Secret Affiliate Intel – Stephen Gilbert & Simple Spencer


“We’re Opening Up 30 Spots ONLYTo This Brand NEW $3k in 30 days Training + Coaching Program…”Just 30 spots will be sold for this! Once the 30 spots are filled, we will CLOSE the doors and remove the buy buttons so that these secrets don’t get out to the MASSES.Hey guys.Stephen here.Quick story on how I got started…In 2008, I was unemployed and completely scraping by.That’s how I found internet marketing. After 6 months of 60-80 hour weeks I FINALLY found success.But I never had a ‘shortcut’ like the one you see in front of you because I couldn’t afford anything. I couldn’t even afford to pay my bills on what unemployment was giving me.Now to my own surprise… I’m a 7 figure marketer, and…You’re about to learn all the stuff that I figured out that FINALLY made me successful…WITHOUT having to spend the 60-80 hour weeks.And without having to spend a ton of TIME and money.After all, time is something we’re all lacking. Fortunately for me in 2008, I was able to put in those 80 hour weeks… but most people are NOT able to do that. So thankfully for you, THIS is your shortcut.This is your path to freedom and success learning ALL the lessons that I had to learn in those long weeks back in 2008.Literally everything you need is in this step-by-step training.With these PROVEN and TESTED insider secrets, you simply cannot lose.All we ask is that you follow our simple steps that we outline for you.If you can do that, then there’s no doubt in our minds that you will absolutely crush it online.Whether you have a list, no list, or even any prior experience, everything is covered from the ground up to make you successful and get you to 4-5 figures/mo online…This system is exactly what we’d do if we were about to be on the streets… or if we just wanted to free ourselves from a 9 to 5 job.Because it brings in results like THIS…Without this system that PayPal balance would be ZERO instead of $48,000+.Imagine if you had just 10% of that PayPal balance.Just $4,800.What would that do for you and your life right now? And…Imagine if you were making just $4,800 per month online…Would that help your current situation at all?Our guess is it would…And that’s why we wanted to put this powerful Affiliate Workshop+Coaching together.…so that you too might be able to see a massive increase in your PayPal balance. Once and for ALL.What’s this about exactly guys?Obviously we can’t give away the farm here or else these ‘Insider Intel’ strategies would lose their effectiveness… but what we can say is:This has nothing to do with CPA marketing.Nothing to do with Facebook.Nothing to do with YouTube or video marketing.Nothing to do with SEO.Some of the stuff that we reveal in this 4-5 figure/mo Affiliate system you’ve probably heard of before… But…With our unique ‘Affiliate Secrets’ and twists and systems, we’re confident that you’ve NEVER seen this before…Honestly getting to 3k/mo is so easy with this proven system…Virtually anyone (even a complete newcomer, no matter their experience or skill level) can now go from ZERO to big profits, fast.All they gotta do is follow the simple steps that we are laying out in this Workshop+Coaching.Most other marketers make you wait months to see any kind of results.Their training is slow and the results are slow …but not here.We realize most of you want results YESTERDAY…And that’s why we built this and mapped it out in such a way so that you can start getting some amazing results as soon as TOMORROW.No need to wait months and months like other programs out there …Seriously within just a day or two, you’ll be shocked at how much income can be flowing into your PayPal account.…similar to this 48k paypal balance of ours:No petty commissions here and there. This is the REAL deal.…This is the kind of income that can finally have you saying “adios” to your boss…It’s so easy 3k/mo, 5k/mo or even 10k/mo when you have the right system…Normally, coaching with people that have our background would cost $5k to $10k.In fact, Stephen charges $5k for most of the stuff you’re gonna learn in the course. But we are just two normal dudes. And we’re sick of the scammy IM scene. So we’re giving you this opportunity so that you can get training from two of the top IM’ers in the space that’s already PROVEN to work.We’ve had students that were complete NEWBIES take our strategies and get amazing results… just like the results you’ve seen all over this page.And a quick word of warning.. this is not for those that can’t follow simple instructions.This is for those that are SERIOUS about getting to 4-5 figures/mo online…Ok ok guys… What is EVERYTHING I’m getting with Secret Affiliate Intel?Here’s a sneak peek of exactly what’s inside:Our #1 Secret Formula to 4-Figure Paydays  – (VALUE: $497)Now you can finally CRUSH it as an affiliate even if you have no list, and no experience. This is the EXACT formula that Stephen only shared with his 5k clients. Now it’s YOURS 🙂 Not only will you make life-changing affiliate commissions with this, but you’ll also be topping affiliate leaderboards & winning BIG cash prizes..Behind-The-Scenes Peek On Exact 4-5 Figure Campaigns & How We Did It – (VALUE: $1997)We reveal our #1 PROVEN affiliate secrets.. No stone left unturned. Anyone who listens to this and follows it can seriously make 3-4 figures by tomorrow (even if you have a teeny tiny list). This one single training by itself makes this offer soooo worth it.. (you’ll agree once you see it)The 10k In 7 Days Template – (VALUE: $997)CASE STUDY + Template… We take you behind-the-scenes to show you EXACTLY how Stephen raked in over $10k in PURE affiliate commissions in just 7 days. Imagine if you made just 1/10th of that… $1k in 7 days from now would be nice, ya? Even if you don’t have a list right now, this PROVEN template is a must-have in your arsenal…Fill In The Blank Email Templates – (VALUE: $297)These templates make writing emails a BREEZE… This is the SAME sheet that Stephen gives to his students who pay him $5k to teach them how to do this. You get it included. How to “sell” without actually selling – often referred to as soft selling. Exactly how to have a hugely profitable campaign, even if you have zero experienceSnap Affiliate Profits – (VALUE: $97)Over 1000+ copies sold – Yours FREE. This course will show you how to build a list of RABID buyers (and fans) for less than $5. Just 20-30 minutes and you can easily bank $75 with this method.. not too shabby! Simple 4-step method that you can easily rinse and repeat.The Profit Close Template – (VALUE: $197)So many marketers do this wrong… (and they leave a LOT of money on the table). This shows you how to close out an offer STRONG and get the most $$$ out of it. Everything is revealed step-by-step on how to write a powerful closing campaign. You can 2x or even 3x your sales just with this. This is the same exact sheet that Stephen gives to his 5k clientsHow To Get 40-50% Conversions – (VALUE: $297)No more teeny tiny conversions… This is THE EXACT mailing template that Stephen used to make $10,000 in 7 days in PURE affiliate commissions (case study REVEALED). Literally all you have to do is fill in the blanks. It also includes when you should mail for maximum benefits, so you get those insane 35-50% conversion ratesThe SAI Checklist – (VALUE: $297)The only people that have seen this Checklist are Stephen’s 5k clients. Simply fill this out and BOOM – you have a video that CONVERTS like crazy. I haven’t made a video that didn’t follow this sheet in over 2 and a 1/2 years now. And in those 2 1/2 years, I’ve made over $300,000 in net profit affiliate commissions. This makes creating videos that sell a breeze. You can use it to make your own videos, or use it to interview others. It’s Stephen’s secret weapon.Get Secret Affiliate Intel – Stephen Gilbert & Simple Spencer, Only Price 49$Tag: Secret Affiliate Intel – Stephen Gilbert & Simple Spencer Review. Secret Affiliate Intel – Stephen Gilbert & Simple Spencer download. Secret Affiliate Intel – Stephen Gilbert & Simple Spencer discount.