DreamBuilder Program – Mary Morrissey


How Much Longer Will You Settle for  “Good,’’ When EXTRAORDINARY Is  Out There Waiting for You?Discover the Proven, Reliable & Repeatable System of Transformation that Tens of Thousands of People Have Already Used to Create Lives They Truly Love Living… Without All of the “Hard Work” & StruggleDoes this sound familiar?You’re dissatisfied with your life, but you don’t know what you’d change or how.What if you could find a way to get crystal clear on what you REALLY want (then have a plan to make it come true)?You’re not stepping out to do what you want to do for whatever reason (guilt, worry, fear, just plain negative thinking) – AND you desperately want to rid yourself of those obstacles and move forward with confidence. What if you could make your dream REAL, NOW?You’re frustrated with yourself because you don’t seem to be moving forward with your dream. Maybe you’ve been successful in other areas of your life, which makes you even more upset with yourself for being stuck – what’s wrong with you that you can’t be successful in something you REALLY want? What if you could get personalized, step-by-step instruction for dissolving your blocks and changing your behavior so you could move forward with your dream full steam ahead?You constantly feel unsettled because you don’t know which step to take next to really move in the direction of your dream. What if there was a system for determining which path best fit your dream – or for creating the perfect path for you?I’ve got GREAT news for you — You Are In The Right Place, Right Now!My name is Mary Morrissey, and I’m known as the world’s leading teacher on the Invisible Side of Success. With your permission, allow me to share some of my dream-building credentials…AND at one point in my career, I lost everything, including my first multi-million dollar business. I was forced to declare bankruptcy. I rebuilt my second multi-million dollar business within 2 years.I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this so you know I’ve been where you are. I’ve hit rock bottom – declaring bankruptcy. I’ve struggled with relationships – married 3 times. I’ve almost died – struck with life-threatening disease in high school. And more!I’ve experienced utter failure and fought back from it on more than one occasion. And I’ve experienced ultimate success. If I can do it, so can you.I’m here to show you HOW you can do it, without compromising your values as you achieve success, no matter how dark things look right now.What’s my secret? Making sure everything I teach and everything I do is rooted in the Invisible, Heart-Centered Side of Success.This is an absolutely critical component in clarifying exactly what you want, in going after it, and in achieving it.In fact, unleashing The Invisible Side of Success is the best way to unlock more joy, self-worth and confidence in your life as you get clear on exactly what you want and how to get it so you turn your dreams into the life you live – in every way (from finances to health and relationships).The best part: I’ve designed a simple, proven system for unlocking the Invisible Side of Success in your life.It’s not your fault you still struggle to realize your BIG DREAM – or that you still aren’t sure exactly what that is, or that you know what it is and still haven’t achieved it. In fact, this is where we all start out.We all start at the same point, wondering what our dream is, and then taking our first steps toward creating that life; then being met with roadblocks and challenges.The main difference between those who reach their dream and those who don’t is the ones who reach their dream are willing to accept support and guidance to help them along the way.DreamBuilder is your support system!Week 1: Dream-Building Principle #1What is Within You is Greater Than Anything in Your SurroundingsWhen you are in harmony with your soul’s purpose and with what you are here to be and do, things get easier. This is the most passionate, wondrous way to live life. Reveal to yourself what you want to be, to do, to create or to give – without the limitations of time, education and money that you shackle yourself with.You’ll also learn:How everything is created twice – and how you can use that truth to build your dreams effortlessly.Why the way most people live is completely backwards if you want to live your dream – and how to turn it around if that’s what you desire.The ONE thing people who live happy, fulfilled lives have in common – it’s probably not what you think.The way of thinking most people lose after they’re 2 years old – and why we should strive to get it back.Week 2: Building Your DreamDefining What You Really WantThe vast majority of people cannot answer the question, “What is your dream?” Can you? People tend to think about what is possible based on their current circumstances. They can’t see a different future. Reorient your thinking so that you can really explore possibilities – and set your sights on what you really want.You’ll learn:How you choose whether to “create by design” or to “create by default”.The 2 parts of your mind, and how you MUST use them both to ask the questions that will guide you toward your true dreams.How honoring discontent and longing can bring you closer to your dreams – truly.How being financially unstable is a sign you are out of harmony with the Laws of the Universe.How our dreams speak to us (and why you must listen or you’ll never see your dreams become your reality) – and how your own thoughts and words lend power to your dream.Week 3: Discovering Whether Your Dream Is Right For YouIs Your Dream Truly Worthy Of You?Your life is precious and unrepeatable. It is a gift from the universe to be shaped and molded. The way you shape each day creates a pattern that becomes a form that becomes an experience, which we ultimately call your life. You’ve defined your dream. The next step is to determine whether that dream is really right for you. Not whether you’re worthy of the dream, but rather, whether the dream is worthy of you.You’ll learn:How to determine whether you’re considering a real dream, or simply a worthy goal – and the difference between the two.One thing your dream MUST require of you – if it doesn’t, it’s not really YOUR dream.The definition of “good” and how it applies to your dream and to other people – this is the key to removing any thread of judgment from your dream.A special clue from Henry David Thoreau that will help you advance confidently towards the realization of your dream.The ONE thing you must let go of when pursuing your dream.The one thing that can stand in the way of reaching your dream – this may surprise you.Week 4: The Power of PerceptionAligning Your Thoughts With Your DreamsMost of us have limiting perceptions about ourselves that create doubt about our possibilities. Once you understand that you are not your personality and you are not your body (you have both, of course) – but you are a spiritual being having a human experience; then you can see the truth emerge and begin moving towards your dream.The truth: you have absolutely unlimited creative capacities. You limit them with your own thinking and your own understanding, but once you can change your thinking, you hold the power to create whatever you want to.You’ll learn:To recognize the small voice inside yourself that tells you that you’re not good enough for your dream – and how to change your perception.The shift in your self-image that will lead to reaching your dreams easily and effortlessly.Why the thing people call “the comfort zone” is actually uncomfortable – and how to get out of it.The best part about going through the process of creating your dream – it’s something you probably never even considered before.How to become a vibrational match for ideas, circumstances and situations that support the steps you MUST take to build your dream.An exercise to rid yourself of any “dead weight” you’re carrying and to create new thoughts that are in line with the authentic you.Week 5: Increasing WorthinessLaying Claim to Your Sense of DeservingOnce you’ve come to see yourself as the architect of your own life, rather than as a victim of circumstance, then you can begin to build your dream – one that requires your passion, your persistence, and a belief in yourself that you are worthy of having this dream come true.You’ll learn:What kind of energy you must send out, in order for your dream to come to fruition – and EXACTLY how to do that.The one thing that creates the magnetic field that surrounds you so you know what you are attracting (and NOT attracting).One feeling you MUST have if you want to live abundantly. Don’t have it, and you won’t have abundance.What the universe grants each of us – and how to be ready to receive your dream – this is crucial if you want your dream to come true.Get DreamBuilder Program – Mary Morrissey, Only Price 55$Week 6: Environment EmpowermentCreating the Integrity of Your Field So Your Dream Can GrowYour dream passes the tests, and you feel worthy of its coming true. But if you plant your dream in soil that has been choked out by weeds, then the dream can’t possibly grow. The weeds are fear. Fear can choke out every good seed, if you let it. We’ve got to learn to befriend fear so we can honor its presence but kick it out of the driver’s seat.You’ll learn:Why fear will always be a companion on your journey… and why this is a good thing.How the story of Samson and Delilah relates to your dream-building.How entertaining your doubt can sabotage your dream-building – and the secret to avoiding self-destruction.How to put your fear where it belongs – it’s easier than you might think.The 5 words to say to yourself when fear arrives – this will make managing your fear SO much easier.Week 7: Getting Across The GapThe Secret To Overcoming ObstaclesNow you’ve spent time visioning, creating your dream, paying attention to your longing and discontent, testing your dream, making a decision for your dream and building a sense of deserving. You may be in a space called the gap – the space between the life you’ve known and the life you are creating. When you begin to understand you are an abundant being by nature, you will create abundance in the areas that serve your highest good.You’ll learn:What you should do when your higher self says, “You really can create the life you want.” – this is a key ingredient to seeing your dreams come true.What is the ONE crucial step you must take when it looks like your dream is not panning out.One thing you can do to generate more flow in your life, and the Law of the Universe that activates receiving.What to do if you’re at a crossroadsWeek 8: The FlowAttracting The Resources You Need To Build Your Heart’s DreamThis week we’ll explore another part of living in greater abundance. The action of “giving” initiates the law of receiving, and there are many channels through which good comes to you. Align with the generosity of the universe, and become open to the flow an experience of ideas, resources, circumstances and people that will come into your life to bless you.You’ll learn:The one balance you MUST strike to attract exactly what is required to build the dream that is in your heart – and I promise, this really works.One thing you MUST do to create abundance for yourself.The mindset you MUST retain in order to stay open to the universe’s generosity.Where to look for abundance – hint: it’s not your paycheck, your inheritance, or the friend who owes you moneyWeek 9: Expansion Through ForgivenessClearing The Past To Receive Your DreamAny farmer knows soil must be as healthy as the seed for a crop to prosper. You can’t grow a healthy dream in toxic soil. Even the best dream cannot survive if it is planted in soil that is toxic with resentment. Everyone has forgiveness work to do – it’s a mental, emotional and spiritual practice that opens the doors of perception and frees us to live a life worth living.You’ll learn:How every moment of our lives – no matter how horrible it may seem at the time – is meant to be.The question you must answer definitively – and how your answer to the question affects your life and the flow of your abundance.What forgiveness is NOT about.The first essential step in learning true forgiveness.Who forgiveness is REALLY for – now you’ll understand why forgiveness is such an important part of dream-building.Simple steps you can do for yourself and for others so you can live in a state of constant forgivenessWeek 10: Your Inner GeniusAccessing The Land Of SolutionsIt’s time to learn to be receptive; to be an empty cup the universe can fill with its abundance. Dreams will not happen from the mind that doesn’t believe it’s possible, nor from the mind that is convinced conditions have to change before dreams can manifest. Conditions never change first. Conditions change because our thinking changes.You’ll learn:A 5-step process for thinking beyond your circumstances or problemsA simple way to make life easier and expand your resilienceWhat you shouldn’t focus on when shifting your mind to a higher frequencyHow to open up to receiving new abundanceHow to use your thinking power in service of your dreamWeek 11: Overcoming FailureTransforming Breakdowns into BreakthroughsOf all of the steps in dream-building, the most difficult one is probably what we call “failure.” Yet, what we perceive as failure actually is information – it’s feedback. In the life of any dream-builder, things happen – things you couldn’t have predicted. The truth is, your reaction to and definition of those things will define you.You’ll learn:An essential point in your dream-building and what you can do at this point if you want to be a great DreamBuilder.What to do when you feel like giving up- let’s face it, that’s always a choice.Where you must remain if you expect the Laws of the Universe to help you solve your problem.What you can do when you get tired.How to tell the difference between a time to “persist” and a time to “redirect”.Week 12: Sustaining SuccessAnchoring Your Dream For Increasing ResultsWho you become as a result of consciously taking this journey enables you to embark on one dream after another. Building a dream, no matter which stage you are in, opens you more and more to living a life of amplified aliveness. This natural feeling rises up in you more and more frequently as you stay true to this course. You will grow more and more into the person who is the person you are meant to be, and you’ll harvest your dreams again and again throughout the journey of your life.You’ll learn:The Law of Gestation as it applies to your dream – and how to honor your dream during its gestation, even when it seems like nothing is happening.Our real job during dream-building – no, it’s not working harder.How to manifest abundance that includes material wealth, and expands far beyond that.One thing you must trust more than your own personal will.The one asset you gain during your life that you get to keep at the end of the day.Where the secret to life, your dream, is hidden – you may be surprised.So now you may be wondering…“Mary, how EXACTLY are you going to teach me how to… Define and Test My Dream, Increase My Awareness, Create a Support System and Harvest My Dream… so that I can begin to live my dream and enjoy the kind of life I have always envisioned?”Great question. And it will be much easier than you may think.Here’s my answer…I am absolutely dedicated to helping you build your dreams and create the life you want to live and I’ll be there to hold your hand every step of the way. With this program you’re going to get a cutting edge, interactive course that goes deeper than anything else you can buy.Here are the SPECIFICS of how we’re going to do this … together:1Each week, you’ll login to a private membership site where you’ll receive that week’s lesson, which includes the professionally recorded audio lesson and weekly guidebook exercises.2Each week your next lesson will be unlocked and made available to guide you through your dream-building process.3You’ll also receive LIVE Laser Coaching and Q&A sessions every other week, where you can get support and answers to your most burning dream-building questions.4You’ll have 24/7 access to your DreamBuilder private Facebook group, where you can meet and share ideas with your fellow DreamBuilders.The catch? You’ve got to invest yourself in this program – heart, mind and spirit – it’s the only way to build a dream.So now you’re probably wondering, “What’s this going to cost me?”Here it is, plain and simple. I’ve been where you are – right on the edge of something greater, something bigger than myself. And I know how good it feels to move forward – to take those steps toward living my dream.That’s why I don’t have to sit here and tell you that the DreamBuilder Program alone is easily worth $497 (which is what it’s going to cost you).Think about it this way: how much will it cost you NOT to enroll in this program, in terms of time spent in discontent, longing for something better but not knowing how to get it? How much will it cost you NOT to enroll, while you continue to live life in your current pattern, with your current way of thinking – which isn’t getting you any closer to your dream?How much is it worth to you to learn an entirely new way of thinking that will put you directly in alignment with the abundance of this universe?Are you ready to FINALLY start living your dream?Still not sure if DreamBuilder is for you?Your Investment is Protected By My ONE YEARSatisfaction GuaranteeYour investment in the DreamBuilder® Program is backed by my ONE YEAR satisfaction guarantee.Throughout the year, you can go through the entire 90-day program, all 12 modules, several times if you like — and keep amplifying your results in all four areas of your life.And, if you’re dissatisfied with what you learn inside for any reason at all, simply let us know within one year, and we will issue you a prompt and courteous refund. No hassle and no questions asked.Get DreamBuilder Program – Mary Morrissey, Only Price 55$Tag : DreamBuilder Program – Mary Morrissey Review. DreamBuilder Program – Mary Morrissey download. DreamBuilder Program – Mary Morrissey discount. mary morrissey. dream builder live. dream builder program reviews. dream builder coach. dreambuilder login. dream builder business plan.