IG Millions 2019 – Alexey Lyakh & Ryker Gamble


Growth Case Studies & TrainingWhat’s inside IG MILLIONS80+ VideosPrivate Discussion Boards20hrs+ Curriculum14 PDF WorkbooksLive Q&A’sOnline CommunityInterviewsWhy should you join?Be Your Own BossIG MILLIONS is a training program that teaches systematic processes that enable you to build and grow your Instagram account to one million followers, and beyond!!Because it’s all about the followers… right?Not really. Watching your follower count pass the 10K, 50K, 250K mark is only one part of the process. In this course, you will develop the skills to monetize and grow your brand into a tool that empowers you to build any kind of business you want.Freedom and AbundanceBeing able to follow your dreams and work from anywhere in the world, whenever you want, from the comfort of your smartphone… that’s what we’re all about.Look, you can keep banging your head against the wall hoping to get more follower, trying to build an account through trial and error… OR you can follow a PROVEN PLAN with STRATEGIES that will lead to more growth than you ever thought possible.    Nobody said it was going to be easy – this is NOT a “get-rich-quick” scheme – you must dedicate yourself and put in the work. However, if you follow the guidelines we teach, building a powerful community of people to support you along your journey, there is no reason you can’t achieve even your highest goals.  The effort you put into your Instagram account is COMPOUNDING, meaning it increases in value as you continue to work on it.You might be asking, “How is any of this possible?!”In 2017 Instagram Generated $1.3 Billion in Mobile Ad RevenueThe way advertisers spend money has changed forever. Advertising dollars are now ending up in the hands of people like us, who have grown large followings on Instagram. With over 1 billion MAUs (Monthly Active Users) there has never been a better time to learn how to build and grow a profitable Instagram account and stand out from the rest! The time to take advantage of this is NOW. Stop watching other people live their dream life and start living yours today!We have students, clients, and friends who have landed film & television roles, started successful YouTube channels, sold their artwork and other creations, travelled the world with friends and family, spoken on stage at TED, raised millions of dollars for start-ups, and made 6-7 figures a year … all because of their powerful Instagram account!  Curriculum1. Introduction1.0 Chapter Workbook1.1 Welcome to the Course!1.1 Welcome from Justis Cooper1.1 Welcome from Kenzo Kiren1.2 Our Story1.3 Why would you want 1M Followers?1.4 Your MindsetQuestions + Discussions2. Foundations2.0 Chapter Workbook2.1 Instagram Overview and History2.2 Instagram Features and Summaries2.3 Apps, Tools, and ResourcesQuestions + Discussions3. Getting Started3.0 Chapter Workbook3.1 Choosing a Niche3.2 Creator vs. Curator3.3 Choosing a UsernameWhat’s your Niche?4. Content4.0 Chapter Workbook4.1 What Type of Content4.2 Who is your Audience4.3 Understanding Quality4.4 Copyright4.4 Copyright Continued4.5 Formatting4.6 Stories, Lives, MISC4.7 The History of Live on Instagram4.7 For the Creator4.8 For the Curator4.9 Content Editing4.10 Posting ContentCreating or Curating?5. Branding5.0 Chapter Workbook5.1 Launching your Brand5.2 Logos and Watermarks5.3 Vibe and Voice5.4 Content Policy5.5 Congruency, and Knowing your Audience5.6 Making an AdBranding and Standing Out6. Growth and Marketing6.0 Chapter Workbook6.1 Introduction – Ways to Grow6.2 Organic Growth6.3 Getting Pages to Share your Content6.4 The Explore Page6.5 Likes6.6 Shoutouts and “SFS”6.7 Instagram Ads6.8 Private vs. Public6.9 Hiring Agencies6.10 Negotiating Rates6.11 Offering Services in ExchangeWhat Strategy has worked BEST for you?!Creating your first SFS Ad assignment7. Audience Engagement7.0 Chapter Workbook7.1 The Algorithm7.2 Personal Brand vs. Theme or Curation Page7.3 Pages with High Engagement7.4 Raising Engagement on a Dead Page7.5 How to Boost Engagement7.6 Captions and Content7.7 Answering Comments and Messages7.8 Using All the FeaturesWhat is your “Secret” to boosting engagement?8. Automation and Posting8.0 Chapter Workbook8.1 Introduction – Managing Multiple Accounts8.2 Content Factory8.3 Scheduling Platforms and Tools8.4 Additional Tools and ServicesWhat is your first Automation Tactic?9. Networking and Community9.0 Chapter Workbook9.1 Stronger Together9.2 Negotiating Rates as a Community9.3 How to Find Pages to Work With9.4 How to Reach OutQuestions + Discussions10. Analytics and Tracking Progess10.0 Chapter Workbook10.1 IG Analytics10.2 Socialblade10.3 Iconosquare10.4 Ninjalitics10.4 Analyzing Other Pages10.5 Manual TrackingQuestions + Discussions11. Shortcuts and Buying Pages11.0 Chapter Workbook11.1 Introduction – Starting from Scratch11.2 Starting from a Foundation11.3 Flipping a House11.4 Where to Buy a Page11.5 Safely Buying a Page11.6 How Much to Spend11.7 What to Avoid when BuyingQuestions + Discussions12. Monetization12.0 Chapter Workbook12.1 Introduction – When should you Start12.2 Where to Monetize12.3 What to Monetize12.4 How to Monetize12.5 Selling Ads12.6 Brand Partnerships12.7 Going on the Offence, Media Kits, Partnership Proposals, and the Outreach Sequence12.8 Affiliate Marketing12.9 Selling your own Products12.10 Creating an App12.11 The AFA World12.12 Building a Media CompanySelling Ads!Affiliate Marketing!Selling Products!Brand Partnerships!General Discussion…13. Safety and Support13.0 Chapter Workbook13.1 Phishing Scams and Hackers13.2 Getting Disabled13.3 Getting Hacked13.4 Who to ask for Help13.5 Safety Best PracticesQuestions + Discussions14. Final Chapter – Putting it All Together14.0 Chapter Workbook14.1 Putting It All Together14.2 Case Study – SHREDZ14.3 Influencers who started on IG14.4 Final Overview – The Success Path14.5 Final Sendoff – Hitting 1M FollowersBonus Interview With Shane Howard – 10 Million Dollar company by the age of 18Bonus Interview With Noah Gelerman – 30 Million Follower NetworkBonus Interview With Mirko De La Rosa – A Billion Monthly Impressions on his Viral InstagramBonus Interview With Zachary Moxley – Connect and Collaborate With Your Favourite InfluencersQuestions + Discussions15. IGTV – The Real Power of IGTV15.1 IGTV Overview15.2 IGTV How to use it for GrowthQuestions + DiscussionsTag: IG Millions 2019 – Alexey Lyakh & Ryker Gamble  Review. IG Millions 2019 – Alexey Lyakh & Ryker Gamble  download. IG Millions 2019 – Alexey Lyakh & Ryker Gamble  discount.