Getting Started with NodeJS for Beginners


NodeJs is a powerful JavaScript engine that can be used for a variety of tasks. In this course, we’ll learn the basics of working with NodeJS. We’ll work with the core libraries, but also learn about using npm: theNode Package Manager to load and work with any third party package that has been developed for NodeJS. We’ll also look at three ways to write and run a simple web server using node.The course is an hour long, and consists of two units. Topics include:installationtesting and verifying the installationintroduction to the npmusing the REPL utilityfile input and outputThe course assumes that you are comfortable writing and understanding object oriented JavaScript.I hope you’ll join us for this exciting introduction to NodeJS.Course CurriculumBasic SetupIntroduction (3:07)Download and Install of node.js (2:04)Testing the Installation (5:55)Getting StartedIntroduction to the npm Package Manager (9:42)Using the Read-Eval-Print Loop Utility (3:43)Using the fs Library for File Input (7:02)Pulling Information from the Listing (6:11)File Output Added (7:06)With ServersServing Static Content with the HTTP Package (4:40)Using the HTTP Server Global Package (5:28)Serving Files with Node-static (7:04)Handling Error Pages with Node-static (5:47)Get Getting Started with NodeJS for Beginners – Anonymous , Only Price $13Tag: Getting Started with NodeJS for Beginners Review. Getting Started with NodeJS for Beginners download. Getting Started with NodeJS for Beginners discount.