Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 Apps – Sandy Ludosky


Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 AppsNo Prior Coding Skills Required! Learn iOS Development by Examples. Build 14 apps & a Twitter Clone with FirebaseThe goal of this course is to teach anyone how to build an iOS10 App from the ground up. The course is very project-based and specially designed for beginners with no programming experience with iOS and Swift. And, if you have some coding experience, this course will take you from coding hobbyist to an intermediate level, ready to launch a new tech career.You will first learn the fundamentals of the Swift language by examples:Variables & ConstantsControl FlowData TypesObject, Classes & StructEnumYou will learn the basics of iOS programming with playground demos and challenges. This will give you the solid foundation to start building iPhone Apps.Why take this iOS course ?This course will set you on your way to becoming a great iOS Developer, where you’ll establish a basic understanding of the iOS ecosystem.What you will learn:Working with Classes & ObjectsCreating multi-view Applications with Storyboard SeguesUsing TableView, Navigation Bars & ToolbarsAdding Interaction & GesturesPersisting DataNetworking to embed Web Content into you appShowing user’s location & address on a map with MapKitView & GeolocationLearning iOS Animation with a Beginners guide to add edge to your appCapstone Project = Twitter Clonetwitter login SDKcloud-based backend service Firebase (3.0)Prerequisites & Requirements:You will need access to a Mac computer running OS X 10.10 or later No prior programming experience is required. The course has been specially designed for beginners. The first chapters will walk you through the download and install process of the XCode 8 Application (to build iPhone Apps). Plus, one complete chapter is dedicated to getting you up and running with the Apple modern Language: Swift 3.0By the end of the course:You’ll have a working knowledge of Swift, Apple’s custom programming language created exclusively for the mobile developerYou will know how to write interactive programmes with one of the most-wanted job skillYou will know how to prototype your iPhone App ideaTech is Hot Right Now! – Don’t wait to enrol:Swift is Apple’s recent and modern language. It has recently become open-sourceApp developer is one of the hottest jobs in 2016The job landscape is very promising for iOS software development. And, job opportunities for Application developers will continue to grow.Thanks for joining!Get Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 Apps – Sandy Ludosky, Only Price $57 Course CurriculumWelcome !Introduction (5:19)Getting StartedCurriculum Presentation (3:27)Download & Install XCode 8 (2:49)XCode 8 Overview (11:52)Swift FundamentalsSwift 3 New Syntax (16:46)Swift 3 New Syntax Demo (6:46)Variables & Constants (12:20)Data Type (14:46)Basic Operators (11:31)Basic Operators – challenge (3:14)Modulo Operator (4:20)Comparison Operator (5:01)Logical Operator (6:51)Nil Operator (15:52)Range Operator (4:30)Array (17:07)Array – challenge (7:08)Dictionnaries (7:24)If/Else Statement (14:33)If/Else Statement – challenge (5:35)FOR Loop (4:44)WHILE Loop (10:29)FOR/While Loop – challenge (7:04)Switch Case (6:49)Switch Case – challenge (13:26)Project FilesRandom ColorsIntroduction (4:56)AutoLayout (3:37)Adding Actions (3:26)Control Flow & Logic (8:30)Changing Colors (4:54)Random Colors (10:09)Project FilesImages GalleryAuto Layout & Connections (7:14)Changing Images (7:11)StackView & Controls (8:21)Project FilesMoo BoxIntro (5:39)Motion Ended (3:06)Transform & UIView.animateWithDuration() (9:41)AVFoundation Framework (4:20)Project FilesTea TimerIntroduction (0:43)Navigation Bar & StackView (10:10)Connections & PickerView (9:18)PickerView DataSource (10:50)Switch Case (11:14)Display Minutes & Seconds (10:12)Timer (5:32)Stop & Reset Timer (10:57)Enable & Disable ‘start’ Button (4:52)Label Color (16:09)Ring The Alarm (9:22)Finish & Polish (3:22)Project FilesTip CalculatorUITextField (6:03)Segmented Control (8:45)Switch Case (9:19)Calculating Tip (5:50)Calculating Total Amount (3:41)Displaying Tip & Total Amount (7:24)Displaying Error Message (8:39)Customizing & Polishing UI (3:02)tartProject FilesMovie Database (Omdb API)Introduction (0:39)Project FilesTableViewController (5:46)omdb API (7:00)Downloading Movies (15:30)Movie Class (14:37)Download Media (7:42)MovieWebView (10:54)Loading More Movies (13:41)Loading Movie Page (7:31)Resizing Cell Image View (10:12)Downloading Movie Rating (*) (12:25)Star Rating Emoji (10:37)3D TouchIntro (0:29)Collection View (9:31)Photo Class (14:15)Display Photos (8:51)Display Caption (4:35)Image Full View (6:06)IndexPathForSelectedItems (1:00)3D Touch (11:17)Previous & Next Controls (19:33)Project FilesMapKitView, GeoCoding & TimeIntroduction (0:23)MapKit (7:19)Adding Annotation (3:32)SearchBar (7:23)GeoCoding (4:52)Placemarks (3:08)Local Time (7:18)Touches Began (2:34)Error Debbuging (2:15)Displaying Local Time (4:21)tUpdating Local Time (6:38)Project FilesLogin Form & Core DataIntroduction (0:33)Form (8:21)Outlets & Actions (2:39)Alert Dialog (8:35)Saving to Core Data (9:10)Connecting User (15:47)Login Error Message (2:01)Segue (2:36)Project FilesSpeech RecognitionIntroduction (0:36)Application Set Up (7:46)Audio Recording View (12:26)Speech Framework (11:16)rtAsking User Permission (info.plist) (5:29)iPhone Demo (2:37)Enable / Disable Button (4:19)UserDefaults (5:07)TableView Data (15:31)Displaying Messages (9:41)Deleting Messages (4:08)tProject FilesDrawing AppIntro (0:25)tDrawing Pad (6:48)Adding Crayons (8:28)Crayons Actions (4:10)TouchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded (5:25)Drawing Lines (12:19)Adding Colors (6:47)Toolbar Options (7:53)Drawing Settings (10:31)Programming Settings (7:15)Previewing Settings (3:52)Adjusting Settings (16:45)Saving Settings (7:21)Erasing Function (5:19)rtProject FilesWeather AppIntro (0:23)Weather App Interface (15:23)Random Background (11:20)OpenWeather App API (6:43)Download City Weather Data (12:22)info.plist (5:13)Getting Weather Data (9:59)Temperature in Celsius (8:41)Change City Alert Dialog (11:13)Weather Icon (15:52)Google TimeZone API (12:06)Date & Time (8:27)Displaying Time (5:59)Updating Time (7:42)Wrap Up (5:55)Project FilesRestaurants AppRestaurant App Set Up (6:56)Google Maps API (8:40)API Call (11:28)Restaurant Class (7:13)Download Restaurants (15:31)Control Flow (7:19)Displaying Price Level (12:52)Details View (7:12)Adding Map (5:10)Adding Annotation (3:21)Restaurants Details (8:36)Opening Hours (6:07)Displaying Rating (4:11)Geolocation (11:12)Getting User Location (10:40)Calculating Distance (9:10)Displaying Distance in Km (5:12)tDisplaying Routes (15:27)Project FilesTWITTER CLONE – Animated Splash ScreenIntroduction (11:53)animateKeyFrames (Tweet Logo Animation) (9:28)Login View (5:53)Project FilesTWITTER CLONE – Twitter Login SDKIntro Firebase SDK 3 (3:16)artInstall Firebase 3 (9:04)Create a Podfile (5:56)Firebase Configuration (3:37)Create a new Twitter Application (6:43)Login View Controller (3:54)Fabric.io (8:08)Log in with Twitter (8:27)Twitter Button (7:52)Segue To Tweets (3:41)Current User Info (11:37)Tweet View Controller (6:22)Text View (4:30)Toolbar (11:48)UITextViewDelegate (7:11)Number of Characters Left (7:40)Tweet Button (6:57)Enable Twitter Button (12:59)TWITTER CLONE – Real Time Database with Firebase (SDK 3.0)DataBase Reference (8:44)Sending & Saving Tweets (6:28)Date Formatter (3:58)Table View Controller (4:23)Query Firebase (8:10)Class Tweet (5:26)Displaying Tweets (3:40)Text Format & Row Height (1:46)Displaying User’s Avatar (15:17)Displaying Avatar (15:17)AppTransport InfoPflist (2:33)Debbuging (3:00)Updated Files now available for downloadGet Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 Apps – Sandy Ludosky, Only Price $57 Tag: Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 Apps – Sandy Ludosky Review. Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 Apps – Sandy Ludosky download. Learn iOS10 Development with Swift3 & Xcode8 – Build 14 Apps – Sandy Ludosky discount.