PHP Specialist – LearnToProgram


Hours of Content: 7PHP is the stepping stone to your first professional development gigsPHP is the most popular back-end language on the web.Companies like Facebook and Tumblr use PHP as their primary back-end coding language. It’s in universal demands, and, as a new developer, you’re expected to know you’re way around the front end and the back end. That’s where PHP comes in.There was a time when a web developer could get away with knowing just HTML and some Javascript– but now as employers are looking for more value, you have to know more. PHP lets you access an entire world of backend databases, like MySQL which is introduced in this course.FACT: With PHP knowledge you’ll be able to complete more advanced projects and be more employable.People ask all the time: What’s the best past to becoming a professional developer?People going into web development need two types of technical knowledge. First, they need to know how to manipulate content in a browser. That’s where HTML5 and Javascript come in. But they also need to be able to interact with backend systems– like eCommerce systems, databases and content management systems.With PHP, developers:Create systems by which data can be stored and retrieved in a databaseInteract with eCommerce systems facilitating sales, credit card processing and shipping all over the worldCreate complex content and customer management systems customized for industry use.Create plugins and customizations for the most the most popular content management systems in the world– WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla (all of which are written in PHP!)NOTE:Exams not includedGet PHP Specialist – LearnToProgram, Only Price $29Course CurriculumGetting StartedQuickstart: Your First PHP Script (5:33)Setting Up Your Web Server (6:47)Integrating HTML and PHP (5:25)Calling PHP Pages from HTML (2:32)Echo and PrintEcho and Print text (3:33)Echo and Print Numbers and Expressions (4:58)Echo and Print HTML Code (3:46)VariablesConstants (3:27)Declaring and Initializing PHP Variables (2:57)PHP Variables Types (5:07)PHP OperatorsArithmetic Operators (5:17)Comparison Operators (4:27)Logical Operators (3:00)Assignment Operators (3:27)ConditionalsBasic If Statements (2:56)If…Else (3:12)Else…If (3:27)Switch Statements (3:47)LoopsWhile Loops (4:16)Do…While Loops (2:53)For Loops (3:35)File InclusionInclude (2:50)Require (1:57)ArraysSimple Arrays (5:56)For..Each Through an Array (3:36)Associative Arrays (4:43)Multidimensional Arrays (4:15)Superglobal Arrays (4:32)PHP Stringsstrlen(), strpos(), str_word_count() (3:27)str_getcsv(), addslashes(), stripslashes() (3:27)implode() and explode() (3:08)Hashes and Encryption (2:08)FunctionsSimple Functions (2:27)Function Arguments (3:42)Return Values (4:05)File I/O with PHPWriting Files to Server (6:32)Reading Files from the Server (5:08)Writing CSV Files (4:33) Reading CSV Files (9:13)Working With CookiesSetting Cookies (2:26)Reading Cookies (2:52)Deleting Cookies (2:06)Working With Session VariablesBeginning a Session (1:31)Passing Session Variables (1:18)Ending a Session (2:02)Sending Email with PHPSending Plain Text Email (2:39)Sending HTML Email (3:33)Working With a mySQL DatabaseConnecting to a mySQL Database (6:51)Making a Simple Database Query (6:25)Saving Data to a Database (5:28)Editing Data in a Database (5:29)Deleting Data in a Database (4:49)Get PHP Specialist – LearnToProgram, Only Price $29Tag: PHP Specialist – LearnToProgram Review. PHP Specialist – LearnToProgram download. PHP Specialist – LearnToProgram discount.