Start Here (How To Use The Wardrobe Guides)1. The Edgy Wardrobe2. The Elegant – Edgy Wardrobe3. The Smart – Casual Wardrobe4. The Rugged – Masculine Wardrobe5. The Sharp WardrobeModule Four1. How To Mix Styles And Create Your Unique Personal Brand2. How To Find And Wear EPIC Clothes3. Your Shopping List4. What’s Next?Get The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas, Only Price $37Tag: The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas Review. The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas  download. The WOW-Factor – Darius Belejevas discount.