Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza


But the Breakthrough just hasn’t happened for you YET.What if you could learn from 3 multi 7-figure earners and have them walk you through the exact steps they implement in their business daily, to build a thriving network marketing team that duplicates?FORGET THE THEORYForget the ra-ra eventsthat just get you hyped up but leave you doing everything yourself when you get home (which most people never do)Forget the next courseor training that you’re thinking of buying for a moment….Let’s work together,side by side, to relieve your confusion and overwhelmed, and let us help you build a system that generates you prospects, customers, and teammates immediately!These are bold statements, but we’re coming out to share everything we know to help you totally crush it in your business this year.Get Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza , Only Price $77Nadya MeltonNadya is a public figure, entrepreneur, speaker, branding strategist, online marketing coach, and a lady boss who is passionate about life and people. Her mission is to inspire, empower, and coach others about how to discover their gift and share their message with the world!Today, together with John, Nadya owns, operates and leads multiple million-dollar businesses online. She’s a 7-figure earner, reaching over 100,000 people on Social Media and managing to have all the time freedom that she wants!She does all of that while at the same time being a wife to John and a mama to their beautiful children, Dylan and Kristina!John MeltonJohn is a public figure, entrepreneur, network marketing and social media expert, speaker, high-performance coach, online trainer, connector and a master recruiter! His tireless work ethic and professionalism have earned him a dream lifestyle.Today, together with his wife Nadya and their amazing team, they’ve built a monster organization that in 2018 alone has:produced over $30,000,000 in organizational volume;brought in close to 8,000 new social marketers;got over 114,000 new customers from all over the world!All without home parties, meeting presentations and three-way calls! This allows John to work from home, attend all if his son’s baseball games and have complete financial freedom!Tanya AlizaTanya Aliza is one of the most sought after Online Marketing Coaches in the Network Marketing space.After burning through her warm market fast in 2009 and not having any extra time to go out prospecting, she learned how to use online marketing strategies to become a Top Recruiter in her company.Tanya’s 2 favorite words in business are ‘Systems’ and ‘Automation’ and she’s one of the best to teach you how to implement these into your business so that you can build a thriving team that supports the lifestyle of your dreams.When Tanya isn’t traveling (one of her favorite things to do), she’s hanging on the beach with good friends in Wilmington NC.WHAT ISThe Social Marketing Recruiting Bootcamp?The Social Marketing Recruiting Bootcamp Is An Interactive ‘Go At Your Own Pace’ Course That Will Put You In Action Mode So You Can See RESULTS ImmediatelyWe (Nadya, John & Tanya) did a virtual training Bootcamp style event that helped hundreds of Network Marketers consistently recruit new reps into their business using PROVEN social media strategies.We’re not just teaching theory. These are the strategies we use DAILY to crush it in our businesses.We’re now making it available so you can learn how to:magnetically attract prospects and leads to you 24/7effectively turn those people into new customers and teammatesbuild a system that generates you prospects, customers and teammates immediately!No more wasted money on courses that just sit there and collect dust….with us, RESULTS Are The Name Of The Game.Here are the core elements you’ll learnCore Element #1Prospecting & MarketingThere is a difference between prospecting and marketing, but you have to know how to do both if you’re ever going to build your Dream Lifestyle.If you only know how to prospect, you’ll never be set up for leverage and automation andif you only know how to market you’ll have a hard time creating duplication.So you have to know how to do both.We’re going to walk you through our proven marketing strategies that will magnetically attract prospects and leads to you 24/7 (even while you sleep) AND, we’ll show you how to effectively turn those people into new customers and teammates.We’ll be discussing:Social Media PostingVideosFacebook LivesSpecial Pop Up FB Group EventsFree FB Group ChallengesInstagramSimple Sales FunnelsAnd More…Then…. You’ll implement what we show you!Core Element #2Communication, Relationships & PresentationsBe a Human First and a Marketer Second.We’re going to walk you through our proven scripts and relationship building strategies so you can close more sales from the people you’re connecting with on Social Media.Not only are we going to walk you through WHAT to say, but we’ll share with you WHY you need to be connecting with people this way so you don’t turn them off or have them ignore you.After you pique their interest, we’re going to walk you through how to properly Present your business or products to them so you get them excited and eager to do business with you on the spot!If you’ve ever seen  John and Nadya’s  ATM strategy, this is going to rock your world!After we implement this together during the Interactive Bootcamp you’ll be amazing at how well this works and you’ll be so excited to get your whole team doing this.Core Element #3The ATM Exposure Process [Special Edition]Have you heard of the ‘Ever Popular’ and Effective presentation process called ATM?If you haven’t this is going to allow you to take control of your time and increase your results exponentially.AND if you’ve heard of this process already, we adding a SPIN to this process that you’ve never heard before in this Special Edition Training.ATM stands for ADD, TAG, MESSAGE and it’s the new wave of presentation styles that’s taking our profession by storm. How did our team do almost a million dollars in sales in just ONE day?John, Nadya and Tanya are going to pull back the curtains on EXACTLY what to DO and what to SAY to get this presentation process all set up and rocking and rolling within your team.You’ll get our exact Scripts and Methods that we’ve used to enroll 10’s of thousands of customers and teammate into our team lightning fast….Without spending hours on the phone or doing annoying 3-way calls.This is exactly how we did it.AND this is exactly what you’re going to do with us together so you can start to see the results before the weekend is even over.Get Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza , Only Price $77Core Element #4Follow Up & ClosingWithout the fundamental skill of being able to follow up and close… your business isn’t going to go anywhere.Have you ever struggled to get someone to commit and just take action with you?Maybe you don’t know what to say to initiate the conversation with the people that like and comment on your social media posts?Are people ignoring you?It might be what you’re saying…. Or NOT saying that’s causing this.During this session, we’re going to walk you through our exact followup and closing process so you can see how we’re getting about a 40%-50% closing ratio.You’re going to get our Process, Our Tools, Our Follow Up Calendar & Our Scripts. You’ll know exactly what to say to ALL your social media connections, likes, comments and messages to get your prospects excited to hear more and do business with you.And YES… we’ll be implementing this together during the Interactive Bootcamp.Core Element #5Systems, Leadership & DevelopmentWithout a system you can’t create the leverage and duplication you’re looking for…so, we’re going to pull back the curtains and show you our system so you can model and duplicate this into your own business.Facebook GroupsLeadership DevelopmentContests90 Day runsTeam ChallengesVirtual EventsPrivate Team TrainingAnd More…Core Element #6Branding & Story TellingJohn, Nadya and Tanya have some of the biggest online Brands in our profession, but anyone can model our daily action steps to build a big Brand of their own too.Not only will we be building your Brand Story and showing you how to share it,……we’ll be building a story bank of 3rd party stories that you’ll use in your Brand and marketing.In this session, we’ll be crafting your Brand Story so you know how to share your vision with your prospects so they respect and see the BIG picture and they want to lock arms with you and run!We’re so excited to share with you how to do it.Core Element #7Social Media MarketingIs Social Media Marketing daunting to you right now?Maybe you have no idea what to post to get people interested in what you’re doing…Or, You’re posting and FB Live’ing and no one is listening or taking action (sad face)Well, You’re in luck because you’ll be learning from some of the BEST Social Media Marketers in the world when it comes to Network Marketing.We’re going to share:How to condition your followers to take action with youThe best type of content to postThe #1 thing you must avoid doing on Social Media at all costsOur Social Media Posting Plan to get hot prospects interested and excited to buy your stuffInstagram secrets to creating an endless flow of people that are curious about working with youFacebook Live videoMuch more…Core Element #8Captivating Content for Endless Residual Leads 24/7Content is your MAGIC sauce to everything.Just think…. The minute you publish content online like a Facebook Live, a YouTube Video, an Instagram Post, a blog post etc. it’s there FOREVER, bringing you prospects 24/7 365 days a year!BUT… if you want this to work, you have to know HOW and WHERE to publish this content.Imagine never having to go out there and ACTIVELY prospect or hunt for people again because every day you have enough people coming to you through your published content online.Imagine having people ask YOU to buy and join you, without annoying objections and questions…THIS is the power of publishing content online and building your BRAND….AND we’re going to pull back the curtains on what we do each week to get this machine up and running for you and your business.After learning these Content strategies, you’ll implement them in our Interactive Bootcamp time so you can start seeing immediate results.Core Element #9Calls To Action – Your Money MakerIf Content is your MAGIC sauce, then a good Call To Action is the money maker!And we all know that…results = customers, teammates and moola!We’re going to make sure that you’re equipped with a set of action formulas to ensure that people take action when you post or talk.We’ll share with you:How to weed out the tire-kickers so you only talk to serious people that won’t waste your timeOur one sentence that gets people qualifying themselves to you (become the hunted)The best time to include a Call-To-Action in your posts and videosWhat to say to invoke action from your followers without sounding salesy or obnoxiousCore Element #10Duplication & Team Building for Maximum Leverage & ProfitsTHIS is the beauty of Network Marketing! BUT it can also be the curse if you don’t set up your team properly.We’re going to walk you through exactly what we do from the moment someone comes on board as a new customer and teammate to ensure you get the maximum duplication and leverage…PLUS… we’ll show you exactly how to coach people into amazing Leaders.We have a specific formula for success and tools that we share at specific milestone points with our team and we’ll share exactly how these work so you can copy this over into your team with your people.Imagine having a new customer and/or teammate join you and within 24 hours they already have their first sale and result…Imagine cutting through all the confusion and overwhelm with new reps and getting them excited about a tangible result fast.Imagine building up leaders fast in your team so you create the leverage you signed up for in your business….THIS is what this core element session is all about.There are tools and specific trainings that we walk our new people through that have resulted in EPIC results.Get Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza , Only Price $77Tag: Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza  Review. Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza  download. Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Nadya Melton, John Melton & Tanya Aliza  discount.