Here is an example of the techniques from the much-vaunted PMemory 3.0 from Ruslan’s new forum:1. Effortless FCs creation.Instead of doing the FC routine covered in lessons just see/observe “05” as rich, colorful, detailed and large. When you see it clearly and effortlessly do the same for the image of the Airplane. then do both at the same time but seeing them effortlessly as one and the same. Let your mind accept them both as one, accept the meaning of those 2 images as one the same. Be relax, its not about pushing or making happen, its about allowing it to happen. Make sure your body is relaxed, and when its done you should be fully relaxed and effortlessly see those 2 images at the same time as one (in what ever way it will end up) and you see it as one, and you know that these images are just one, you just see it this way and know it so. Make sure your body is affected and relaxed, so you dont end up in the situation when in your head you are visualizing but pushing against it with the body.Instead of forcing neurons to establish a reflect connection we relax them so they can connect themselves.Let me know how it works out for you. you can also combine this method with the old method described in the course.2. Effortless Attention.Make a dot around half inch size or choose little object of some kind. put it in front of you around 3-4 feet away from you.Exercise 1:Focus on the dot and your goal to be focused on it without interruption for 10 minutes. Do it with force/effort but make sure it is appropriate, it is not about just creating effort, its about being supper focused on the object with directed force.Exercise 2:Do the same exercise but do it effortlessly. Just observe the dot and relax as much as you can and be comfortable. Being relaxed, comfortable, effortless yet focused. do this for 15 minutes.True Effortless memorization can happen only in silent, effortless space, when instead of forcing images to connect you allow them to connect themselves.3. Effortless visualization.seeing and observing effortlessly an image you choose. without pushing it to appear and without you putting effort to see it and be visualized. and letting the details show up and the image you are looking at becomes more real and rich. feel it if you can (dont force it, if it feels like something then let it be. feeling should come up it self.) if you cant feel it then it doesnt matter, it will come later and its not necessary at this time. Just be aware of the sensation the image you are looking at creates in you. Hear it if you can, but dont try to hear it and dont try to force yourself to hear it. If it shows up great, if not then dont worry about it. The more sensations are involved the better.Do this exercise for 10 minutes. Any image will work.4. Void Technique.Before you begin your lessons you need to calm down your mind, so your thoughts are not racing and dont interfere with the tasks we need to do and you dont waste energy on unrelated stuff and this energy is not used against you.The idea is simple. Mental thoughts are illusions, they dont really exist. They exist as an experience but they dont really have any power over you unless you give them the power. I will get back to this topic later. For now all you need to do is:1. Relax in your chair.2. Now, close your eyes, and try to find at least 1 though in your head.(dont read further, just do it for 1 minute)…3. Relax in to the void and emptiness. Relax all of yourself into it.Be in this space for 30 minutes before each lesson. Its a great idea also to finish your training day with that.If it didnt work:I didnt say – think about something. I said – try to find at least 1 thought in your head.Both I and the student who alerted me to this think it’s just PMemory techniques blended with meditation. What do you think?Get Phenomenal Memory Course 3.0 – Ruslan M, Only Price $27Tag: Phenomenal Memory Course 3.0 Review. Phenomenal Memory Course 3.0 download. Phenomenal Memory Course 3.0 discount. phenomenal memory meaning. phenomenal memory definition. phenomenal memory psychology. phenomenal memory francais. phenomenal memory define. a phenomenal memory meaning. a phenomenal feat of memory