The Bulletproof Athlete – Mike Robertson


WHO ELSE WANTS A TRAINING PROGRAM THAT WILL HELP THEM GET LEANER, STRONGER AND MORE ATHLETIC?In late 2010 and early 2011, I hated training.Something that had always been a release had become a burden.My training was boring.It wasn’t fun.And the worst part was, I wasn’t making progress!Have you ever felt like there was something missing from your training programs?That they weren’t quite what you were looking for?Or that they were flat out ineffective?If so, let me tell you what I did to break out of my rut.I’d been pushing the weights hard and heavy for close to a decade. I’d hit some respectable numbers in the powerlifts, and I definitely held my own in the gym.But something was missing.All those years of grinding with the heavy iron had taken a toll.I wasn’t beat up by powerlifting standards, but I had little aches and pains in my hips, knees, shoulders and back that were annoying and kept me from performing at my best.Being in my mid-30’s, I wasn’t looking to get huge (although a leaner, more muscled and athletic physique sounded pretty sweet).And I hadn’t done a powerlifting meet in 5 years, so I wasn’t looking for super-human levels of strength (although improvements in my squat, bench and deadlift would always be welcome!).What I really wanted was to feel young again – to move and feel like an athlete.“BUT MIKE – I’M NOT AN ATHLETE….”I created the Bulletproof Athlete training system because I wanted to look and feel athletic again.But you may be thinking – “I’m not an athlete,” or “I’ve never been an athlete.”And that’s a huge part of the problem. Everyone is an athlete, and should have elements of athletic training in the programming.I love getting stronger, but strength is just one part of athleticism. Great athletes are strong, supple, mobile, explosive, and they can go for days on end.If you’ve always felt like the training programs out there left something to be desired!…that they weren’t quite what your body needed……I have something that will help!My name is Mike Robertson, and I want to talk  about how I will help you develop a leaner, stronger and more athletic body.Being in the fitness industry for nearly 15 years now, I’ve seen virtually every program out there. Most of the over-promise and under-deliver, but that’s not even the worst part.Here’s the biggest problem…Every single one of these programs is based on assumptions.IS YOUR FOUNDATION CRACKED?Most programs assume that your body moves well.Most programs assume you have a solid training foundation.And most programs assume you are ready for high-level programming.Your body is no different than building a house. If you have a cracked foundation, it doesn’t matter how awesome that house looks from the outside!This is the problem with most training programs. They assume you have a solid training foundation, and then hope to build you up from there.And it just might work (for a while!), but probably not for long, and definitely not forever.Giving clients and athletes a foundation is what I specialize in. By giving you a strong movement foundation, not only will you see improvements in your strength and athleticism, but you’ll be less likely to get injured as well!To get the body you’ve always wanted, you need to give the body what it needs first.WHAT IS THE BULLETPROOF ATHLETETRAINING SYSTEM?The Bulletproof Athlete ebook is more than just a training program – it’s a complete training system.If you aren’t doing things properly in the gym……if you aren’t dialed in with regards to your nutrition……and if you aren’t recovering between workouts, you’re not going to maximize your progress.That’s why the training program is just one component of the Bulletproof Athlete training system. When you pick up the PDF manual, you don’ just get a program, you get much, much more!A Peek Behind the Bulletproof Curtain…Everyone wants to know if Bulletproof Athlete is a good fit for them. I created this short video to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what you get when you purchase Bulletproof Athlete.And since the audio from my video clips didn’t agree with the Screencast, so here are two sample video clips for you to review. Remember, there are over 100 coaching videos, plus 16 nutrition and recovery challenge videos – one for each week!WHO IS MIKE ROBERTSON?I hate talking about myself, but if you’re new here let me give you a quick recap of the past 15 years.I’ve personally worked with clients and athletes of all shapes and sizes.While people are quick to remember the professional or Olympic-caliber athletes, some of the most notable in my mind are the so-called “average” clients that I’ve worked with over the years.Watching these people achieve the lean, strong and athletic body they’ve always wanted is the most gratifying part of my professional life.My gym, Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (IFAST, for short), is world-renowned for its success. It’s twice been named one of Men’s Health magazines Top 10 Gyms in America. In 2013, we were named a Fitness Award Winner by Women’s Health magazine as well.During my time in the fitness industry, I’ve created more than a dozen products for trainers, coaches and fitness enthusiasts.I’ve written (or been featured) in mainstream magazines such as Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, and Outside magazine.The bottom line is, I walk the walk and talk the talk.I’m not some internet expert who’s never trained anyone. And I’ve pushed my own body to the limit over the years as well.Here is what a few of the biggest names in our industry have to say about me and my work.Get The Bulletproof Athlete – Mike Robertson, Only Price $37Tag: The Bulletproof Athlete – Mike Robertson Review.  The Bulletproof Athlete – Mike Robertson download. 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