MILLION DOLLAR DIVA Program By Ingrid Arna


In Million Dollar Diva, we cover it all by offering the most sacred healing space on the planet!What insides:#1:REASONMOST MANIFESTING COURSES DON’T TACKLE YOUR INTERNAL ANARCHYTactics won’t get you any closer to your dreams. Tapping won’t help either. (Well, maybe a little, but we’re not talking epic freaking shifts). As long as you’re in survival mode, you’re not being strategic, and you remain disconnected from your power. You’ve got to bust this to open to a new rich woman reality, sista!#2:REASONYOU’VE BEEN LEFT HIGH AND DRY WITH MASCULINE GOAL-SETTINGThis causes you to unconsciously repel abundance. What if you set a goal to earn $10K/month when you’re meant to be running a million dollar business? Well-meaning goals (and well-meaning teachers) can hold your business growth hostage for years.#3:REASONCONVENTIONAL FINANCES ARE ROOTED IN MASCULINE ENERGYInstead of opening yourself up to receiving, you focus on getting, getting, getting. And all the while, you’re repelling the clients and connections you need in order to make the income and impact you desire. Open the channel into a new realm of unlimited abundance, love and alignment — and receive with grace, diva.#4:REASONMANY PROGRAMS LACK THE SUPPORT FOR CONSISTENT DEEP HEALINGMillion Dollar Diva is unlike any other financial program on the planet. This is a COLLECTIVE OF PRIESTESS ACTIVATION where we go beyond the surface and into deep cellular healing every week. You’ll be held in a powerful, loving and safe energetic container and activated into a new dimension of sovereign abundance and financial and personal femme power.