Nurture & Close 2.0 – Robb Bailey


We help you get it done in 3 Easy Steps:1. White Label Your SoftwareYour own domain and logo customized in your app (5 min). You get unlimited clients/locations for just $300/mo. Begin charging your clients for the software right away!2. We Install Proven Campaigns FOR YOU!We’ll install our proven appointment booking campaigns, reminder sequences, and more. We install this once, you clone campaigns out with 1 click each time you add a client. Simple! 3. We Launch Your First Campaigns!Once you have a client loaded into your software, you can book a live Zoom call with us and we’ll screenshare together to get your first campaigns connected, tested and LAUNCHED! We’ll even help you write the copy for your client’s campaigns!WARNING: This Is Not A CourseTo succeed with a digital marketing agency today, simply running ads and giving your clients a list of “leads” is just not enough anymore! Your clients don’t want leads, all they care about is new sales opportunities & revenue. You need to provide clear value and demonstrable ROI to them in order to keep them. Statistics surrounding things like “cost per click,” “cost per lead,” and “engagement” are the old way. Number of appointments, number of new customers in through the door, and top line revenue is the new way.But Will This Work For My Niche?Here’s a list of niches this model has been proven to work in:​Auto Dealer​Auto Insurance​Barre Studio​Chiropractic​Counseling / Therapy / Psych Practice​Co-working Space​CrossFit​Cryotherapy​Dentistry​Divorce Attorney​Escape Room​​Financial Services​Float Spa​Golf/Country Club​Hair Salon​Home Insurance​Home Movers​House Cleaning​HVAC​Insurance​Jewelry​Kickboxing​​Landscaping​Lasik​Life Insurance​Martial Arts​Massage Spa​Mechanic​Med Spa​Mortgage​Nail Salon​OsteoStrong​Personal Injury​Personal Training​Real Estate​​Restaurants​Roofing​Spin​Solar​Tax Accountant​Tutoring / Supplemental Education​Wellness Center​Yoga​24hr Access GymGet Nurture & Close 2.0 – Robb Bailey, Only Price $247By this time tomorrow you could have your own BRANDED APP cranking out appointments!Old Way Fight to keep CPL low: Always battling with ad platform costs Paste together 78 tools: Create a rat’s nest that’s complicated & slow Pray your client follows up: Zero chance they’ll get to the leads within 5-15min​PER CLIENT: Spend $200/mo on Skipio, $300/mo on Infusionsoft, $50/mo on Pipedrive to do the followup for them.  (our Skipio bill used to be $40,000/mo)​Spend so much time attempting this that you quit. New Way  White Label Your Own app: Your branded URL with your logo on it.  Unlimited Clients: For just $300/mo you can put as many clients in your system as you want. Whether you have 3 or 150, your bill never goes up. ​We Install Our Proven Campaigns FOR YOU: Start booking appointments for your clients right away. Immediately raise your prices. ​PER CLIENT: Charge clients to use YOUR app and profit. (that $40,000/mo. over in the Old Way turns into $39,700 cash collected for your agency)​Go on vacation.We run 60min training calls for the whole program 3x per week whereWE BOOK APPOINTMENTS WITH YOU LIVE.Booking Appointments with TedBooking Appointments with Brad and JoshBooking Appointments with JohnBooking Appointments with JoeTake a peek behind the curtain and see what our Assist Calls look like.No pre-requisite skills needed–start totally from scratch with our support!Switch from providing a “list of leads” to actually setting sales appointments that local businesses will actually benefit from!Measure and demonstrate real ROI, in dollars (or euros or any other currency), for your clients in your own software!  Use the best tool in the marketplace – our secret weapon! What is it?Nurture & Close is a 4 week implementation program with a Done-For-You service element (installation of our best appointment booking campaigns into your own app), plus unlimited support for 30 days from our team including 3x Assist Calls per week.Who is it for?Nurture & Close is for anybody wanting to grow a profitable digital marketing agency and jump to the front of the pack right out of the gate, as well as anyone currently struggling to grow and scale their existing agency.Where does it happen?Nurture & Close is online, consisting of 3 live Assist Calls per week where we walk you through implementing the system and booking appointments, recorded training content and walkthroughs, helpdocs, and email support.How does it work?Once you get started, you’ll have an email with the exact next steps to follow to get your white label app set up, and access to the live Assist CallsWhen does it begin to work?The moment you enroll you’re going to get a text and email from us, which is going to start you down the path designed to help you gain a positive ROI in the first week by firing up your first appointment booking campaign in 7 days or less.Why does it exist?We created Nurture because nobody (NOBODY) is doing this right now, and we’re excited to provide a fresh wave of new strategy that’s easy to execute. Built by LeadGen agency owners, for LeadGen agency owners, to make them objectively 2-10x more effective!Nurture & Close Training Content First, you get our best performing campaigns installed for you immediately.Then, in just 7-30 days, we’ll help you implement and scale it.Click on each module title to expand a short description.Foundations   8 Modules   121 minHow to Get Results Quickly                                                                                                                             42 minSetting Up Your White Label App                                                                                                                 15 minCreate Intake Form                                                                                                                                                18 minInstall Nurture Campaigns                                                                                                                                 DFYCustomize Offer                                                                                                                                                       14 minTest Campaign Flow                                                                                                                                               16 minDaily Activities                                                                                                                                                          16 min   Action ItemsWeek 1: Who to Sell to   4 Modules   99 minCurrent Clients                                                                                                                                                         14 minPrevious Clients                                                                                                                                                       12 minNew Clients                                                                                                                                                                 33 min5 Prospecting Methods                                                                                                                                        40 min   Action ItemsWeek 2: Booking Appointments   6 Modules   148 minCreate the Sub-Account                                                                                                                                      20 minFormat and Upload the Database                                                                                                                  29 minDR On-Boarding Call                                                                                                                                              18 minRun Your First DR                                                                                                                                                     40 minKPIs                                                                                                                                                                                    23 minAccountability and Results                                                                                                                                 18 min   Action ItemsWeek 3: Advanced Lead Nurturing   4 Modules   45 minVerbiage and Ashley                                                                                                                                              18 minThe Fastest Sales Journey Wins                                                                                                                     14 minOpt-Outs                                                                                                                                                                          6 minSet Up For Inbound Traffic                                                                                                                                    7 min   Action ItemsWeek 4: Scaling Up  5 Modules   109 minGathering Client Results                                                                                                                                     12 minCreating The Case Study                                                                                                                                     26 minAdvanced Prospecting                                                                                                                                          31 minRinse and Repeat                                                                                                                                                      19 minManaging Multiple Clients                                                                                                                                  21 min   Action Items Get Nurture & Close 2.0 – Robb Bailey, Only Price $247Tag: Nurture & Close 2.0 – Robb Bailey Review. Nurture & Close 2.0 – Robb Bailey download. Nurture & Close 2.0 – Robb Bailey discount.