Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys – Ross Jeffries


ACT NOW: this special course is ONLY available to those who have previously invested in Speed Seduction® courses and seminars.Keep reading… and take action NOW so you don’t miss out!Attention All Ross Jeffries/Speed Seduction® Fanatics, Followers And Collectors…”For A VERY Limited Time, Lay Your Hands On These 35 Undercover, Ross Jeffries Uncensored Video Clips, Trancing Out Girls and Trance-Forming Guys, The Real-And-The Raw!”Plus, Learn The “Concentrated Essence Of Success With Women”!From The Desk Of:Ross JeffriesYour Guru Of Getting Some, Your Teacher For Tight-Trim TriumphAugust 05, 2020 – WednesdayDear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans,Two of my most favorite parts of teaching Speed Seduction® have always been the one-on-one change work I do with students so they blast past barriers and blocks……and the “Ross Plays With Girls” demos where I SHOW you how to approach, meet, pick-up, and seduce women.You know, and have seen, that I do my best work helping real guys like you solve real issues and achieve real mastery of your girl getting game.Let’s Just Cut To The Chase And Show You What’s Waiting For You Right Now”Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys: Ross Jeffries Hands-On” is a “greatest hits” collection that pulls out key lessons you can watch and study over and over again. They are a mix of:”Ross Plays With Girls” Demos – watch me demonstrate the language patterns, touches, and techniques on women so you can see exactly how to Sarge when you go into the field (a perennial favorite); and”Ross Trance-Forms Guys” Demos– see me helping individual students blast past internal blocks, overcome approach anxiety, and much more – just follow the steps and you can do it, too!Each video also includes an MP3 audio and PDF transcript to make it even easier for you to consume the lessons and the material!Yep – all of it’s on one place, digitized, downloadable, and damnit, there for the taking when you…A Few Things You Should Know… Why You MUST Take Action NowBefore you claim your instant access to these videos, a few things you should know:This is raw, guerrilla, “Ross Jeffries Uncensored” video, which meansThey’re not all Hollywood quality, butThey ARE vaginally-victorious, tight-trim-triumphant demos you can study and emulate RIGHT NOW;The “Ross Plays With Girls” demos give you techniques you can use on tomorrow’s (or tonight’s) SargeHeck, you can probably even get in a little personal transformation before you go to bed tonight. However,If you don’t grab this offer right now, the only way you’ll ever see it again is if you’ve ALREADY purchased a course like Rapid and Total Success With Women.Okie doke? All clear? Now go get them:Plus, there’s more…Get Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys – Ross Jeffries, Only Price $37When You Claim Your Instant Access Now, I Will Throw In An Additional Training Program – Just For You…SPECIAL BONUS TRAINING: “The Concentrated Essence of Success With Women”Watch a special presentation that pulls together even more girl-getting, vaginally-victorious, tight-trim-triumphant teaching, including:The RIGHT way to get a woman to “fall for you” – good, decent guys get sidelined all the time while good, decent women fall for “jerks” and “assholes” because of a MAJOR mistake good, decent guys make;Women have feelings ABOUT their feelings – master this and you’ll master your girl-getting gameHow to get women to do 90% of the seduction work – you’ll learn how to tap what’s already inside her to… (you know the rest)And much, much more!The KEY point about this program:It goes BEYOND Speed Seduction® and pulls in “outside” concepts that add even more power to your girl-getting game.Plus, We’re Throwing In Some Great Additional “Ross Jeffries Uncensored” Bonus VideosWhen you claim your access now, I will also gift you the following bonuses (all of which answer top questions my students ask, every time and without fail) and are DEMANDING answers to.As you’re about to see, I’ve listened, and I have answered your strident cries:INCREDIBLE BONUS VIDEO LESSON #1: “Destroying Approach Anxiety”You see her standing over there. You want to walk right up to her, knowing exactly what to say to sweep her off her feet, into your arms, and then to your bed. You’re even visioning that look of anticipation and desire she’ll give as soon as you enter her presence …… but you don’t approach her. Why not?Approach anxiety grabs you by the balls and tells you “whoa dude, sit your ass down, you can’t talk to her! WTF were you THINKING???”I have good news for you: that bullshit is OVER.In “Destroying Approach Anxiety” I cut through the causes of approach anxiety. I also give you, word-for-word, a great pattern called “Manny The Martian” that destroys your approach anxiety within the first 10 times you use it. A must-have.INCREDIBLE BONUS VIDEO LESSON #2: “How To Meet Women Anytime: Introduction To Day Game Mastery”Smart men who achieve real success with the women they truly desire understand two important things.First, success with women must become part of who you are and what you do on a daily basis, not something you get “psyched” up for on Saturday night.Second, the best time to meet and seduce women is when they’re going about their daily lives – not when they have their guard up in a “meat market” type situation.As I’ve said many times, “I don’t go places to Sarge. I Sarge when I go places.”That’s Day Game Mastery, and that’s what you’ll learn in this exclusive video lesson.Get Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys – Ross Jeffries, Only Price $37Tag: Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys – Ross Jeffries Review. Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys – Ross Jeffries download. Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys – Ross Jeffries discount.