Real Estate Secrets – Hans Jakobi


Finally: Here’s GOOD NEWS For People Who Want To Generate Strong & Positive Long-Term Income From Real Estate Investments In Any Economic Climate By Following A Proven & Tried System Created By Australia’s MOST TRUSTED & RELIABLE Real Estate Educator …”Upfront & Honest Laser Guided Real Estate Investment Education & Knowledge That Will Lead YOU Step- By-Step To FINANCIAL FREEDOM  or Second-Hand, Shonky, Ignorant Property Investment Information That Costs YOU A Small Fortune In Time & Money… The Choice Is YOURS… How To Peep Over The Shoulder Of Australia’s #1 Real Estate Investment Coach… Enjoy Outrageous Success & Wealth RIGHT NOW!”Attention: Take the phone off the hook, put DO NOT DISTURB on the door, pour yourself a soothing cuppa, get a comfortable spot somewhere and please read this letter carefully because it offers you a REVOLUTIONARY opportunity to Acquire and Build Long- Term Passive Income From Property Investing… Even If YOU HAVEN’T A CLUE WHERE TO START!Discover How “Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth”…Gives YOU a proven step-by-step master plan to build a million dollar property portfolio…Allows YOU a truly unique opportunity to SEE and LEARN how a highly successful Real Estate Investor uses his finely tuned experience and skills on location to search for properties, analyse deals, conduct property inspections, speak to real estate agents, property managers, tax experts, financiers, asset protection experts…and solicitorsOffers YOU the chance to establish income from property investment using simple but powerful strategies YOU can implement again and again… whether you wish to own one property…or build an entire empire!Plus Much, Much More…Specialising in Breakthrough Education for Property Investors by teaching AND assisting them to apply the most efficient strategies for property investment… using the latest property market trends and Insider Information…even if YOU’VE never Invested in property before…Plus: He Guarantees you great value for money and support with every piece of information he provides you or you don’t pay a red cent!”Dear friend,If you’re someone who dreams about owning one or several POSITIVE CASH FLOW properties that put money into YOUR pocket instead of taking it out… but you’re skeptical about whether such property deals are just a lot of Hocus-Pocus…or simply too hard to find …… then chances are you’re a person who scratches their head in frustration and wonders how other people seem to make a fortune in the property market when you’re left out there in no man’s land floundering… but before you get down in the mouth about it, there is some LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL… and that’s why this will be the most important letter you’ve ever readIn a minute I’ll explain why, but first I’d like to share a story with you…My name is Hans Jakobi and in 1995 I was faced with a personal crisis. I had just sold a distribution business that I had operated for several years with the intention of taking over a food manufacturing plant. But at the last moment the deal fell through… and I was at a loose end.I had been trained as a chartered accountant (my degree is in economics and accounting) and I had worked in accounting practices… and my father’s business before venturing out on my own.I knew I wanted to work for myself, but at the time I wasn’t sure what it was that I wanted to do…This was a pattern that had occurred in my life before and I usually opted for security, by going back to a salaried position. This time however, I decided to do something different, although I must admit for a time I lost my fire and enthusiasm… and felt that I lacked direction.While I was looking for opportunities…I took a short-term job selling investment real estate. I had invested in real estate for many years and it was something I strongly believed in. However, what I discovered during my short time with this company was that many people were being misled.The company that I worked for sold investment properties in Queensland and would fly potential investors interstate for a free look at the properties that were for sale…The clients would be picked up at the airport and driven to visit the properties. However, what the Queensland sales people were told to do was to drive a certain route. They could not drive past any billboards advertising other properties…nor real estate agents offices.In fact, the whole presentation was organised so that the unsuspecting client would have no idea of what comparable values were in that area.As most investors came from Sydney or Melbourne…The prices quoted, in comparison to Sydney and Melbourne appeared to be good value. Most of these properties were sold at around 20% above market value… and many of the salespeople selling these properties were not aware of this fact… I certainly wasn’t.The clients were pressured to sign a contract on the day of their visit. Generally they were told that this was the last property available… and many signed the contract then and there.Under NSW law there is a cooling-off period that allows people to change their mind, but as these contracts were signed in the presence of a Queensland solicitor, no cooling-off period applied at the time. The contract was binding (thankfully the laws have now been changed.)You may wonder how these guys got away with it, particularly when the banks approved their finance…It was common practice to mortgage the investment property as well as the client’s home. I became highly suspicious when clients with perfectly good credit ratings and the potential to pay off a loan were refused finance.What separated these clients from the ones that were approved, was that they also had a substantial mortgage on their home. Those people whose applications were approved easily, had a huge amount of equity in their property and therefore they were not aware that they were paying to much for their investment property.And what I soon realised due to my accounting and auditing background was…The banks would have a first mortgage on the investor’s home…and they could draw on this to the maximum if the investor defaulted. In other words, if the bank held a mortgage of $20,000 on the investor’s home and $175,000 was owed on the investment property, then the bank could claim the whole lot in a default situation.Many unsuspecting investors…When clients already had substantial mortgages, the banks (who must have known these properties were overpriced) did not have as much security… and therefore refused the loan, so some of these investors were encouraged to take out mortgage insurance to buy the investment property.Who had been promised high rents and growth in property values were stuck with white elephants they could not rent at the rents promised once their rental guarantee period expired. Eager to get out and cut their losses, some investors decided to sell out at a significant loss.Naturally once I realised what was happening, I left my job immediately and that experience led me to discover my passion…I wanted to be part of a solution for property investors…not part of the problem. I wanted to teach people the secrets of creating wealth honestly.You see, wealth to me is more than just money; it also encompasses relationships, lifestyle, time, helping others and personal fulfillment as well as money.Money is the tool that provides us with FREEDOM and the luxuries of life.Having discovered my purpose, I set about creating my current business, Wealth Dynamics International Pty Ltd… and my purpose has been to live and teach the principles of TRUE WEALTH!I’m confident that I can teach, help and offer YOU a fantastic opportunity to Discover the Little Known Secrets about TRUE WEALTH through the experience and knowledge I have accumulated both as a Real Estate Industry Expert Investor… and as an educator.The BEST PART is with the benefit of my experience, all this is possible and soon I’ll show you how, but first let’s just step into the future for a minute…Imagine climbing out of bed each morning brimming with confidence knowing that YOU own, or better still, control over a million dollars worth of property that you’ve successfully invested in.YOU feel full of energy, alive and refreshed… and you’re looking forward to the new day with a child-like zest for living because you’ve achieved an incredible amount of passive income and capital growth as a result of your wise decision-making… wouldn’t that be brilliant?Imagine enjoying fabulous relationships with your family and friends. Just for a moment let yourself feel what you want from life and how you want your life to be.Can you see it?Imagine exactly what you want and savour this moment in your mind and let this feeling stay with you. See your new future. Feel the wonderful life you want to live.Did you do it?Did you imagine how your life could be? Could you see yourself experiencing all those things that you truly wish to do? That’s good if you did. Because this is exactly how your life as a successful property investor could be. And it’s not a dream, fantasy or mere wishful thinking. Not at all… you’ll soon realise this is your new destiny and you’re just one click away from achieving it all.Well there’s no reason at all why this can’t be your new life… a new beginning that brings YOU incredible FREEDOM and WEALTH but you have to know how…Look! The properties that I purchase… and that you’ll learn how to invest in, have extraordinary potential to increase in value. This is because you’ll learn to look for the ‘boom suburbs’ of tomorrow! While I love to have my passive income coming to me every day… I also LOVE it when my properties appreciate in value! This helps me build up equity… which… I can use to purchase more property . . . without using my own cash reserves!Soon I’ll tell you how you can turn any lingering doubts you might have about property investing into something much more positive in your life by revealing every little trick, every little tactic… and every little strategy you’ll everneed to know to build your very own safe and secure real estate portfolio… quicker and easier than I did.Here’s what others have to say about my proven “turnkey” system “Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth”Well as they say ‘the proof’s in the pudding’ and these people are over the moon and you will be too…And it really doesn’t matter if you’ve NEVER invested in real estate before… or if you believe you don’t qualify for a loan… or even if you can’t tell the difference between a townhouse or a unit.”Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth” is a unique course that has the power to turn YOU into a property investing dynamo in no time flat, whether you’ve been an investor for decades… or just days.It’s unlike anything that has ever been created in Australia before. There is nothing like it anywhere. In fact, it’s the most cutting edge, practical and PROVEN ‘down-in-the-trenches’ program you’ll ever see.With the “Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth” home study course, you’ll be able to go out into the ‘field’ with me… and watch me search for real estate, analyse deals, conduct property inspections, interview real estate agents, tax specialists, asset protection experts and financiers… and actually purchase real estate LIVE!AND in a short space of time, if you follow and implement my well proven and groundbreaking strategies YOU too will have extra CASH FLOW…and the time to do the things YOU want to do in life…it’s that easy!It’s BETTER THAN Going To A Seminar Because You’ll Have This Information Right At Your Fingertips To Refer To As Often As You Like!Have you ever been to a seminar where your note taking was insufficient… and you found that a few months down the track, all you could remember was that it was a good seminar, but the specifics escaped you?Well it’s happened to me too! It’s a real shame when that happens, particularly when the seminar was jam-packed with important information that you really wanted to know and apply…and all you ended up with was information overload.I’ve experienced these same frustrations with seminars too, so what I’ve done is provide my students with a more lasting way of… learning, retaining and applying the information I teach.You can refer back to my information as often as you like, until you’ve got every last little piece of vital information, and it won’t cost you an extra cent…nothing could be sweeter!Break through seminar limitations & the feeling of confusion… and enjoy having the latest, Groundbreaking Property Investment Information right at YOUR FINGERTIPS in the Comfort of your own home… where YOU can watch, listen & learn at your own pace!Here’s just a slice of the amazing things about creating massive wealth & abundance you’ll learn…How to locate an area where property prices are set to skyrocket!The secret question to ask real estate agents that gets you the hottest deals… before anybody else!Revealed: how to protect your assets and minimise your tax using the same strategies normally only reserved for the rich and wealthy!The little known way to get tenants into your property… without reducing the rent!At Last: a real no-brainer, (yet usually overlooked) the way the rich legally pay less tax…and how you can too, even if you’re not wealthy right now!How to shrewdly manage your own “Golden Super Fund” so you have more than enough money to enjoy your life in retirement!Why an investor received a $90,000 “cash bonus” from the tax office… and how you can too if you know this insider secret!Discover the 2 things you must get completed before you purchase a property!Finally, the low down on how to purchase hot real estate… at bargain basement prices!The #1 biggest mistake most investors make before signing the contract… and why you MUST avoid it!And that’s just for starters…Your Rental Income Will Be GREATER Than Your Loan Repayments…Leaving YOU With a Healthy Profit Each Month. PLUS…Your Properties Have Incredible Potential of Increasing In Value Too!Yes, I’m talking about owning POSITIVE CASHFLOW property that puts money into YOUR bank account, instead of taking it out.When I tell people that I, and my students, focus on purchasing positive cash flow properties, there is a strong degree of initial scepticism. They feel deals like this don’t exist… or… if they do, they are impossible to find. Especially when real estate prices are skyrocketing.Do you believe this too? If so, you’re not alone.Many people think this at first. In fact, after discovering what I teach, people often jump onto the internet and start searching for the types of properties I and my students invest in. They soon find out that they are not advertised and therefore they think they don’t exist. The reality is, THEY DO EXIST and how to uncover and negotiate for them is one of the important skills I’d like to teach you.Other misinformed people say: “Sure, these properties may produce a nice, regular stream of income… but what about the property increasing in value in the future?” If this is what you’re thinking, consider this: The properties that I purchase… and that you’ll learn how to purchase, have extraordinary potential to increase in value. This is because you only purchase in the ‘boom suburbs’ of tomorrow!While I enjoy the rich benefits of passive income coming to me regularly… I get really excited when my properties dramatically grow in value!This allows me to accrue more equity that I can use to buy more and more property . . . without draining my own cash reserves!So far, you’ve only seen a very small sample of the testimonials my office is flooded with on a regular basis.Normal everyday people, just like you, working towards a life of complete and total financial freedom.Perhaps your name could be added to these files… if… you qualify for consideration in this program.You see, there are certain kinds of people that I do NOT want to purchase this course.Below is a list of criteria you need to consider in determining whether the Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course is right for you.You need to asd yourself this…1.   Do YOU want to build a safe, secure long-term passive income from real estate?2.   Is it important for YOU to AVOID the risks associated with ‘get rich quick’ real estate schemes?3.   Would YOU like to minimise the impact of market fluctuations?4.   Do YOU want your rental income to be greater than your loan repayments so you receive a reliable cash flow in any economic climate?5.   Are YOU interested in a legal, ethical, proven strategy for building wealth?6.   Do YOU appreciate the value of quality, independent information… and are you willing to pay for it?7.   Do YOU want to learn from someone who has already achieved success… is already wealthy and will shortcut your learning?If your answer is NOT a resounding YES to these 7 questions above, you may as well stop reading now.AND if you’re after a way to become a millionaire in 1 year or less, this course isn’t for you.This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme!Please think of the Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course as..A Finely Tuned Step-By-Step System That Spells Out Everything There Is To Know About Property Investment In PRECISE DETAIL … and How YOU Can Build A Strong, Stable Real Estate Portfolio That YOU Can Rely On In ANY Economic Climate, – yes even in a rising interest rate environment!Please let me explain . . .In 1997, I created the original version of the Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course. It was simply titled, Super Secrets® to Wealth… and in the original program, I gave numerous examples of properties I purchased in Sydney for an average price of $85,000.I was getting extremely good deals…Because I was purchasing from motivated sellers and because it was recorded years ago, customers would call my office saying the examples were outdated, and that I should bring it more in line with the times.My response was always the same: “Focus on the PRINCIPLES and TECHNIQUES I teach rather than worrying about the fact that property values have changed. It’s the principles you need to understand. Values will always change… but principles are timeless! If you get hung up on the prices of the properties in the course, you’ll miss the entire point”.Nevertheless, I’ve decided to expand and update the original course…Not create a totally new course mind you…just greatly modify and expand on the original course by going out into the field and conducting live interviews with ALL THE EXPERTS you’ll need. They answer all the questions you could possibly think of… and more.You’ll be amazed and thrilled at the in-depth & comprehensive content of the new Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course… and it’s cutting edge real estate strategies delivered right to YOUR door… ripe for the picking, by YOU!And look! We’ve left absolutely nothing to chance. Below I’ve outlined the major features of the Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course and explained what you’ll find in each module…Here’s What You’ll Get On The First 6 CD’s in Volume 1:In the first volume, you’ll receive the entire original Super Secrets® to Wealth audio program on CD.Here’s what you’ll discover…My proven step-by-step master plan to build a million dollar property portfolio!How to use my exclusive RTP formula… a powerful tool that shows you exactly which properties you should consider… and which you must avoid!2 essential principles you need in order to build a solid and profitable real estate portfolio!How using a simple piece of paper can increase your chances of securing a hot property… at a huge discount!How to avoid the ‘big mistake’ most investors make… that costs them thousands of $$$ per year (Don’t be caught in this deadly trap!)Blow-by-blow ‘case studies’ for you to learn and profit from!How to locate good reliable tenants who pay their rent on time… and… treat your property as their palace!How to get your first home with no money down!Plus More…This original program has been responsible for helping scores of people achieve financial freedom. It has shown hundreds how to build million dollar portfolios. It can do the same for you… if… you follow the simple strategies in it.While it is a brilliant program, I’ve now added another fifteen DVD’s …and I’ve expanded the original manual from 52 pages to 74 pages to include my comprehensive answers to the questions I am asked most often.Are you starting to see why it’s a brilliant opportunity for YOU to purchase the Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course… and soak up every bit of information it has to offer in the current real estate environment… and look there really is: No Fluff, no Nonsense, just straight out quality information for your investment with no risks to you whatsoever.Here’s What You’ll ALSO Get On The 15 DVD Modules in Volumes 2 and 3:DVD # 1 : Welcome To Super Secrets On Location!How I purchased a property 30 minutes from the Gold Coast… sight unseen! (The property has since increased in value by more than 318%. Discover the unique characteristics this property had, and WHY I purchased it!)How to make sure you’re not overpaying for real estate! (You’ll discover my simple secret for purchasing positive cash flow real estate every time!)DVD # 2 : The Voice Of Experience – Barry Black’s StoryThis is the story of my good friend, Barry Black. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, he was told that he would lose the use of his hands, and could not continue as a computer programmer. He had to find alternative sources of income.He decided to learn about property investing, and went out and did a property investing course in Canada. Within 3 days he purchased his first property. Second week he purchased his second property… and… for the next 40 months, purchased one townhouse EVERY MONTH!And then Barry’s lawyer, forged the Power of Attorney documentation and embezzled $10 million! This took his net worth from $4 million… to… negative $6 million! With a wife and family to provide for, Barry was bankrupt. He lost the boat, the sports car, the waterfront home… and… the jukebox.Crippled with Parkinson’s disease and the grim realisation that he could no longer borrow money, he was faced with the challenge of rebuilding his empire. And rebuild his empire he did! Using strategies he learnt from me…and his previous knowledge, he has built his passive income to the point where Barry no longer has to worry about money!I share his truly inspiring story so you can understand what he did to get back on top… and that virtually ANYBODY can become wealthy in real estate. Including YOU!DVD # 3 : Getting Started – Doing Your ResearchHow to use the internet to quickly and easily locate and identify hot property areas… and a FREE website you can use that will help you ‘zero-in’ on the potential boom suburbs of tomorrow!How to easily navigate this free website so you find profitable areas before anybody else!How to find sizzling real estate investments… without doing any of the legwork!Discover the virtually unknown secret for persuading real estate agents to instantly tell you the truth about a property!How to use the power of ‘justification’ to quickly ‘nail’ the seller on a lower price!Why you must call more than one real estate agent when you’re researching a suburb! (Failing to do this may result in you paying through the nose!)How to beat the agents at their own game… a surefire, guaranteed way to know if the real estate agent is lying to you!A simple secret to saving hours of your time and energy searching for investment opportunities!The single most important characteristic every area you invest in must have… if you want property prices to soar in the future!Why you make your money when you buy property… not when you sell!A real life, step-by-step financial and investment analysis of a 3-block of units in Tasmania!The amazing secret to negotiating the best possible selling price… without ever meeting or negotiating with the vendor yourself!Why you must discover the motivations of the seller… and how to use this information as leverage to increase your profits!DVD # 4 : Pounding The Streets – Doing Your FieldworkThe amazing secret to persuading real estate agents to phone you about their hottest listings… before anybody else!The essential information you must obtain from agents when you hit the streets!How to avoid the one huge mistake that most ‘budding’ investors make when purchasing a property!What every investor must know about the quickest way to sell a commercial property… and how to do it without agent’s fees!The critical questions you must have answered when analysing a property deal!How to understand the profitable world of commercial property investment!The no-lose way to buy a house for FREE!The jealously guarded secret to conducting complete and thorough property inspections!An unusual item you must look for in every bathroom!DVD # 5 : Property Management Secrets RevealedWhat every investor forgets to do before interviewing a tenant or property manager!The amazing secret to hiring a top property manager!How to virtually guarantee your tenants pay their rent on time… without having to resort to legal action!How to quickly and easily determine if a prospective tenant can really afford to pay your rent!Why almost everyone is wrong about how to manage a property… and the simple secrets to doing it properly!How to avoid the biggest mistake when screening a new tenant!DVD # 6 : Show Me The MoneyThe Insider’s guide on how to increase your property portfolio!Revealed: more of the vital information you must know about property and finance!An important message for retirees!Discover why it’s necessary to keep an open mind at the investor’s table!The 5 essential elements that can save you time and money when you fill in a bank loan application!Find out the meaning of S.L.I.C.E. and how it puts you ahead of the crowd in property deals!How to build a brilliant property portfolio…NOW… even with a low income!Why you don’t need a high deposit to get started in property investing!The little known truth about obtaining loans when you’re self-employed!The greatest and latest products in bank loan financing – you’ll be surprised!Using a line of credit – the BIG advantages exposed!The truth about no doc/low doc loans – the pluses and minuses you must know aboutWhy it’s important to plan ahead and articulate your goals correctly in the sometimes hard nosed world of property dealing!How to procure a unique vendor finance deal that’s a real win/win!Explained: Loan To Valuation Ratios (LVRs) – what are they and how do they work?The low-down on Interest Rates – how to find peace of mind when they’re volatile and jumping around all over the place!DVD # 7 : Consulting The Legal EaglesThe virtually unknown legal loopholes and traps of buying and selling property!2 ancient Latin words that have the potential to lead you to bankruptcy! (Do you know these two words?)The truth about exchanging contracts… and why you must never do it in a real estate agent’s office!A simple secret for avoiding the most dangerous pitfalls when buying a property!The one thing you must do with a law firm… before you START searching for properties!How to protect yourself legally (and hold onto that hot deal) when a real estate agent is pressuring you to sign immediately!A secret hidden clause in contracts that can result in you purchasing a termite infested property!Why you must never use the same solicitor as the vendor!A hidden trap many buyers find themselves in after purchasing a property… and even after having the contracts checked by a solicitor! (This is a doozy!)How to legally eject a tenant… before taking possession of a new property!Something essential you must do before you purchase a unit!What to do if building or pest inspectors you rely on slap a ‘no-responsibility’ disclaimer on you!What you must do before auction… to ensure you don’t sign a contract with dangerous hidden clauses!What you must do by 5 pm the next day to avert a disaster… after purchasing a property!How to guarantee the seller isn’t hiding anything!A simple way to ensure your property hasn’t been damaged before settlement!Whoa! That’s quite a list of benefits, isn’t it? Believe it or not, this is only a small sample of what you’ll be shown in the Super Secrets® To Real Estate Wealth course. Are you starting to see why people are saying that this is the most comprehensive program on how to make a fortune in real estate ever created?But wait we’re not even halfway there yet!DVD # 8 : Let Them Eat YOU Out Of House and HomeWhy it’s important to find a reliable and fast pest inspector that gets the job done quickly!The importance of a timber inspection report PLUS: the dangers of your pest inspector NOT having a certificate of insurance!Exposed: your concerns about pest control chemicals answered – what they do…and how safe they are?Finally the truth about why you should have regular pest inspections!5 essential ways to prevent termite invasion and certain destruction of your hard earnt investment!Discover the latest technology the experts use in the fight against pests in your properties – you’ll be amazed!Revealed: locations where termites are more likely to appear… stand by for some unlikely revelations!Why your pest control company must have a service warranty!DVD # 9 : My interview with Dale Beaumont author of the best selling book: Secrets Of Property Millionaires Exposed. Dale’s Book reveals…The 10 essential strategies that everyone who’s interested in wealth creation… needs to be a cutting edge property investor… pure gold!Discover the groundbreaking strategies that the top property moguls use (including yours truly)!How to duplicate the research and strategies of the property millionaires!The little known way to develop the correct mindset for property investing!Research and due diligence – is it that important?Jealously guarded secrets about where the golden opportunities lie in hiding!3 kinds of people you meet in property investing – which one are you?How to survive adversity – overcoming obstacles in the property market!Why it’s important to celebrate your successes!Behind The Scenes – Super Secrets on T.V!Why I never worry about having a vacant property!The critical differences between positive cash flow investing and negative gearing!How I purchase properties sight unseen… and still make a killing every time!The truth: how smart investors enter into deals!How I pick the hidden suburbs poised to boom in the near future!The correct way to manage your properties so you never have tenant problems!Why most real estate ‘gurus’ are dead wrong about how to invest in apartments and units… and how I cash-in big each time!A fail-safe way to increase your rent… without losing tenants!Now, are you finally starting to appreciate why so many people are calling this the most, brilliant and detailed program on how to build your very own real estate portfolio?DVD # 10 : Uncover Extra Tax Deductions With A Quantity  Surveyor’s ReportHow to make profitable use of quantity surveyors!When you absolutely must use a quantity surveyor!Why you could be losing thousands of $$$ in legal tax deductions on your property and how you can avoid it!Why you must NEVER just take an accountant’s advice about building construction and the legal tax deductions associated with it!A little known way to claim greater tax deductions… and increase your rent simultaneously!A critical thing you MUST do before you renovate in order to put thousands of $$$ in YOUR pocket!Revealed: The 2 different methods of depreciation and how they affect the amount of tax you pay!What is “pooling” and why it’s vital to your wealth!The quantity surveyors report fully explained!DVD # 11 : How To Beat The Tax ManA little ‘travel deduction’ secret the ATO doesn’t want you to know about!How a different way of thinking maximises your tax benefits!The closely guarded secret of the rich… and how they cut their tax to its bare bones!How to legally claim your breakfast as a tax deduction!How you can claim an expense as a deduction… even if YOU didn’t pay for it!How to get ‘tax credits’ from the ATO!An amazing way to claim luxury accommodation and first class travel!The biggest tax mistake most beginner property