Smart Google Traffic – The Hidden Traffic Source With Double The Power Of FB – Ezra Firestone


THE “HIDDEN” TRAFFIC SOURCEI mainly called it that to get your attention… AND because it IS actually hiding under almost EVERYONE’S noses!This traffic source was responsible for my first $Million dollar business.Remember the wig business I told you about?My very first Ecommerce store EVER? It was 100% built on this traffic source.AND THEY SHOULD BE!!!And here’s the BIG confusion point…Not all traffic sources should be used for AWARENESS level traffic.If you’ve been hanging out with me for any amount of time, you know that I look at visibility (traffic) in 3 pillars…But they are not the ONLY traffic sources that are good…If you’re going to go out there and spend money to generate visibility for your brandThen you want that “ad spend” to result In the highest ROI possible.And this is where the “hidden” (okay not- so-hidden) traffic source comes into play for you!YOU KNOW that on average its going to take 3 “touch points” before someone buys…But MOST people are ONLY retargeting on Facebook and Instagram…Let’s get started! First, we have todo a few infrastructural things                Why not be EVERYWHERE that could possibly be?This brings me to my hidden/not- hidden traffic source.A traffic source that is making me a lot of money and is an easy win for pretty much everyone when used properly!That Traffic Source Is…I know, I know… this is what I get every time I bring this up with a store owner          Module 1: Tech Nasty – Setting Up Shop & Building AccountsBuilding your team – The “A” Team of technology. Everything serves a unique role and works together. this session will walk through the creation of accounts and linking everything together for success.Module 2: Remarketing Setup & Display AdsWe’ll cover list creation, ad creation, using lists from AdWords vs. Lists from GAN, dynamic remarketing, the basics of GDN and more.Module 3: Brand Search CampaignThis session will cover the importance of building campaigns both for keeping competitors from bidding on your brand terms, and to help your overall adwords account health. This module will also lay the groundwork for anyone who might want to move into using AdWords for prospecting.Module 4: Google ShoppingGoogle Shopping is the leading comparison shopping engine(CSE) on the market. Product searches either start on Amazon or Google. We’ll cover Google Shopping as a remarketing vehicle and for brand searches. We’ll also lay the groundwork for using Google Shopping for prospecting.Module 5: YouTube & Shoppable TrueView.Combine YouTube pre-roll video ads with Google Shopping (PLAs). We’ll cover gow ti setuo Shoppable TrueView ads as the perfect remarketing vehicle and as great platform to launch new products to existing customers.Get Smart Google Traffic – The Hidden Traffic Source With Double The Power Of FB – Ezra Firestone, only price $125Tag : google analytics. search engine marketing. viamichelin app. best private search engines. klaviyo. ezra firestone. ezra firestone net worth. ezra google course. ezra at smart marketer.