Reality Trader – Vadym Graifer’s Reality Trader Online Course (  INTRODUCTION STEP 1- UNDERSTANDING THE BASICSExchangesHistory ofDifferent ExchangesBrokersOnline BrokersDirect AccessEquipmentCapital RequiredTime and SalesScreen Setup Execution Software and Chat (1st monitor) Execution Software, Intelliscan, Charting (2nd monitor) STEP 2 – GETTING CLOSER TO REALITYThe RT MissionThe Dual RealityThe Market Never ChangesStages of a SpeculatorEvolution of a TraderThe Trader’s CircleTraps of ObviousnessSwitches in ThinkingMisinformation Comes in Many FormsEducating YourselfA Recipe for Survival STEP 3 – MODERN TAPE READING TECHNIQUESRead and TradeR.H.Y.T.H.M. Trading Principles of Tape ReadingMain PrinciplesTrend ContinuationDecreasing Volume ReversalShallow Re-tracement Trend ContinuationAccumulation/DistributionTrend ConfirmationEuphoria/CapitulationTypical ScenariosSlow AccumulationTrading RangeScalping within the rangeTrading the breakout/breakdownBottom FishingPattern ReversalCombining Principles in Different TimeframesWeeklyDailyIntradayPRACTICAL TAPE READING TRAININGThe Trading DayPre-market Preparation8 Step Morning Preparation GuideIdentification of Trading OpportunitiesPivot PointsIdentifying the AxLetting Profits RunRT Alert FormatTape Reading Issues on Stocks with Varying Readability STEP 4 – APPLYING THE PRINCIPLESSix Steps for SuccessThe Traders’ Alogrithm STEP 5 – MASTERING YOUR MINDIntroductionChanging Your BeliefsRecovery after Heavy LossesStop Loss: Looking within for SuccessImproving Your PerformanceBeliefs of Winning/Losing TraderProgressing from Observation to Successful ParticipationHow to Cross the StreetThe A.C.T.I.O.N. planWisdom of the BestThe Disciplined TraderThe Intuitive TraderThe Intuitive Trader Part IIReminiscences of a Stock OperatorTrading InterviewsChris to VadymVadym to ChrisVadym to Chris IILarisa to VadymChris to BoVadym to RussVadym to Dan CooperTrading MantrasMeditation Techniques OTHER MUST READ SESSIONSLinda Raschke ClassInterview with Mark DouglasTraders TaxesReview of NEON – Different ApproachesBear Market Trading LIVE VIDEO SERIESLIVE VIDEO SERIESStockVideo TIBXTIBX Level II Execution ExampleVTSSBidding the Support Level Within the RangeSCMRCongestion Example and Breakout TradeVRSNCapitulation Trade Leading to Long SetupKLACBreakout Trade for Long SetupPLMDCapitulation Trade Leading to Long SetupJNICScalp Reversal From Support After Gap DownMERQBreakout Trade From Defined RangeJDSUBasket Stock Following Market TrendSEBLBreakout Trade For Long SetupQQQOpen High Breakout PlayAMCCBidding into Support TradeFDRYCapitulation TradeIWOVBreakout of Open HighNVLSShort Play on the Breakdown of the LowNXTLBreakout of the HighPSUNOpen High Break TradeRATLBreakout of the RangeSNDKOpen High Break Trade and Stop Loss on Failed BreakoutSUNWBasket Stock Trade Following Market TrendQQQShort Trade using Resistance Level for EntrySEBLShort Setup on Breakdown of the LowJDSUBasket Stock – Reversal as Futures Showed StrengthITWOThree Separate Setups including One Stop LossSEBLShort Setup for Downtrend ConfirmationRFMDBreakdown Short and Reversal off a Double BottomRFMDStop Loss Taken on Short Setup from Failed BreakdownQQQOpen High Break Play with General Market Trend SupportSEBLShort Play With Break of the Low as Downtrend ConfirmationNEWPBreakout Trade – Tape Reading Complementing TA PrinciplesXYBRDefining Risk EvaluationsSATCExecuting Decisions on SATCAKLMComprehensive Evaluation of AKLMSCIOShort Trade Setup Leading To Capitulation Reversal Long TradeRFMDShort Setup on Breakdow After Third Test of the LowFLEXShort Setup on Breakdown of SupportFLEXBreakdown Short Trade after Distribution ScenarioENGA“Execution TrainingCDWC (missing)Decreasing Volume Signaling Downtrend into Capitulation PhaseAMZNBreakout Trade on AMZNHLITBreakout Long Setup on HLITHLITHLIT  – Gap Play and Continuation SetupTTWO (missing)BreakDown of Support Short SetupRFMDBreakout Setup on RFMDCTXS/TQNTBreakout Setup on CTXS and Stop Loss on Failed Breakout on TQNTSAMNShallow Pullback on Decreasing Volume for Long SetupBGENOpen Low Breakdown Short SetupSEBLBreakdown Short Trade on SEBLRFMDBreakout Trade on RFMDRATLStop Loss on RATLJNPRStop Loss on JNPRJDSUStop Loss on JDSUITWOProfit and Loss on ITWOFNSR & AMCCProfit and Loss on FSNR and AMCCAMZNStop Loss on AMZNCHKPStop Loss CHKPASMLOpen High Break Setup on ASMLAMCCStop Loss AMCCGet Vadym Graifer’s Reality Trader Online Course – Reality Trader , Only Price $67Tag: Vadym Graifer’s Reality Trader Online Course – Reality Trader  Review. Vadym Graifer’s Reality Trader Online Course – Reality Trader  download. Vadym Graifer’s Reality Trader Online Course – Reality Trader  discount. vadym graifer. vadym graifer pdf. vadym graifer techniques of tape reading pdf. vadym graifer techniques of tape reading.