The Copywriter’s Cheat Sheet, Part 1 and Part 2 – Ben Settle


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: Total sizes: 6.49 MB – include: Buy now $97 $997, The Copywriter’s Cheat Sheet, Part 1 and Part 2 – Ben Settle Course.The Copywriter’s Cheat Sheet :Over 300 pages of advanced copywriting secrets and rare swipe file ads you can’t easily find anywhere else.Table of ContentsForward By Michael Senoff1. How To Make People Salivate Over Even Deadly Boring And Completely “Ordinary” Products And Services2. How To Use Video Games To Eliminate “Writers Block” Forever3. How Watching A Certain Kind Of Movie Can Triple The Response Of Your Next Marketing Promotion4. The Incredible Copywriting Secret Of A 480-Pound Woman Who Died While Being Surgically Removed From Her Couch5. How To Seriously Crank Up The Response Of Your Advertising…By Studying Your Family Tree6. Astonishing Advertising Secret Used By Mother Theresa And P.T. Barnum…Forces Even The Coldest, Most Sales-Resistant Prospects On The Planet To Eagerly Buy From You7. The Million Dollar Copywriting Secret Discovered In Ancient Religious Texts8. Amazing Copywriting Secret Found In Old Batman Comic Dramatically Boosts The Readership Of Your Ads9. Little-Known Copywriting Trick Makes Even Your Most Outrageous Claims 100% Believable10. How To Make A Bundle Of Money Using Your Competitor’s Customer Testimonials…In Your Advertising11. The “Binder” Secret Of A Multi-Millionaire Lawyer Who Stubbornly Refuses To Advertise12. How To Gain Instant Trust From Your Readers With Just A Few Simple Sentences…Even In Hyper-Competitive Markets Where Nobody Knows About You Or Your Product13. How To Protect Yourself From Being Screwed Over In Business…Without Needing A Contract Or Lawyer14. Fast, Dirt-Cheap Marketing Secret Gives You Automatic Credibility – Even With Your Most Skeptical Customers And Prospects15. A “Fool-Proof” Way Of Finding Out What People Secretly (And Desperately) Want You To Sell To Them16. Copywriting Secret Revealed By “Boogey Man” Novelist Skyrockets The Response Of Almost Any Ad You Run17. How Listening To Tree Huggers And Hippies Can Make Your Advertising So Hot – And So Profitable – You’ll Hardly Believe It18. Why Bad Writing And Lots Of Typos Can Actually Make You More Sales19. How A Kung Fu Master In Florida Rakes In Tens Of Millions Every Year…By Breaking This Famous Direct Marketing Rule20. How To Make Even Your Limp, “Plain Vanilla” Bullet Points Impossible To Ignore21. How To Use Photographs To Instantly Increase The Response Of Your Ads22. How To Triple The Response Of Your Advertising…By Trying To Convince People Not To Buy From You23. How To Create Inexpensive Advertising That’s Simple, Fast And Will Keep Making You Money…Even After You Stop Using It24. How To Get Almost All Of Your Prospects And Customers To Click On Your Email Links25. How To Use “Gag” Headlines To Jump start Your Creativity26. How The Size Of A Man’s Butt Relates To His IQ27. Copywriting Master And Former Mentor Of John Carlton Documents Over 100 Authentic Cases Of People Being Raised From The Dead28. How To Use Transition Sentences To Make Your Copy 1,000 Times Better29. Why Your Swipe File Will Cripple Your Sales…If You Don’t Know This30. How To Get People To Lean In And Anxiously Read Your Sales Pitch…Almost 100% Of The Time31. How To Get People To Lean In And Anxiously Read Your Sales Pitches32. How Crooked Politicians Screw You Out Of All Your Money…And You Can Honestly And Ethically Use Their Tactics In Your Ads33. How to Use Ebay To “Kick Start” Your Copywriting Business34. A Booger A Day Keeps The Doctor Away?35. Why You’re In Deep Dog Poop If You Rely Exclusively On The Internet To Market Your Business36. The “One-Two Punch” Strategy Used By A Copywriting Heavyweight37. Copywriting Secret Used Centuries Ago By Socrates Works Even Better Today38. Where To Get (Almost) Every John Carlton Golf Ad Ever Written – FREE39. Uncovering Your Ad’s Nakedness: An Important Copywriting Lesson Straight Out Of The Holy Bible40. Indisputable Proof That “Wall-To-Wall” Copy Works41. A Classic Copywriting “Blunder” That Makes Your Glowing Testimonials Work Against You42. A Million-Dollar Lesson About Using Personality In Your Advertising43. How To Practically Guarantee All Of Your Email Pitches Make A Profit44. Extremely Simple Way To Beef Up The Power Of Your Bullet Points45. The Secret To Having Three Wives46. How To Read And Study The Headlines On Every Magazine Cover In The World…Without Having To Pay One Single Penny, Leave Your House Or Even Get Up From Your Chair47. A Rare Look At An Old Direct Mail Piece That Raked In Millions48. The Amazing Copywriting Secret That Can Also Help You Get A Second Date49. Profile Of A Marketing Genius Nobody Ever Seems To Talk About50. The Stunning “Money-Attraction” Secret Of Rush Limbaugh And Fidel Castro51. A Truly Dorky Ad Written By A Certified Marketing M****52. Why So Many Hot, Sexy Women End Up With Idiotic, Abusive Dorks53. How To Make Your Advertising 1000% Stronger…Simply By Rearranging The Order Of Your Testimonials54. Breakthrough Headline Tactics Of One Of The Most Visited Sites On The Entire Internet55. How To Give Even Your Most Skeptical Prospects That Little ‘Nudge’ Over The Fence And Buy From You56. The Totally Free Way To Improve Your Sales Letters By Up To 1000%57. The Pure Magic Of Using “Precaution” Copy In Your Advertising58. How To Use “Zig-Zag Marketing” To Spank And Humiliate Even Your Savviest Competitors59. The 30-Minute Copywriting Secret Turns Your Love-Life Around OvernightThe Copywriter’s Cheat Sheet – Part 2 :More copywriting secrets guaranteed to put money in your pocket fast – No matter who you are or what you sellTable of Contents1. How To Make Even Sucky Ad Copy Virtually Unbeatable2. How To Eliminate Anxiety And Procrastination When Starting A Copywriting Project3. Squeeze More Money From Your Ads Without Changing Even One Word Of Your Copy4. How To Quickly And Easily Turn Pissed Off Customers Into Happy Buyers5. This “Innocent” Copywriting Mistake Is Almost Guaranteed To Make You Look Like Either A Flake Or A Liar6. Triple Your Response By Being A Downer7. How To “Outfox” Your Competition8. How To Discover Your Customers’ “Hidden” Fears And Desires9. How To Use Your Competition’s Product Or Service To Sell Your Product Or Service10. How To Turn Non-Buyers Into Buyers11. How To Make Your Ads Easy For Your Readers To Chew, Swallow And Digest12. Barely Legal Copywriting Secret Gets People Flocking To Your Ads And Sales Letters In Droves13. How To Make “Dry As Dust” Case Studies 100% Fascinating And Interesting14. How To Make The Newspaper Your Unofficial “Sales Assistant”15. How To Dramatically Increase The Pulling Power Of Your Premiums And Free Bonuses In Your Ads16. 100-Year-Old Copywriting Secret Makes All The Claims In Your Marketing Ten Times More Believable17. How To Make Sure You Never Sound Like An Obnoxious Braggart In Your Ads18. Why “Can’t Refuse Offers” Hurt Response19. Another Copywriting “Rule” Bites The Dust20. How A Stupid Copywriting Mistake Killed An Otherwise Perfect Marketing Piece21. Why Sampling Is A Waste Of Time…And The Simple Thing You Should Do Instead22. How To Breathe New Life Into Dying Sales Letters23. How To Make More Money…By Hiding Your Ads24. How To Instantly Gain The Trust Of All Your Customers25. How To Create Money-Making Headlines Under Pressure26. How To Make Your Marketing Promotions “Skeptic-Proof”27. The Childishly Simple Copywriting Secret That Drives Up Response Almost Overnight28. A Simple Copywriting Tip That Makes Most Marketing Problems Instantly Evaporate29. How To Use An Ordinary Stereo To Drive Your Ad Response Through The Roof30. How To Be “Number One” In Your Market…Without Even Having The Best Product Or Service31. How To Make Price Irrelevant32. Incredible Copywriting Secret Used By Cults And Marketing Gurus Multiplies Your Response Overnight33. How To Make Crazy Promises And Claims In Your Marketing Totally Believable34. Copy Editing Secret Makes Your Marketing Promotions Irresistible To Read35. How To Make Dull Guarantees Exciting And Dramatic36. How To Instantly Remove Any And All Hesitation About Buying From You37. How To Mentally And Emotionally Glue People To Your Ads38. How To Make Complex Products and Services Seem “Monkey-Simple”39. The John Caples “Milk Bone” Secret40. Why You Shouldn’t Always Use Testimonials In Your Ads41. The Incredible Copywriting Secret Of My Left-Wing Grandmother42. Rare Copywriting Secret (Used Only A Few Times In History) Leaves Everyone Riding Your Coattails43. Copywriting Secret Used By Famous Trial Lawyer Lets Even “Amateur” Copywriters Beat Seasoned Pros44. How To Make Your Ad Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb In Noisy, Over-Crowded Markets45. How To Get People To Look For Reasons To Buy From You46. Why Writing Ads In Your Doctor’s Office Can Give You An Incredible Edge Over Your Competition47. “Long Copy Versus Short Copy” Mystery Finally Solved48. How To Write Great Copy…Without Having To Be A Great “Copywriter”