Marketing With Video Online for Profit


The Next Big Niche for CopywritersThe Internet single-handedly revolutionized the way the whole world does business.And every day, advances in technology and faster connection speeds are creating new possibilities.The biggest among them: online video marketing. Research firm eMarketer estimates that by 2011 advertisers will spend $2.3 BILLION on online video marketing efforts. That means this niche will quadruple in size in just two years!There’s gigantic opportunity for you to cash in and quickly establish yourself as an expert in an exciting, here-to-stay niche …A successful video marketing campaign isn’t much different from a traditional direct-response marketing campaign. Its purpose is to get the viewer to take a specific action.That’s why the video script is so important. It’s the lynchpin that determines whether or not the video will convert viewers to sales. Companies know this. And they know the value a good scriptwriter brings to the table. Starting pay for most video scripts is $100 per minute of video and can go as high as $500 per minute.AWAI has partnered up with one of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and respected online video marketing experts in the industry to bring you the quality training you’ll need to succeed in this exciting, cutting-edge niche.Her name is Jessica Kizorek. She leads you by the hand to video marketing profits in AWAI’s new program, Marketing With Video Online for Profit.You’ll learn everything you need to know to get started in this exciting new field, including how to:Plan a video from start to finishWrite a video script that will move your viewers to buyStoryboard a video scriptShoot a video and make it look professionalEdit a video and make sure it’s persuasive and compellingDistribute a video online for maximum marketing exposureMeasure the success of your videoMake sure you have a never-ending stream of clients ready to pay you for your services.And much, much more!In short, you’re going to learn everything you need to know to use video marketing to build your existing business or to make video marketing your new business. And to make this a truly interactive experience, Jessica has included dozens of hands-on exercises, hundreds of real-life examples and 19 video tutorials.Get Marketing With Video Online for Profit. – AWAI, Only Price 42$Tag: Marketing With Video Online for Profit. – AWAI Review. Marketing With Video Online for Profit. – AWAI download. Marketing With Video Online for Profit. – AWAI discount.