Davinci Brainwaves – Garret LoPorto


“How to have Maximum experiences with the touch of a button …”It used to take years of discipline to develop the ability to rapidly change States of consciousness and achieve maximum experiences at will. Now all you need are your headphones and this revolutionary series of Psychoactive sound ™ programs.Introducing the world’s most advanced brainwave CD audio Suite with Psychoactive sound ™ technology:Today, using the latest in psychoacoustic audio technologies you can change your brainwaves to your desired mental state by simply listening to these brainwave drag audio programs on your CD or MP3 player.Why work hard, when you can work smart?With this incredible technology, you can reliably and consistently enter deep states of consciousness with the touch of a button, unleashing your power to focus, learn, create, meditate, sleep, and heal.Gain control of your mind;Get control of your life.Your brain wave state affects virtually every aspect of your life experience. When you have trouble focusing or have trouble sleeping, it’s because you’re in the wrong brainwave state for what you want to do. But that’s about to change for you.You can immediately start using this program to achieve any state of mind you want. You can achieve your life dreams with the happiness that comes from feeling calm, focused, creative and in control of your mental state.This is like owning training wheels for your mental state.This is your chance to discover the amazing power of the ultimate in brainwave and Psychoactive sound ™ technology.This innovative Psychoactive sound ™ technology allows you to induce any state of mind you want, instantly with the touch of a button. Whether you want to be in a state of alert focus, calmness, creativity, deep meditation or sleep; all of these states can be achieved quickly and easily by using this new technology to control your natural brainwave activity.Mark your successRemember a time when you felt deeply calm and relaxed … or unusually alert and focused … or passionately creative. These and other extraordinary moods correspond to unique patterns of your brainwave activity-activity that you can choose at will using this state-of-the-art sound technology. When you can change your brain waves to your desired activity range, you can literally control your mental state.Imagine, if you want, immersing your brain in a sonic environment that contains powerful but safe audio frequencies and strobe lights that put you into an incredible experience of alert focus, passionate creativity or deep meditation. This is so powerful that it will immediately begin to create profound and positive changes in your life!With this technology you can be alert, focused, creative, quiet or deeply meditative, anytime you want, all by choosing your CD and pressing play.Will this Psychoactive sound ™ work for you?It has been scientifically proven that the Psychoactive sound ™ process works by naturally synchronizing your brainwaves with integrated carrier frequencies.As long as you can listen, this will work for you too!The revolutionary new digital alternative to drugsWe have become a society dependent on drugs, using coffee and energy drinks to wake us up, Ritalin and Adderall to help us focus in school or work, alcohol to help us relax, anti-anxiety medications to calm our nerves and sleeping pills to help us overcome the effects of all the stimulants we take during the day.Chemical stimulants, drugs and alcohol are clumsy, unhealthy and dangerous tools to help us choose our brainwave states. Now there is a much better solution: Psychoactive Sound ™ integrated music that contains this subtle but extremely powerful new brainwave state guidance technology.The problem with caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall, energy drinks, etc.…Caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall, and most chemical stimulants launch your system into a state of alert / brainwave crisis by preventing your brain from producing your most intuitive and evocative brainwaves (these brainwaves are what give you those important feelings of well-being). While removing these brain waves gives you that instant surge of energy at first, you’ll notice that that “rush” soon dissolves into more widespread stress, anxiety, and illness.Unfortunately, many stimulants overstimulate your system and drive you out of the optimal state of brainwave thinking / problem solving to a state of manic / anxious brainwaves. You may also have noticed that while you can perform many tasks at first while taking these stimulants, what you are doing may not be the wisest option. These choices often become motivated by his anxiety and stress; and lead him to “make mountains of molehills” and then spend the rest of his day fighting these invented problems. You are working hard but not smart, because stimulants have suppressed your creative and intuitive source of wisdom to achieve the mild panic state you experience as”energy.”If you believe in the power of your thoughts to attract positive or negative experiences into your life, then you understand how destructive it can be to use stimulants that suppress the same brain waves that give you a sense of peace and well-being. That’s what caffeine has been clinically proven to do! In addition, Ritalin and Adderall are even worse in this regard. Our frantic “get ahead at all costs” doesn’t seem to realize that doing tasks faster by sacrificing one’s own sense of well-being may not be as effective as we once thought.The other notable disadvantage of chemical stimulants is that they tend to stay in your system for many hours longer than you want, resulting in restlessness, irritability, inability to relax at the end of the day and insomnia at night.Finally, many of these stimulants have been shown time and time again in studies to be bad for your heart, because they force your heart rate to accelerate beyond normal functioning levels causing unnecessary stress and wear and tear on your body’s most precious organ.It’s time to lower the chemical stimulants and switch to the subtle power of Psychoactive Sound ™ because Psychoactive Sound:You can quickly put you into an alert, focused, energetic state of brainwaves without sacrificing your tranquility – inspired brainwavesThe effects disappear just moments after you turn off the music so you can quickly switch from Alert focus to relaxed tranquilityDon’t stress your heartNLP online courseSo what is NLP?NLP stands for neurolinguistic programming. Neuro refers to his neurology;Linguistics refers to language; programming refers to how that neuronal language works.In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!NLP is the study of excellent communication, both with oneself, and with others.It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who achieved results with their clients.NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it’s much more than that.It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get resultsGet Davinci Brainwaves – Garret LoPorto, Only Price $29Tag: Davinci Brainwaves – Garret LoPorto Review. Davinci Brainwaves – Garret LoPorto download. Davinci Brainwaves – Garret LoPorto discount.