Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery


Brand New From Semantic MasteryWant To Know How To Generate Consistent Customers On Autopilot For You And Your Clients?And never have to worry about updates or algorithm changes ever again…even if you’re new to digital marketing?Dear friend… If you want your website ranked highly online in 2020 and beyond, regardless of what industry you’re in, then this is the most important letter you’ll read today…Here’s why: every time you use Google, Bing, Yahoo, AskJeeves (is that still a thing?), or any other search engine on a laptop, desktop, tablet, phone, or any other gizmo hooked up to the internet… there’s a behind the screen war going on!And this secret war is fought over… (drum roll please)… search engine rankings!Got your attention yet? Good, go ahead and close out of those other internet tabs and hunker down for a few (you’ll thank me in a minute).Ever hear the phrase…. The best place to hide your deep, dark, dirty secret is on the second page of Google? That’s because the top search result spots get the lion’s share of internet user clicks AKA the lion’s share of sales.The #1 result in Google gets 31.7% of ALL clicks and the top 4 results in Google gets 88.7% of ALL of the clicks! Only 0.78% of Google searchers click on something from the second page.So… if you ain’t ranking, you ain’t banking my friend.I know, I know…. You’re probably thinking:With so much competition for those top search results from companies with HUGE marketing budgets how will I beat out everyone else?Or​Doesn’t it take months to years to climb to the top of Google?Or​I’ve had success before, but every time Google does an algorithm change or update it screws over my months of hard SEO work…Well… if you do it right none of that is true AND…. you’ve come to the perfect place to learn how to QUICKLY climb to the top search engine spots with a repeatable, future proof, fool proof, bullet proof, damn near anything proof… process designed by digital marketing experts who are in the trenches every day fighting the good fight for SEO victory across every niche.Get Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery, Only Price $37What does this mean for you?You’re about to uncover the best way to use SEO to get more clicks, more customers, and more kaching-a-ching $$$$$$$…. for you and your clients.(Side note: this Battleplan was designed specifically for digital marketers and business owners who aren’t afraid to role up their sleeves, get a little dirt on their combat boots, and put in the HOO-AH!! kind of effort it takes to have long-term, predectible success. If that’s you… and If you’re still reading this, it probably is…. great! If not, and you’re searching for a ‘get rich overnight’ type of gimmick this might not be for you and we wish you the best)With that said, let’s dive in to exactly what you’re getting in to here and why it’s your best choice for SEO warfare in 2020.You’ve just stumbled upon Battleplan 4.0(We keep updating it because it’s so popular!)It’s “The Art of War” playbook for foolproof SEO strategy. And just like that military tactics and strategy manual written by Sun Tzu, it will make you combat ready as quickly as humanly possible. Lucky for you though we weren’t born in the 5th century BC, so our SEO combat strategies are up to date and battle forged in the modern age.This is a field guide that gets straight to brass tacks. There is no fluff, filler, or other complicated mumbo jumbo that is all too common in the SEO strategy marketplace.It’s easy to read, and you’ll immediately get access to the exact steps we use with our high-ticket clients to bring ‘the big guns’ to their digital ranking and marketing results. PLUS… unlike most other products out there… we will teach you how to not only get results in the search engines, but how to have clients banging down your virtual door to hire you for your newly gained expertise.My name’s Bradley Benner and I approve this message….Joking aside…. I began in SEO in 2010 as an electrical contract business owner looking to generate more leads. Seeing that traditional marketing was giving way to digital I knew that’s where the future of business results lay.The problem was… I barely knew how to turn on a computer back then. Seriously, I was pretty much computer illiterate. AND I couldn’t afford to hire a digital marketing expert, so I had to teach myself.It took me months to get my site ranking with SEO and afterwards I continued to make all the common mistakes I see people make everyday. I tried to be everything to everyone and work with any local business willing to talk with me.After going through years of making mistakes and struggling to master SEO and client acquisition I finally created a repeatable system for success. I wanted to make this available to other digital marketers and business owners to help them avoid the pain and wasted time I went through.My battalion of digital marketing generals and I are here to offer you Battleplan 4.0 at a limited time price point.Here’s just a fraction of what’s inside and what it could mean for your business:The SEO Armor Battleplan – how to easily establish yourself as a trusted brand in the eyes of search engines so you can climb to the top of search pages across every industry (pg.15).​The SEO Shield Battleplan – the exact steps to future proof your SEO and rankings so you can stop stressing about negative effects from ever changing algorithm and search engine updates (pg.20).​The SEO Artillery Battleplan – Our unique and repeatable process to amplify your search engine results so you can put power behind your rankings and reach even more customers (pg.25).​The biggest mistakes made in SEO and how to avoid them so you can climb to the top of the page fast and stop wasting time with fake news tactics and worthless strategies (pg. 6).​Hacks for the best ways to do SEO keyword research so that you don’t have to start from scratch every time you are trying to rank a new page (pg.7).​How to establish yourself as an SEO expert in your industry so that you never have to work with clients you aren’t passionate about and you only attract high paying customers who are a perfect fit for your business (pg. 8).​Additional secret resources and networking connections that we only provide to our paying customers that will give you an added advantage over your competition.​In depth case studies where we spill the guts behind real life campaigns so you can learn and repeat the exact steps for yourself.​A whole lot more to guarantee your imminent victory!You’re right… that’s a whole lot of battle-tested strategies and tactics. And it’s stuff that other digital marketers aren’t doing right now. But, it gets better because…. we are so determined to have you dominate with SEO… we are giving you BONUSES:Get Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery, Only Price $37Our Arbitrage Calculator: Take the stress out of selling your services to new prospects.After working with 100s of clients we have developed a simple method of determining the exact services to offer to potential clients and what you should price them at so that you can maximize your roster, revenue and client life cycle. (Valued at $97)Youtube Silo Academy: Think it’s impossible to gain traction on Youtube organically, without spending months on research and content creation? Think again…In this short bonus we are literally handing you the guide to rank with the “big boys” on YouTube and get better results for your videos, playlists, and channels. It’s simple, it’s powerful, and it’s NOT well known. Learn the shortcuts to amplify and bulletproof your Youtube ranking to bring in new customers, just like your website. (Valued at $97)Advanced RSS Strategies: RSS has been around since the days of dial up, but there are a few extremely powerful strategies you can implement today to crush your search engine competition.In this bonus we’ll teach you how to syndicate your content with the best of them for some surprising results! (Valued at $147)Member’s Only Area: When each of us started out in SEO we often felt stressed and alone when it came to staying up to date with the latest strategies, and knowing what advice to listen to.That’s why…We created a private group where our team answers your most pressing questions live. You can also get direct feedback from other SEO and digital marketers. We also add live trainings, exclusive content, and personal success stories in our group.Many Battleplan purchases have told us that having access to this group alone paid for this product 100 times over. (Valued at $897)If you are interested in dominating SEO for yourself and/or your clients…We are offering all of this:The Battleplan 4.0​The Arbitrage Calculator​The Youtube Silo Academy​The Advanced RSS Strategies​Access To Our Member’s Only Area​Regular Updates and Exclusive Trainings…Normally, for $100BUT! For a limited time grab it for only $32!That’s right…. for the price of an average lunch out.. you could change your life for good.As soon as you submit your order you will immediately receive an email receipt with the download and access to all of the content and trainings that you won’t find anywhere else…so that you can start seeing success right away.I know what you’re saying….If it’s so valuable, why are we not charging more for it?As tempting as that might be for us, we truly want to establish a relationship with you through this purchase. We know that you will find this information so helpful that you will want to continue to work with us. Because hundreds of others have already done this.Also…. we have spent plenty of money on other high-priced digital marketing products and courses that didn’t pan out how they were advertised. That’s why we want to make this purchase a no brainer for you so that there’s no doubt in your mind that this is the best decision for your digital marketing needs.Don’t worry…Between my entire team we have over 50 years of digital marketing experience across every industry, audience, niche, you name it, we’ve seen it. The Battleplan and bonuses are designed for any type of business and our students use it everyday to create successful SEO campaigns.If you ever have a question you can reach out to us in the members area or our live hangouts and we will walk you through the correct path to success.However, time is running out…We are always testing new offers in our marketing agencies and have been getting tons of direct messages from Battleplan purchasers who have seen amazing results with these strategies. Since we continually add new content and trainings to this offer, we are in the midst of creating an even larger course with this content, which is awesome, but will also mean a much higher price tag. (There’s just so much valuable information that comes with it, we really don’t have a choice).So…If you’re still on the fence, stop worrying and wondering how you’re going to get more customers for  your business online and purchase Battleplan 4.0. Think about how much time you could save, money you could make, and impact you could create by learning these tried and true strategies!PLUS… there’s really no reason to stress over making this purchase…Get Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery, Only Price $37Tag: Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery Review. Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery download. Battle Plan SEO Domination – Semantic Mastery discount.