Immediate YES Formula Course


Course “Immediate YES Formula Course – Cesar Rodriguez” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Stop the Pain, Struggle, & Frustration Today and Completely Eliminate Rejection to your Product, Service, or Opportunity FOREVER! Bold Statement: But within a few minutes you’ll see what most people are doing wrong.The Immediate YES Formula™ Course is THE Step by Step Blueprint for Sales Pros & Network Marketers who are looking for THE MOST Proven, Tested, & EffectiveSystem for Exposing & Closing Anyone, Anytime,Anywhere, on Anything Immediately!Plus if you’re into Internet Marketing & Online Lead Generation then you’ll LOVE that once you own this course you’ll be able to use it’s High Converting Capture Pages & Offers to Generate Leads for your Primary Business & EarnOverly-Generous Affiliate Commissions simply for spreading the good word about this powerful program.Here’s a Breakdown of Just Some of What You’ll Learn Inside the Course Modules!Inside, You’ll Discover…Module #1 – Secrets to closing the most skeptical prospects!In this video module you’ll get an advanced training on how to close even the most skeptical prospects and how to tell the difference between the objections that can be overcome and ones that can’t and aren’t worth your time. (This time-saving tip will shave hours off your work days!)Why what you’ve been taught about how to approach, present, and close people is most likely elementary and outdated and what you need to do, today in 2013, to trigger your prospects automatic and subconscious “compliance & agreement” buttons so they can’t help themselves from wanting to buy from you immediately.Module #2 – Power Questions and How to use the Action Guide & Checklist (9 pages of power questions included!)In this module you’ll get a list of Cesar’s personally crafted best questions to ask to help you build rapid rapport, trust, and credibility with your prospects as well as extract their deepest pains, problems, and hot buttons. You won’t hear these “power questions” anywhere else and you’ll even get a 9 page checklist of these questions.You’ll learn how to maximize the IYF Action Guide and Coaching Checklist and how to take any product, service, or opportunity you’re selling and redesign your presentation so that triggers an ‘Immediate YES’ buying response. (Say Goodbye to old days of needing 7-10 follow-up calls or exposures before your prospect buys!)  Module #3 – How to get Hypnotic Compliance from your prospects and the key to triggering Immediate YES decisions.In this module you’ll see an advanced dissection of the Immediate YES Formula’s elements and you’ll learn why people buy things at an unconscious level and how to sell in such a way that your prospect feels unconsciously drawn to buying from you on the spot… and feels good about it.Here you’ll discover the key to gaining instant hypnotic influence with your prospects and what you need to do to close high ticket deals without your prospects getting nervous and wanting go home to “think about it”. People are taught to take their time when making big decisions. What you’ll learn here will allow you to shift “big ticket items” into the “impulse items” category in your prospects’ minds.Module #4 – Rapid rapport building techniques & the secrets to triggering the “love at first sight” emotional response.Attraction is not a choice! We all have certain subconscious attraction switches hard-coded in our DNA that when hit make us like and love people… even when we planned on hating them. In this module you’ll learn how to flip your prospects attraction switches so they view you as their new best friend and someone that they know, like, and trust.Most people build rapport incorrectly or think they have great rapport built up when they really don’t. In this module you’ll learn how use “info-stacks”, “stack triggers”, and other covert rapport building techniques to create the feeling of a lifelong friendship with anyone within a few minutes. (These techniques also work great if you’re single and dating)Module #5 – How to build Massive Trust, Credibility, and Authority even if you’re new and you’ve never had success.Getting someone to buy from you immediately requires you build a ton of trust & credibility fast. Most people don’t know how to do this so it takes them 7-10 follow-ups to close people. In this module you’ll learn how to build so much trust & credibility in one sitting that your prospect won’t feel that they need more time, a second opinion, or more research to buy that same day.In this video you’ll learn how to use Baby Negs & The Weak Strong Combo to build deep trust lightning fast, as well as the 3F Technique, The Align & Agree Method, and the controversial Tell & Show Methodto create habitual trust patterns so your prospects believe everything you say and buy exactly when you tell them to.Module #6 – How to get your prospects spilling their beansand telling you exactly how to sell and close them.If people are telling you they don’t need what you have or aren’t interested, it’s because you’re not meeting their needs. This module is jam packed with tons of strategies to help you extract the hidden information you need to speak to their core needs, wants, and desires so they’re practically begging you to buy and join immediately.You’ll learn how implementing The Devils Trick, Interrogation Motivation, Reverse Psyching, V&S theory, and The Revolver Rule will get even the most guarded prospects to open up, be 100% honest with you, and reveal the problems they have that you can solve with your product, service, or opportunity.Get Immediate YES Formula Course – Cesar Rodriguez, Only Price $147Module #7 – How to discover & your prospect’s Pain Triggersand Eliminate “No Money objections” forever!If you’re getting “money objections” it’s not the money. You just haven’t found or created a big enough problem to justify them parting with or finding the money. In this module you’ll learn how to find, amplify, and create the problems, that in your prospects mind, can only be solved with your product, service, or opportunity.You’ll learn how Dream Dissection, Confusion Control, and several other strategies will get your prospect confessing their deepest problems, pains, and desires so you can frame what you’re selling to solve them. When you master these techniques you’ll almost never hear “I don’t have the money” again.Module #8 – How to transform your boring presentation into an Irresistible offer that people Buy Immediately!If you want Immediate YES’s and monster paychecks you need to learn how to craft a presentation that people can’t say “No” to. In this module you’ll learn how to precisely engineer your presentation so that it eliminates all potential objections before they come up and makes your prospects salivate to buy your solution immediately.You’ll discover the 3 Core Objections every prospect has, how to overcome them, and how to master Take Aways & NLP Re-framing to eliminate objections. Cesar will also reveal his Never Fail Story Creation Formula, his highest converting closing scripts, and the patented 3Q Close that he’s used to close millions of dollars in sales.Module #9 – How to Create Urgency, Close with Posture, and get people to Take Action and Buy Immediately!If you’re getting people interested, but they’re not buying the same day then this is the module for you! Most people know how to close, but not with posture and in a way that combines anticipation of gain, fear of loss, scarcity, and urgency. After you learn how to do this you’ll find that prospects will practically beg you to buy immediately.Just some of what you’ll learn in this video is how to inject the subconscious triggers that create an Act Now State, how to Eliminate All FORMS of the “Think about it” objection, NLP Re-define Patternsthat turn Thinkers into Buyers, The AIDA Formula, and scripts you can use and modify to add urgency into your presentation and close.Module #10 – Strategies for tailoring the Immediate YES Formula to any product, service, or opportunity.In this module you’ll learn how to take everything you’ve learned in the previous modules to the next level and into the real world. You’ll learn tips and tricks for implementing & integrating the Immediate YES Formula and all the strategies you’ve learned into your sales process so everything becomes second nature and flows seamlessly.You’ll discover the secrets to retaining knowledge, how to best apply and teach the new techniques you’ve learned, and mind hacks that will help you remember everything you’ve learned in this program so that you become an unconsciously competent master closer and practitioner of the Immediate YES Formula sales process.Here’s How The Immediate Yes Formula Affiliate Marketing System Works in a Nutshell…The End.If you choose to take advantage of the affiliate marketing and lead generation system we’ve put together for you, all you have to do is simply share a few of your affiliate links from your back office and let our automated marketing funnels do the work for you.“Cesar, are you saying that when I Own this Course I’ll also be able to Get Paid to share it with others?”Answer: YES! And the best part is, it’s super simple, Not an MLM, &it doesn’t interfere with what your already doing! Too many other affiliate programs confuse and distract people from their primary businesses. Our Affiliate Marketing System was built into the course to help you recoup your initial investment, make you money on the side, and generate leads for your primary business, NOT distract you from it.”“Dude, This is an Awesome Story! I ACCIDENTALLY GOT MY COURSE FOR FREE! After I bought the course and went through it I was blown away! I sent my custom link to 2 people on my team who ended up buying the course immediately! I not only broke even, making my course FREE, the three of us all agreed this course was the best training on closing we’ve ever seen! The craziest part is I didn’t refer this course to them because I wanted to make money off of them, I did because I loved the training and wanted to help them succeed. The money was just a bonus, I would’ve referred it to them for FREE! Thanks Cesar!”Jeremiah & Valerie Barnett; Carolina Beach, NC“Are you ready to become our next success story and take your game to the next level?If so, here’s your opportunity… Take Action, Invest in yourself, and Secure Your Copy of this Course and all it’s Bonuses during this Exclusive Pre-Launch Pricing Period!”Get Immediate YES Formula Course – Cesar Rodriguez, Only Price $147Tag: Immediate YES Formula Course – Cesar Rodriguez Review. Immediate YES Formula Course – Cesar Rodriguez download. Immediate YES Formula Course – Cesar Rodriguez discount.