Get Meal Prepped – Family Style – Susan Watson & Andrea Hardy


ARE YOU IN A RECIPE RUT?DO YOU NEED DINNER SOLUTIONS THAT EVERYONE WILL LOVE?ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HEALTHY 20-MIN MEAL IDEAS FOR BUSY WEEKNIGHTS?DO YOU WANT TO PROVIDE HEALTHY SNACKS FOR YOUR KIDS …BUT NOT SURE WHAT TO CHOOSE ANYMORE?Then you must be ready to transform your eating withGET MEAL PREPPED™ – FAMILY STYLEGet Meal Prepped™ IS THE only dietitian guided workshop THAT SHOWS YOU EXACTLY HOW TO plan, balance, & prepare your meals FOR YOUR FAMILY without flops, fails and frustrations.DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU?:YOU’RE TIRED OF THE “THE FOOD RUT” = SPAGHETTI, HOT DOGS, PIZZA, REPEATYOU HATE SPENDING AN EXTRA $100/WK EATING OUT OR ORDERING INYOU ARE RUNNING TO THE GROCERY STORE AT 5 O’CLOCK EVERY DAY TO FIGURE OUT DINNERYOU DESIRE AND WANT TO ENJOY A HEALTHY HOME COOKED MEAL AROUND THE DINNER TABLE WITH YOUR FAMILYTHEN YOU NEED TO GET MEAL PREPPED!AFTER YOU COMPLETE THIS COURSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:Plan balanced nutritious meals for you and your familyCook 1-2 times per week, but have meals ready to eat all week longKnow how to incorporate healthy snacks into your diet to keep you energized for the day, and not overeat at mealsKnow the batch cooking secrets to success that will save you time in the kitchen when preparing mealsPrevent recipe ruts and never get bored of your meals you prepare againMaster your time in the kitchen and not be a slave to the stoveBe super efficient at the grocery store … “get in and get out in record time”Make the most out of your time in the kitchen by putting your appliances to work for youARE YOU READY TRANSFORM YOUR EATING AND GET YOUR LIFE BACK?You know you SHOULD have been be meal planning years ago- but it just seemed like so much work, and it was easy to slide by with all the convenience food options available.You know people who meal plan, and seem to have it all together, but you figured it’s complicated, time consuming, and you were not ready to get into it.You’ve been waiting for the motivation or right time to get started -or the right plan to fall into your lap.YOU ARE READY. RIGHT NOW.GETMEALPREPPED™- FAMILY STYLE is your solution!And we will be there to help guide you through the learning process until it becomes part of your life!Make sure stay in touch! Course CurriculumHousekeeping!Read this before starting!Welcome! How To Build A Healthy Kitchen -The Real Power Of Balanced NutritionLesson #1: Welcome! Let’s Build Your Foundation! (17:19)Lesson #2: The Balancing Act: Components Of Healthy Balanced Meals & Snacks (18:36)Find Your MEAL PLANNING StyleLesson #3: Meal Planning Styles – Which One Is For You? (7:46)QUIZ -What Type Of MEAL PLANNER Are You?Creating Your Meal PLANLesson #4: How To Make A Meal Plan For Your Family (15:02)Lesson #4 Part 2: How To Find Meal Ideas & Recipes That Your Family Will Love (8:42)Meal PREP SolutionsLesson #5: Prep., Cook Big, Batch Cooking, Use Cooked Components, & Freezing Strategies (31:23)Lesson #5 Part 2: Foods You Can Freeze & Foods We Don’t Recommend Freezing (17:01)Lesson #5 Part 3: Leveraging Leftovers & Using Cooked Components (26:11)Two 20 min or less meal ideas for dinner time (2:44)Meal Plan TOOLSYour “Family Meal Planning Tool Kit” (downloadable worksheets)You Are Done!Final wordsBonus topicsWebinar REPLAY – 5 Daily Meal Planning Habits (50:10)Webinar REPLAY – 5 Steps To Packing Healthy Lunches (55:21)Picky Eaters – How to help your child expand their food choicesDinner time conversation startersWE KNOW THAT THERE ISN’T JUST ONE WAY TO MEAL PLAN, OR ONE WAY TO EAT. THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU A VARIETY OF WAYS TO MEAL PLAN THAT WILL SUIT YOUR FAMILY LIFE, ADDRESS YOUR FAMILY EATING HABITS AND IMPROVE YOUR FAMILY’S NUTRITION!You will eat better than you ever havebecause we teach you how to balance your mealswith the appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and vegetables at each meal,and how to plan to snacks that keep you and your family feeling full and energized all day!IMAGINE YOUR TRANSFORMATIONStress free meal times.Healthy eating.Confidence in the kitchen.Balanced nutrition and improved health.Get Get Meal Prepped – Family Style –  Susan Watson & Andrea Hardy, Only Price $49 Tag: Get Meal Prepped – Family Style –  Susan Watson & Andrea Hardy Review. Get Meal Prepped – Family Style –  Susan Watson & Andrea Hardy download. Get Meal Prepped – Family Style –  Susan Watson & Andrea Hardy discount.