Cash Content Formula – Cathy Stucker


Learn time-tested strategies for turning content into cash from 13 leading content creation & marketing experts.Dear Friend,If you’d like to leverage the knowledge you already have to generate multiple streams of income, then this may be the most exciting letter you ever read.Here’s why…Every information empire is built on a solid foundation of quality content. These empires pump out hundreds of thousands (and sometimes millions) of dollars every year.Many people look with envy on those who’ve attained such financial success. But you don’t have to. Not anymore. Because as you’ll soon discover, creating content and profiting from it are far simpler than you might think.What’s more, you can start making money from your own content faster than almost any other business available today. It’s not uncommon to see your first “paycheck”…In as Few as 30 DaysThis estimate is conservative. Some do it faster and some do it slower. It all depends on how quickly you take action and apply the formula.The formula is key. That’s why I call my home study course Cash Content Formula. It’s a formula that you can apply to quickly make money from your content.There’s no guessing here. This formula has been tested time and again by dozens of recognized experts. More important, it’s simple. Think of it as a “paint by numbers” system for turning your content into cash.If You Can Speak English, You Can Profit from ContentHi, my name is Cathy Stucker. I’ve been quietly making a living from my content since 1995. For the first few years, all of my revenue streams were off-line. Then, in 1998, I launched my first web site and discovered new ways to profit from my content.Perhaps you’ve heard of my flagship web site at It was one of the first web sites I created to make money from my content.Since getting started, my content has lead to numerous appearances on radio and television programs. What’s more, I’ve been featured in dozens of publications, including The New York Times, The Houston Chronicle, The Houston Business Journal, Black Enterprise, the Associated Press, Startup Journal (Wall Street Journal), Woman’s Day, and Woman’s World.Now I earn a six-figure income from content. I love what I do. And much of my business is on autopilot. Money is deposited into my checking account every day, whether I am “working” or not.The beauty of a content-based business is that nearly anyone can do it. In fact, if you can speak English, you’ve already met all the requirements.How do I know this?Because I have used my experience to help hundreds of people like you make more money with their content, and now I want to teach you how to build a profitable content empire of your own.I hope you took a moment to sign up. The information is golden and I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be making it available for free.Moving on…The Only Formula You’ll Ever Need to Make Money from ContentI’ve created a home study course called Cash Content Formula that gives you everything you need to start profiting from your own content. This course is based not only on my own experience, but also on the experience of 12 leading information marketing experts.Here is a photo of what the course looks like…You are literally getting more than 100 years of combined experience in one place. What’s more, you’re getting…A Blueprint You Can Follow to Start Making Money ImmediatelyThe cornerstone of Cash Content Formula is the 352-page manual. It takes you step-by-step through creating, publishing, and monetizing your content. Here is just some of what you will learn:How to write, publish, and market a book so it becomes #1 bestseller on Amazon. Pages 31, 55.Secrets for creating content quickly. (Create audio, video, and written content in half the time it would normally take.) Pages 66-67, 135, 180, 196.How to get free publicity without publishing a press release. Page 348.Generate automatic recurring income. Page 224.Why booklets can be as good as (or better than) books— and how to get yours done in no time. Page 101.How to easily generate dozens of ideas for new content and information products. Page 23.Fast and easy ways to write your book and other content. Page 64.How to create and monetize your own podcast— including how to get your podcast on iTunes in minutes. Page 185.How to use articles to generate qualified traffic and leads. Plus, what to say in a resource box so it practically forces people to click through to your web site. Page 138.How to profit from content that is in the public domain. This content is free for the taking, yet it can make you…Disc #1 –Interview with Rosalind Gardner —Affiliate Marketing SecretsHow a single banner ad changed Rosalind’s life.How Rosalind made $436,797 in one year selling other people’s stuff on the Internet.What affiliate marketing really is and how it works.The one foundational qualification for you to be successful at affiliate marketing. (Ask yourself this question before you enter any new market.)4 web sites where you can find merchants that offer quality affiliate programs.How to make money by giving away free information. (It’s easy to do and amazingly effective.)The simple difference between affiliates who fail and affiliates who carry home bags of money every month. (Do this one thing and it won’t be long before you’re known as a “super affiliate.”)What people respond to. (Hint: They don’t respond to products!)The biggest mistake affiliates make. (Learn how to avoid this mistake and you’ll have an asset that will pay you for months and years to come.)Why you shouldn’t try to “get rich quick.” How to build a sustainable affiliate business.How to create content that attracts readers automatically. (If you can attract readers, you can turn them into customers.)How to get free information products which you can then recommend to your readers.A simple way to accelerate the success of your affiliate marketing. (If you’re doing things right, then this should happen automatically.)How to use an RSS data feed to generate a dynamic product catalog on your own site. (Even better, every product uses your custom affiliate link so you get paid!)How to get traffic to your web site your very first day on the Internet. (Plus, how to do it for pennies.)The two best ways to create new content on an almost daily basis. (Both of these methods will attract search engines within days.)What Fantastico is. Why you should make sure it’s included in your hosting account.How to apply the “learn it, do it, teach it” money-making formula to your business. Why this approach works so well.How to make more money by repurposing content. (Not only can you create more products that you can sell… you can also develop new channels of traffic and distribution.)Disc #2 –Interview with Joel Comm —Making Money from AdsenseWhat Google Adsense is and how to develop passive income from it.One of the biggest mistakes people make when placing Adsense ads on web site pages.Color schemes that get the best click-thru rates. (Plus, what colors to avoid.)How to make money by giving people what they want. (Tip: Figure out how to “scratch a niche” and you’ll make money fast.)Why blogs are great for making money with Adsense. How to set up a blog in minutes.How to get other people to create content for you for free… and then make money from what they write. (This method is 100% legal.)When to use Adsense for search. (You shouldn’t use this on every site, but it works great on certain kinds of sites.)Why you should think of your web site as a physical building. How it can help you earn more money.How to find profitable topics to write about.The best kind of content to write. (This kind of content lasts for years on the Internet. Write it once, profit forever.)Two revenue-sharing programs that are compatible with Google Adsense.A simple strategy that guarantees you’ll make money both now and in the future.How to get 5 or more web site designers to compete for your business. (Get multiple web site designs fast… and choose the best one!)How to quickly discover which pages on your site are producing AdSense revenue for you.What you should never do if you make money from Adsense.How to guarantee your Adsense earnings always go up. (Make more money every single month you generate income from Adsense.)Resources to accelerate your Adsense earnings. (Use these tools and resources to get an unfair advantage over other contextual advertisers.)Disc #3 –Interview with Tim Carter —How to Think Like a PublisherHow to appeal to different learning styles and make more money doing it.Why you should think like a publisher.(Tim learned this lesson the hard way while writing a newspaper column.)What a “content vacuum” is—and how you can fill it.How to dominate your niche. How many articles you will need to write to accomplish this.The “3 Ds” that are absolutely essential to your online success.Why competition within your market is a good thing.Two simple tests to determine if a particular topic is worth writing about.The “magic number” that can lure prospects into making impulsive buying decisions.How to profit when unethical people pirate your electronic products. (This simple technique “turns lemons into lemonade.”)How issuing prompt refunds can build customer loyalty.A simple way to get your subscribers to read new content as soon as it’s published.Disc #4 –Interview with Fred Gleeck —Creating & Repurposing ContentWhat it really takes to become king or queen of the niche you’ve chosen.What customers care about when they buy an info product. (When it comes to product creation, you can cut corners, so long as you don’t cut this one.)How you should create your first information product. (Fast, easy, and effective.)Why you don’t need money to create information products.How to price information products. (Hint: You should never price a product based on how much you spend to produce it.)Product formats that allow you to charge more money. (Plus, one product format that almost guarantees you won’t make more than twenty bucks a sale.)Why you should always give high quality information for free. (If you feel tempted to give away watered-down information, don’t. Find out why from Fred.)How Fred got 50,000 people to join his email list in one year.A simple way to track the ROI of your advertising efforts.The biggest mistake people make when designing web sites-and how they should be structured for maximum response.The right way to repurpose content into multiple products. (Most people do this the wrong way and end up with angry customers.)New trends in information marketing. (As consumers of information become more savvy, information marketers are changing what they offer and how they sell it.)Why you should try to become “exclusive” as soon as possible. (There are three reasons why. Number one is to earn more money. The others are revealed in the program.)What the “PLC” formula is. How it can help you get started fast.Disc #5 –Interview with Dan Poynter —Book Publishing SecretsHow many books to print when you self-publish.The difference between digital and off-set printing. Why it matters.An affordable way to get free advertising for your book. (For less than $50, you can potentially get thousands of dollars worth of advertising.)Why you should always offer you book in multiple formats.Why you should contact multiple printers for quotes. (Hint: Prices fluctuate all the time, even for similar projects.)Who should be selling your books. (Sure, you can sell them yourself… but these people will sell far more than most people can.)One common character trait that can sabotage an author’s attempt to get widespread distribution.How to get distribution through and sell more books.Ways to leverage your knowledge into multiple revenue streams. (Profit from the same information over and over again.)How to get guaranteed word-of-mouth. (It’s 100% legal.)Disc #6 –Interview with Marcia Yudkin —Content Creation & PublicityHow to turn an old 2-page handout into 5,000 hot leads… and a book contract!A widely-read but often overlooked magazine that can be leveraged to produce new customers fast.How to instantly position yourself as an expert and automatically attract lucrative consulting deals.Why you should have more than one product to sell when you accept an invitation to speak at a live event.The real purpose of teleseminars. (Once you begin thinking of teleseminars in this way, your listeners will be happier… and they’ll spend more.)3 ways to make money from teleseminars.The one thing you must do to be seen as an expert. (This is the one thing some so-called “gurus” try to avoid!)The danger of ignoring learning styles. How it impacts your bottom line.How to give the impression that your materials are “everywhere.” (This one simple tip can attract far more readers and customers than you ever would otherwise.)Why you should be careful to give people only what they need. (Give them too much, and you risk being put in the dreaded “follow up” file.)How the word “ebook” can drive down the value of your digital products.What the “Packaging Paradox” is. What it means to your marketing.Why you might want to consider a “closed” affiliate program. (Plus, find out why open affiliate programs can sometimes be dangerous.)A quick way to discover if somebody has copied your web site content without getting permission.How to attract members to a membership site. What is necessary to make it a success over the long term.How much content you need to launch a membership site.How Marcia created a “seminar by postcard,” which lead to being featured in Entrepreneur magazine.Disc #7 –Interview with Christopher Knight —Article MarketingHow to give away “slivers” of your content for free to attract loyal customers.Why ezine articles work.(Discover the frame of mind searchers are in when they encounter your work. How to use this to your advantage.)The four types of content that make up a successful web site.How to leverage other people’s time and effort to build your own web presence.How many articles constitute a “content rich” web site. (Here is how many articles you need to start getting “search engine love.”)How to create content quickly, even if you don’t think of yourself as a writer.Free and fee-based keyword tools you can use to do keyword research for your articles.What “The Long Tail” is and how it applies to keyword research and article writing. (Understand this, and you’ll get far more traffic than other content creators.)A sneaky little trick for getting traffic from misspelled keywords—without making you look unprofessional.The most important part of your ezine article. (Get this wrong and it won’t matter how good your content is. You simply won’t get the traffic you deserve.)Different templates you can use to create content quickly. Easy ways to discover more of these templates.How to encourage click-thrus from your article to your web site. (One of the biggest reasons for writing articles is to get traffic, so getting this right is critical.)Two ways to make sure your articles are accepted by article web sites. (Avoid rejection before you get started.)How to turn content into cash. (Discover 4 methods for monetizing your content.)How to create an automatic follow-up sequence that sells for you 52 weeks a year.How to tell if social networks are helping or hurting your traffic. (Web 2.0 technology isn’t always beneficial.)Disc #8 –Interview with Dan Janal —Teleseminars & PublicityHow to make more money from teleseminars—without creating any new content.How to motivate people to buy your digital content… even though they might not be directly interested in the product you’re selling!Two simple ways to get people to listen to your teleseminar.Want to interview somebody? Here are two qualifications for anybody you interview on a teleseminar.How to turn interview questions into compelling copy to persuade people to attend your teleseminar.When to do a free teleseminar. How to benefit from this kind of “pro bono” work.How to choose the content you share in your teleseminar.A simple tip for holding your audience’s attention for the duration of your teleseminar—even if you cover some boring material.Why you should take listener questions before the teleseminar begins.The difference between advertising and publicity. Why it matters.3 ways independent professionals benefit from publicity.How to stand out when you’re trying to get publicity. (Hint: Credentials simply aren’t good enough anymore.)How to break through PR clutter quickly and grab the attention of reporters, plus why it works.How to get your call to action into your online articles and press releases. (This can’t be done in the off-line world, but it can be done on the Internet!)The right length for online articles and press releases. (Stop guessing how much you need to write.)How to plan, schedule, and host your first teleseminar. (Follow these simple steps for quick success.)The best time of day to conduct a teleseminar. (Tip: It depends on who your target market is.)Disc #9 –Interview with Jim Kukral —Blogging & Affiliate MarketingHow to start blogging in less then 5 minutes.The single biggest benefit of blogging. (It has nothing to do with money.)How to get immediate feedback from your customers so you can give them exactly what they want.The biggest obstacle that keeps people from blogging—and how to overcome it.What constitutes a “super blogger.” How you can still be successful without going to these extremes.How RSS works. How to use it to gain more loyal readers.How to bypass mainstream publishers and go straight to the consumers of information.Three ways to profit from blogs. (Do any of these and you could quickly develop a new income stream.)When (and when not) to use CPM advertising to monetize your blog.How transparency with your readers can actually help you earn more money from recommending affiliate products.How to add photos to your blog posts.Why search engines like blogs so much. How to use this knowledge to your advantage.A simple way to get press coverage and attract the attention of “major players” in less than a week.How to start blogging without starting a blog. (This little-known method is the quick way to get paid for blogging without worrying about any of the technical details.)How to use creativity to drive traffic and make money. (See how Jim did it with an off-the-wall idea that has taken off.)Disc #10 –Interview with Jeff Walker —Conducting Product LaunchesHow to tell when you’ve achieved expert status.(Becoming an expert is easier than you think.)How to make a fortune by building a solid fan base.The single most important thing Jeff can trace his success back to. (It’s a four-letter word, but contains the power to make you wealthy.)How Jeff built a subscriber base of 80,000 people without any PR or advertising help.How to get more attention from any promotion you ever create.Why anticipation is critical to the success of a product launch. (Discover how to trigger this emotion to multiply your results.)How you can use a product launch to sell a new product or re-launch an existing product. (Even if your product hasn’t sold well in the past, you can use a product launch for a quick cash infusion.)How to create content quickly using screen capture videos. (This is easier and faster than writing… and it often has a higher perceived value with customers.)Why you should never use the same content only one time. Plus, how to repurpose content for greater impact.Disc #11 –Interview with Kevin Price —Making Money with RadioHow to start your own radio show for free.How to sell air time to advertisers and make your radio show profitable from day one.How to select experts to feature on your radio show—and increase profits at the same time.How to trade advertising space with other media to grow your listener base.Why trial and error is a good thing. How to deal with it.How long it takes to create a new radio show and take it live on the air. (It takes less time than you might think.)Why you don’t need a background in radio to create a successful radio show.How to use radio shows to build a tangible asset you can continue to profit from for years.The 3 biggest mistakes people make when trying to profit from creating a radio show.How to get free books for review every single week.What the “5 Ps” are and how they prevent poor performance in whatever you do.Disc #12 –Interview with Deb DiSandro —Syndicating ContentHow Deb became a paid newspaper columnist—and how you can too.How to use credibility as the foundation to build an entire business.The benefit of personal one-to-one contact. How it works in your favor to get results faster.How to use (and encourage) interactivity to increase the readership of printed newspaper articles.How to transition from a recognized columnist to a recognized (and highly paid) public speaker.How to spin off an ebook that you know people will buy. (Plus, why you shouldn’t worry about digital piracy.)How to use the web to get “discovered” by publications looking for fresh talent and content.3 easy steps to developing a brand and building a successful content business.How much you can really make from being a syndicated columnist.How to get editors to accept your column, even if they’re hesitant to take a risk on you.Why you should stop worrying about trying to please everybody—and what kind of difference it can make in your life.As you can see, you will get a wealth of information when you get Cash Content Formula. Just one idea that you apply could be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. But you’re not getting just ideas. You’re also getting…A Step-by-Step SystemThe manual combined with the audio interviews show you systematically how you can build an information empire that produces a sizeable income that could last you a lifetime.You won’t have to use trial and error to figure this stuff out—the system eliminates this risk for you. It combines over a hundred years’ worth of experience and shows you exactly what to do each step of the way.Putting all this together, you’ll finally be able to…Stop Trading Hours for Dollars & StartEnjoying Multiple Streams of Passive IncomeCash Content Formula will liberate you from trading hours for dollars. Let me explain…Most independent professionals, including coaches, consultants, writers, and public speakers, sell time to make a living. The problem is there are only so many hours in a day. If you sell all of your time, the only way to make more money is to raise your fees.Creating and monetizing content gives you a way out of this “time/money trap.” Instead of selling your expertise by the hour, you can record your content once (in writing, audio, or video)… and then sell it over and over again for years to come.This is the ultimate freedom. You will have money coming in automatically whether you are working or sleeping. You can stop selling your services altogether or sell them on a limited basis.Of course, many independent professionals continue to offer their services because they love what they do. But by utilizing Cash Content Formula, you will have greater freedom in who you work with and how much you charge. It is not unreasonable to expect your fees to go up by 50%… 100%… or more.Get Cash Content Formula – Cathy Stucker, Only Price $30Tag: Cash Content Formula – Cathy Stucker Review. Cash Content Formula – Cathy Stucker download. Cash Content Formula – Cathy Stucker discount.