4 Edge Tools (Energy Edge,Bond Edge,Equity Edge,Metals Edge) – Mastersintrading


Relative value traders look at markets as nothing but a bunch of rubber bands – being stretched and snapped all year long.The EDGE Series is a toolset that allows traders to see the rubber bands in constant motion while also observing their historical “snapping” points. Traders also see, historically speaking, what their risk is P/L-wise before deciding if it’s time to hop onto a rubber band that’s about to snap (and hopefully deliver a nice profit )This is the edge that this series of tools delivers.WHAT IS THE EDGE SERIES OF TOOLS?“This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Trading any other way just feels like gambling!” These were Pablo Lucena’s words when he learned a relative value approach to trading. Pablo added, “It’s the only way that’s worked for me to grow my accounts consistently.”Pablo joined the Masters in Trading coaching program in December 2017. After a transformative 3-months, Pablo was able to leave his career at Facebook as an engineer to trade the markets full-time. The tools that make up the Masters in Trading EDGE Series are the exact tools Pablo built using relative value lessons he adapted from the Masters in the Trading coaching program.HOW IS THE EDGE SERIES DIFFERENCE FROM TECHNICAL ANALYSIS?The data provided by the EDGE tools gives you a bit of an extra edge  – specifically, the historical movement in P/L to your account. More importantly, it shows when cross-asset relationships have broken down and allows traders to see the “severity” of the breakdown that is being observing based on as much historical data as you’d like to compare it against. “If I find a breakdown of a relationship which has over the past 20 years “snapped back” in place each time it hits a certain level (again, measured and tracked by the EDGE tool), the odds are in my favor for participating in bringing back that broken-down relationship in line, and profit from it =).”-Pablo LucenoGet 4 Edge Tools (Energy Edge,Bond Edge,Equity Edge,Metals Edge) – Mastersintrading, Only Price $237Tag: 4 Edge Tools (Energy Edge,Bond Edge,Equity Edge,Metals Edge) – Mastersintrading Review. 4 Edge Tools (Energy Edge,Bond Edge,Equity Edge,Metals Edge) – Mastersintrading download. 4 Edge Tools (Energy Edge,Bond Edge,Equity Edge,Metals Edge) – Mastersintrading discount.