The Anatomy Of The Perfect Ads


Discover My Proprietary 10 Part Ad FormulaHi. I’m Nicholas Kusmich, the world’s highest ROI ing Faccbook Ads Strategist, and I help high-growth businesses scale using Faccbook Advertising.I do this through my Contextual Congruence strategy delivered through private client work and my Art Of Lead Generation Implementation Intensive so you can generate consistent and reliable leads, customers, and clients on demand.The Perfect Ad Template (part of my 8 phase Contextual Congruence Strategy) has been responsible for generating hundreds of millions of clicks, millions of leads, and tens of millions o dollars in revenue.Without it, you will waste your time staring at a blank white screen, guessing how to write your next ad. and then wondering if that ad will convert.With It. you eliminate all the guesswork and will never again waste time or money on an ad and get even better results from your ad campaigns.Now go swipe and deploy!Tools are only as good as your ability to know how to use them.In this training I reveal my proprietary 10 phase Ad Formula that has generated hundreds of millions of clicks, millions of leads, and tens of millions of dollars so you never have to worry about how to construct a highly converting, ROI producing Ad.The Anatomy Of A Perfect FB Ad Training In this accelerated training you will discover…THE ELEMENTS EXPLAINEDELEMENT #1: Start with a question that gets an implied “YES” and speaks specifically to your ideal target.ELEMENT #2: Build rapport with a “connecting” statement followed by The DiscoveryELEMENT #3: Using words like “today”ELEMENT #4: What are you giving them? [Template, Checklist, etc)ELEMENT #5: Provide a clear call to actionELEMENT #6: Use a shorten hyperlinkELEMENT #7: High contrast Image that tells a storyELEMENT #8: Offer name + benefit + type of offerELEMENT #9:Have a strong benefit driven statement with incomplete sentenceELEMENT #10: Remind them where to goACCELERATE YOUR RESULTSYou are In possession of a tool that can get you massive results when deployed correctly. But, unless you understand what each of the elements mean and the subtle nuances of them. It’ll only remain an underutilized tool that sits in your toolbox It is like having the keys to a supcrcar but not knowing how to drive It.So, if you’d like to use this tool at It’s fullest potential, I want to show you how through an in-depth, advanced training where I deep dive into exactly how I use the template, step-by-step, providing you everything you need to know, in order to maximize your resultsIn this training. I even show you live ad examples I am currently using that you can swipe and deploy into your business Immediately.Get The Anatomy Of The Perfect Ads – Anonymous, Only Price $55Tag: The Anatomy Of The Perfect Ads Review. The Anatomy Of The Perfect Ads  download. The Anatomy Of The Perfect Ads discount.