You started your business because you wanted to live life on your own terms.So why does it feel like you’re working harder and earning less than you ever did at a 9-5 job?!And don’t even get me STARTED on how stressful it is not knowing how much money you’re going to bring in each month. You want to be making a minimum of $5K/month in your biz so that:You can replace your day job salary without having to slave away for someone else all day.You always have more than enough money to pay your bills.You can confidently say that all those months of pouring yourself into your business were worth it.You finally feel like you’ve “made it” in your business.You want to hit those $5K months, but right now you’re not able to shell out thousands of dollars on a marketing agency to handle all of the “sales and money-making” stuff for you.You’ve gotta do this on your own.You need to find a way to make consistent money in your biz — and preferably one that doesn’t require overnight work marathons and spending every weekend holed up in your office.Meet your new rinse and repeat sales system:The $5K Formula.This 4-step system is the simplest and most effective way to attract your dream clients, sell out your launches, and hit $5K months with ease.When you implement it the right way, it’ll look a little something this:Step 1. You craft magnetic messaging that effortlessly attracts your dream clients and customers.Step 2. You create an irresistible offer that has your audience running for their wallets.Step 3. You run a series of launches and generate more cash $$$ with each one.Step 4. You set up a sales funnel and start making money on autopilot.This is how your sales system SHOULD work.BUT if you approach sales the wrong way (which most people do, tbh), your tactics can turn off potential customers, result in zero-cash months, and seriously eff with your mindset.You might even start thinking that you aren’t cut out for this whole “entrepreneur” thing after all (#ouch).Hey girl hey!I’m Krista, and I’m obsessed with helping ladies like you make more money in their online businesses so they can go from overwhelmed → abundant.I believe that selling your offers does NOT have to feel sleazy, weird, or awkward.After working with over 5,000 students and customers, I’ve developed a repeatable system that will allow you to make more money — without selling your soul or slaving away in an office all day.And I want to share all my secrets with you!Because I KNOW you’re ready to hit those $5K months, create passive income, and make more money while working less. And the $5K Formula is the key to making that all happen.Get The $5K Club – Krista Dickson, Only Price $127’Cuz let’s face it, boo: Your sales strategy will make or break your biz.Just think about if for a sec. How good would it feel to have a rinse and repeat sales system that actually WORKED?Just imagine how in-freaking-credible it would feel to… Wake up on a random Tuesday morning, roll over in bed and check your phone notifications – bing bing bing! Another 5 sales came in overnight #hellyea Ditch work at noon to go for celebratory drinks with your girlfriends ‘cuz guess what? You just sold out your launch (again!) Use the cash your business generates in a single month to take your hubs on a 7-day all-inclusive trip in CaboGood news: This isn’t just a pipe dream. It’s actually possible!Building an online business that lights you the heck up is possible.Working with dream clients and selling out your launches is possible.Waking up to more money in your bank account every day is possible.(Yep, even if you don’t have 10K followers, a huge email list, or a degree in sales & marketing).I’ve done it, and I’ve helped my clients and students do it, too.When you follow the $5K Formula, these things will not only become possible for you — they’ll become totally INEVITABLE.But unfortunately, this is what *usually* happens when you try to crack this whole “sales” thing on your own…YOU HAVE MAJOR USED CAR SALESMAN VIBES (OR YOU HIDE ENTIRELY)You hate feeling pushy and sleazy when you try to sell, but you don’t know how else to do it and actually make money. So you rotate between being overly salesy and then a few days later, not talking about your offer at all (oops).YOU HAVE SERIOUS “WHO AM I TO BE DOING THIS?” SYNDROMESometimes, you just feel like a fraud, wondering when people will find out that you’re not actually that much of an “expert”. This stops you from showing up in your business and slows-the-roll on your growth. YOU GET COMPLETELY BURNT OUT ON CLIENT WORKYou love working with your 1:1 clients, but you wish you could spend less time grinding it out in the office. You want to create passive income products so you can make more money without having to work those crazy long days. YOUR REVENUE STAYS HELLA INCONSISTENTYour income is never the same from month to month. Some months it’s $2K, some months it’s $3K, and other months you barely make anything at all. “Does this revenue rollercoaster ever stop so I can get OFF of it?!”Listen, girlfriend. I do NOT want you to beat yourself up if this sounds a bit like your current reality.(I mean, it’s not like they teach us this kinda stuff in school, right?).You are smart, talented, and wildly courageous for putting yourself out there and starting an online business.But if you’re exhausted from pouring your heart and soul into your business without getting a lot back in return, I have great news for you…There’s a better way.A way where you never have to feel icky, sleazy, or weird about selling.A way where you don’t have to lie awake at night, trying to riddle out why your strategies never seem to work.A way where you don’t have to pound 2 Venti iced lattes from Starbucks just to get through your 12-hour workdays.Even if that’s what life looks like right now, it doesn’t have to stay that way.Because I’m about to teach you a system that will change EVERYTHING for you. Foreva.And hey, I’m no one special! I didn’t come out of the womb living and breathing sales psychology and launch strategy.I don’t have a degree in business or marketing. And you don’t need one either!You can hit those consistent $5K months even if:You don’t have 40+ hours a week to work on your bizWriting your sales copy feels like getting teeth pulledYou don’t have money for a 1:1 coachNone of your current offers are selling very wellNobody makes $5K their first month in business. I certainly didn’t!I learned through trial-and-error how to make it happen.And believe me, if I can do it, so can you!After nearly 4 years of helping women build successful online businesses, I’ve developed a 4-step system that consistently leads to big profits, big launches, and $5K months.And this system is exactly what I’ll teach you inside my signature 8-week program for digital entrepreneurs, The $5K Club.IntroclucingAn 8-week program to help you attract your dream clients, sell out your launches, and hit $5K months with ease. The $5K Club is your complete roadmap for reaching $5K months in your online business.If you’re a digital entrepreneur who’s ready for more passive income & time freedom, this program is for you. It centers around the 4 steps in my $5K Formula:1. MAGNETIC MESSAGINGEffortlessly attract your dream clients and customers by crafting a message that makes your audience feel seen, heard, and deeply understood.2. IRRESISTIBLE OFFERSCreate paid offerings that will have your audience running to grab their credit cards because they don’t want to miss out on the magic.3. PROFITABLE LAUNCHESUse my Progressive Launch System™ to get your offers out into the world with a huge splash (plus make tons of cash while you’re at it!).4. SALES FUNNELSAutomate your revenue by creating evergreen sales funnels that sell your offers every single day on autopilot without any additional work.Get The $5K Club – Krista Dickson, Only Price $127Oh, you’re a details kinda person? Here’s exactly what we’ll cover in the $5K Club program… MODULE 1. MARKETING & MESSAGING MIXOLOGY™We’ll start by crafting your magnetic message — the words, stories, and positioning that will effortlessly attract your dream clients and customers.Highlights of this module include:10 psychology-backed marketing tactics that are proven to convert like crazy (AKA your new toolkit for sales & marketing success!)The Magnetic Messaging Matrix™ — your ultimate 7-part framework for crafting a message that resonates, inspires, and compels people to actMODULE 2. IRRESISTIBLE OFFERSNext, it’s time to spruce up your current offers — and potentially create some new ones! — so your audience is whipping out their wallets to buy.In this module, you’ll learn:The 4-Step FTMU Method for crafting an offer that your people simply can’t refuseMy super simple hack for figuring out what type of offer you should create and sell nextThe 4 types of bonuses you should include with your offers to easily (and instantly!) boost sales9 do’s and dont’s of pricing your offers for successMODULE 3. THE 2-STEP SALES FUNNELOnce your offer is perfected and primed to convert, you’ll learn how to set up a simple 2-step sales funnel in an hour or less (yup, for real!).Module 3 includes:A step-by-step process for creating your 2-part LTO sales funnel in 60 minutes flatHow you can capitalize on resources you’ve already created to quickly boost your biz revenueDetailed tech tutorials and sales page swipe copy to ensure your funnel is optimized to convertMODULE 4. THE LAUNCH TRIFECTAWe’re just about ready to launch your big and beautiful offer out into the world and create a rapid surge of revenue!In this module you’ll learn:The Launch Trifecta: 3 key areas you MUST master if you want your launch to be a raving successMy Progressive Launch System™ — AKA the secret to making sure you always get the maximum ROI on your launches (without having a mental breakdown!)My top money mindset tips, resources, and ritualsHow to create an energetic toolkit to ensure you’re supported, successful, and high-vibe while launchingMODULE 5. BETA LAUNCH STRATEGYNext, you’ll learn how to execute a profitable beta launch that sells out your new offering (with a minimal investment of time, energy, and dollars on your part).Highlights include:A beta launch calendar that breaks down exactly what emails to send, what to post on social media, and when to invite your audience to purchaseA launch email guide and swipe file so you can write high-converting emails lickety-splitA beta launch sales page template that will help you write & design your sales page in 30 minutes flatMODULE 6. TIER 2 LAUNCH STRATEGYNext up, you’ll build off of your beta launch strategy and execute what we call a “Tier 2 Launch”.Included in Module 6:How to build a waitlist of excited people who can’t WAIT for you to open up the cart so they can buyThe key item you must release 30 days before your launch starts in order to warm up your audienceEmail swipe files from my own multi-five-figure launches to help you craft email copy that converts!MODULE 7. TIER 3 LAUNCH STRATEGYThe final step in our Progressive Launch System™ is to get your offers in front of new audiences so you can scale beyond $5K months and $5K launches.In this module, you’ll learn:How to build a wildly profitable affiliate program so your offers sell on autopilotHow to add upsells and downsells to your launches to double your revenue (without a ton of extra work)The best strategies for using FB and IG ads to scale your launches, even if you have a small ads budgetMODULE 8. EVERGREEN SALES FUNNELSAt this point in the program, you’re a total launch goddess — and now you want to switch gears and focus on passive income. Enter: The sales funnel!In Module 8, you’ll learn:The 4 key components of a high-converting funnelHow to create a swoon-worthy lead magnet that attracts hoards of your ideal customersHow to write uber-enticing emails for your funnel, including a swipe file with 9 of my own funnel emailsA deep-dive tech tutorial to help you automate your funnel so all of the sales are 100% hands-off!Here’s everything you get immediate access to when you join the $5K Club today:8 COURSE MODULES WITH 36 STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO LESSONS22 WORKBOOKS, LAUNCH CALENDARS, TEMPLATES, & SWIPE FILESTHE PRIVATE, STUDENTS-ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP4 BIWEEKLY LIVE Q&A CALLS WITH KRISTAPLUS THE FOLLOWING BONUSE:Bonus #1:SPELLBINDING SALES PAGE TEMPLATENever stress over writing a sales page again! This plug-n-play template will help you craft uber-persuasive sales copy that turns browsers into buyers.Bonus #2:FIVE-FIGURE LAUNCH DEBRIEFEver wished you could peek behind-the-scenes of a successful launch? Now you can! In this bonus, I share my exact launch emails, sales page copy, and social media promo from a recent $23,000 launch.Bonus #3:BOOKED OUT SERVICES PAGE TEMPLATEStruggling to explain exactly what you do and why your dream clients need your help? This template will help you write a swoon-worthy services page without the stress and word vomit.Bonus #4:HIGH-CONVERTING SALES FUNNEL SWIPE FILEWritten by a professional sales copywriter, these funnel emails are worth their weight in gold (literally!). Use them as inspiration when setting up your own email sales funnel in Module 8.Bonus #5:FB AND IG ADS MASTERCLASS WITH REBECCA THATCHERIn this 50-minute masterclass from ads expert Rebecca Thatcher, you’ll learn how to successfully use Facebook and Instagram ads to amplify you launch revenue and results. Never stress over the pixel, custom audiences, or targeting again! Get The $5K Club – Krista Dickson, Only Price $127Tag: The $5K Club – Krista Dickson Review. The $5K Club – Krista Dickson download. The $5K Club – Krista Dickson discount.