WP Dupizer Plugin – CTAmarketing


Ebook “WP Dupizer Plugin – CTAmarketing” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.WARNING: 3 Major Marketers Lost $50,000+ A Year Because The New Google Penguin Destroyed Them & How I Can Save Your Income… Unless You Read Every Word Everything You’ve Ever Done Can Be Destroyed Overnight… See For Yourself!Google’s Latest Penguin 2.1 Update is coming down HARDER on Duplicate Content…Article Spinners CANNOT be TrustedHUMAN rewriters are now detectableYou’re at rick even if you’re NOT ranked in Google yetDear Marketer’s:Last year, Google rolled out the Penguin algorithm that crushed around 12% of the world’s websites literally overnight, leaving them with no traffic and no income.JUST recently Penguin 2.1 (Humming Bird) was released with ZERO tollerance to DUPLICATE CONTENTJust imagine the gut wrenching feeling…You spend three gruelling months getting your website content together, optimizing your pages, designing your theme, getting backlinks…… you start getting ranked…… the money starts flowing in and you’re laughing to yourself…… then one morning you wake up and POOF!The traffic has been shut off.The money has stopped pouring in.You’re dead in the water.It’s back to the drawing board.I should know, because it’s happened to me and my close friends…One website dropped from 1,229 visitors per month down to just 532 per month…And it’s not just the big websites…Another smaller website dropped from between 144 and 624 visitors per month down to less than 94, and it’s still dropping today…And another site went from 846 visitors per month to just 183…So why are thousands of websites getting shredded by Google’s Panda every day?Because Of Duplicate ContentBut duplicate content is NOT what you think…!Google flags TONS of stuff as duplicate content…… stuff you might not even be aware of.Things like:Link structuresPrinter versions of certain pagesSyndicated articlesGuest blog postsThemed articles…… these are just some of the things that can get your pages (or even your entire website) kicked off Google indefinitely!Bottom line?Even if all your articles are 100% unique from each other, you could be at risk of the duplicate content smack down… and lose your traffic and income overnight.DON’T BELIEVE ME? THEN BRACE YOURSELF BECAUSE IF IT CAN HAPPEN TO THESE GUYS, IT CAN (AND PROBABLY WILL) HAPPEN TO YOUTOO…HORROR STORY #1:David Law from SEOGold.com went from banking $50,000 per year with his affiliate sites, to just $117 per month because of duplicate content that he didn’t even realize he had on his internal pages.HORROR STORY #2:Matt McGee from SmallBusinessEm.com lost 14% and then 21% of his traffic in a matter of months, and he openly admits that he thought all his content was high quality and unique.HORROR STORY #3: Matt Moog, the CEO of ViewPoints.com lost 50% of their traffic overnight. Here’s what Matt said about the Panda…“We have 600,000 reviews of 100,000 products contributed by more than 250,000 members. We have had more than 70 million visits to the site since we launched in late 2007. All of our content is original and we always viewed all of our practices as the “right way” to do things. Apparently Google felt differently because we lost 50% of organic search traffic overnight as a result of the Panda update.”What do all these people have in common?They all THOUGHT they were safe…… but they were WRONG!Due to the complexity of duplicate content… and how much work is involved when trying to locate and edit it manually… Google turned the lights out on these people overnight.And that could be you next…Think you’re safe? Think again!Are you an offline marketer targeting multiple cities with the same (or spun) content? Then you’re a sitting duck for Google’s smart new Panda updates.Are you an affiliate who uses reprint articles, PLR content or blog networks? Then watch out, because Google’s Panda is coming for you and it can smell you a mile off.And if you think your “trusty” content spinner is gonna save you, then you’re mistaken…The fact is, even the best content spinners are not reliable these days… and even if they do “spin” your content so it’s “100% unique” … that doesn’t mean Google will agree…In fact, Google can now sniff out “spun” content from a mile off with their constantly evolving Panda algorithm.PROBLEM IS, IF CONTENT SPINNERS (OR EVEN HUMAN WRITERS) CAN’T GUARANTEE 100% UNIQUE CONTENT… THEN HOW THE HECK CAN YOU DETECT AND PREVENT DUPLICATE CONTENT ON YOUR WEBSITES?If you’re anything like me, then you’re busy.You’re juggling multiple websites, projects, meetings and other tasks…… and who knows, you may even have a social life too.And that’s why manually detecting, analysing and removing duplicate content is almost impossible…… especially when you don’t even know what or where to look!But what if there was an easier way?What if you could automatically detect, edit or remove duplicate content, so your websites never get penalized or sandboxed by Google again…… and you could boost your page rankings as a result?Well, now there is.Introducing…WP DUPIZERThe ultimate duplicate content detection andremoval tool for marketers WP Dupizer is a unique WordPress plugin that automatically detects, warns and deletes any duplicate content on your website’s internal pages…… and helps protect you from the Google Panda once and for all. Here’s What It DoesChecks for internal duplicate contentAutomatically deletes duplicate content over a certain % thresholdManually delete or edit duplicate contentScores each post and page with a duplicate % rating within the simple dashboard, so you can keep track of all your duplicate content on the flyEnsures posts are over a certain length (a key requirement by Google’s latest Penguin update)Flexible settings that cater to future Google updates4 REASONS TO JUMP ON THIS FAST… BEFORE GOOGLE GETS THEIR “PANDA CLAWS” INTO YOU More Traffic…The more pages you keep in Google, the more traffic you’ll get… and you know what that means? More money in your pocket of course!Secure Income…Never worry about having your business wiped out overnight by some stupid Panda at Google. You’ve seen it happen to others, it can easily happen to you sooner or later too. Sleep well tonight, knowing you’re protected.Avoid wasting time…Why spend time and energy manually following Google’s updates and trawling your websites trying to find duplicate content? That’s a full time job.Avoid Wasting Money…Don’t spend money on advertising. Google has all the traffic you need, you just gotta get friendly with the Panda!What is one Google friendly website worth to you?Even if you’re just starting out and your websites aren’t making any money yet… you’re still at risk of getting destroyed by Google…… because once you start getting traffic and making money, you’ll be DEVASTATEDwhen Google pulls the rug from under you.All that work, for nothing.Maybe your websites are making money already? Then even more reason to act fast…Whether its $100 or $500 a day from your website, I’m sure you don’t want to see that cash disappear overnight because of something that could be easily fixed with this simple tool… do you?And even though you could do this manually (once you’ve memorized this month’s rules from Google HQ) is that really how you want to live your life and run your business?Your time is worth more than that, right…?So would it be fair to charge $99 for this system, considering the potential time and money you could be losing if you walk away from it today?Of course, and I probably will once this WSO is over, but if you act fast, you can get inside for just…YES I can use on Unlimited Personal SitesYES I can use my license on client sitesYes I can use for Flipping SitesYes Full Developer RightsDon’t leave it to chance! Google won’t stop until they shut you down… (…or until you play by their rules!)Every month, Google rolls out new Panda updates and continue to scour every last corner of the web to find websites that don’t play by their rules…So the choice is yours…… you can continue burying your head in the sand, hoping that Google won’t find you and won’t slam you like they slammed tens of thousands of other websites (big and small…)… or you can use one simple, affordable plugin to protect yourself from the Panda and keep your sites on Google… and even see a boost in your rankings.What’s it gonna be partner?Tag: WP Dupizer Plugin – CTAmarketing Review. WP Dupizer Plugin – CTAmarketing download. WP Dupizer Plugin – CTAmarketing discount.