12 Week Year Live 2021 – Brian P Moran


Our Single Biggest Event Of The Year!This is NOT like any other event in our 2021 lineup! And this is not like any other training you’ll experience this year.Going way beyond the basics covered in our New York Times Bestseller, 12 Week Year LIVE is our special once-a-year event where we teach our full system, beginning to end, in great detail, including the latest cutting edge strategies, tactics, and tools for getting more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months.If you’re like most people, there is a lot riding on your performance this yearWhether you’re an executive or stay-at-home mom, a competitive athlete or recreational exerciser, have a grand vision for your life or simply feel there’s got to be more for you…It’s important for you to understand that the number one factor holding you back from achieving what you want out of life is not a lack of knowledge, intellect, or information. It’s not some new strategy, tactic, or idea. It’s not a larger network of connected people. And it’s not simply hard work, natural talent, or luck.Sure, all of those things help. They all play a factor. But they are not the factors that make the determining difference in your life.The barrier standing between you and the life you desire and the life you’re capable of experiencing is, simply, a lack of consistent execution. A lack of doing the things you need to do to bring you the experiences and results you want.The people who are constantly in information gathering mode, looking for the next latest and greatest technique or trick that will give them an advantage, will never make lasting progress until they focus their energy and learn how to execute daily.Hunting for a new weight-loss or exercise program, looking for a new time management or organizational method, or learning about yet another way to increase your income or launch a side-business is not going to bring you the results you’re after.Yes, many of these programs, methods, and paths can all produce results. But, only, when you learn how to consistently execute on the right actions, every day.You can be really smart, have great ideas, and even have a burning desire. But your outcome is always determined by what you do. What you achieve, or, don’t achieve, will always come down to your execution process and the quality of your execution system.Where you end up next year, in five years, in ten years, and at the end of your life when you’re old and gray and holding your grandchildren in your arms, is determined and created day by day by what you do… with the actions you take… with how consistently you execute on the things you know you should be doing to achieve the things that are truly important to you.That’s why we’re happy to announce that we have opened enrollment for our biggest event of the year, 12 Week Year Live Stream 2021.12 Week Year Live Stream, 2021Get More Done In 12 Weeks Than Others Do In 12 Months12 Week Year Live Stream January 14th & 15th, 2021As we said earlier, 12 Week Year LIVE Stream isn’t like any other event in our 2021 lineup.12 Week Year LIVE is a special event we host every year for athletes, professionals, stay-at-home moms, entrepreneurs, authors, experts……and anyone else who believes… deep down… that they have the potential for achieving more than what they are experiencing right now… and want to learn how to implement our acclaimed 12 week system for getting things done.Now before we go much further, and in case you’re wondering, no… 12 Week Year Live Stream isn’t just a rehash of what’s covered in our New York Times Bestseller, The 12 Week Year.Over the course of two days, we go way beyond the basics covered in the book and teach you our complete execution and performance system in great detail, including the latest cutting edge strategies, tactics, and tools for getting more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months.This is the same system, training, and tools, mega-companies like Dunkin Brands, Prudential, Papa John’s Pizza, and dozens of others, have paid millions of dollars, combined, to learn and have implemented.By the end of our two days together, you will leave the virtual event armed with the same processes that have helped thousands of average people from all across the globe achieve their most important goals.Content Rich Training Sessions Presented By Brian Moran And Michael LenningtonHere at The 12 Week Year, we don’t do average. And I’m willing to bet you don’t either.Unfortunately, most people let life happen to them, and experience endless suffering as a result. But people like us are different because we “make things happen;” we don’t allow ourselves to become crippled by the roadblocks and limitations that most people seem to be comfortable accepting for themselves.We are men and woman of action. And unlike most people, we will close the gap between where we are and where we want to be.If there’s a lot riding on your performance this year, take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn directly from my business partner, Michael Lennington and I and join us live, January 14th & 15th, 2021 – to learn the latest cutting edge strategies, tactics, and tools for getting more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months.About 12 Week Year Live StreamDuring our live sessions:You’ll learn how to construct your entire 12 Week Year System (A-Z & Step-by-Step).You’ll learn how to make The 12 Week Year work for you even if you struggle with structure and discipline.You’ll discover the most common reasons people struggle to implement The 12 Week Year, and what Brian & Michael say you must do to overcome them.Learn exactly what to do the moment you begin to see your system breaking down.You’ll learn how to transition to 12 week cycles when the rest of the world runs on annual cycles.You’ll discover the best way to set up your 12 Week Year System if you have a physically or mentally exhausting job.You’ll learn how to stay on top of goals and objectives when life is always changing.You’ll discover how others have applied the 12 Week Year with example plans and tactics.You’ll learn the correct way to reduce your long-term vision down to your first 12 week plan.You’ll discover what Michael & I believe to be the most critical discipline to develop in order to ensure success with The 12 Week Year.You’ll learn how to build off of your early success and stay consistent long-term.You’ll discover the best way to prioritize your tactics when you have a lot on your plate.And much, much, more!Get 12 Week Year Live 2021 – Brian P Moran, Only Price $97Tag: 12 Week Year Live 2021 – Brian P Moran Review.  12 Week Year Live 2021 – Brian P Moran download.  12 Week Year Live 2021 – Brian P Morandiscount.