Simple Stories Sell Stupid – Colin Theriot


I used to be obsessed with comics. Not only did I RAID drugstore shelves almost daily to get a fix, I even drew my own comics and had my mom make photocopies of them at work so I could give them to my friends.But not everyone loved comics, like me and my friends. Not then. These days, the biggest movies ever made are based on the same superheroes I used to laugh at for liking them. He was bullied by tough guys. He was bullied by athletes. He was bullied by girls.But I couldn’t help it. I was addicted. The comics were created specifically to tickle my collectible genes. Special cover. Poly is Packed with collectible cards. Multi-name crossovers.Packs of collector’s issues #1 are released every week.And it doesn’t even address the fact that by the time I bought the most, comics were printed almost 100 years ago, allowing creators to hone the form of a short, serialized narrative that made children (and adults) cough up dough month after month for more and more product.How so? How do you do this? It’s not just about cool characters. Many comics with cool characters are canceled. It’s not just art. Beautiful books with shitty stories don’t usually make 12 issues in a year.It should have a good story. It must be satisfactory to consume. But magically, it should also make you want more. And here’s a twist for us marketers…Comics were a multibillion-dollar industry. I sell stacks of paper stuffed with ads. And with price surcharges to make the subscription profitable on its own.Stories are not simply attracted to children like me, they have brought the money. Next to the buckets. Month after month.But what has survived is the characters are still around to be in movies today 30+ years after I stopped blowing my allowance on rag paper and four colors of ink…There were characters with exciting stories. Maxima. Minima. Conflict. Drama. Triumph. Defeat. Fighting. Success. Failure. Not only in saving the damsel and the day, or the world itself – but the best characters had real lives under their cloaks and hoods, and when they put the laser braggers aside, they had a beating heart.Wants. Desires. Goals.Just like you and me. I know at least one of your goals. You want to sell things. Me too. I like. This is how I feed my family and pay my mortgage. What do I sell?Stories. Just like I learned from childhood. Spider-man taught me, all of you.And others, of course. But the basic understanding of serialized stories that attract an audience, hook, wait and want-and buy-I learned when I was one-digit old, waking up before bed with a flashlight under the covers. I read comics.Do you want to learn? Do you want to be a hero or turn your clients into one of them? Do you want to find villains and the challenges they face and turn them into engaging content that makes their audience eager to hear from them?Do you want to create stories that sell?Cool. Give me $ 50. I’ll add you to the secret FB group where I teach this.One webinar on the ingredients of sales stories can already be downloaded.2 sessions on Friday. It’s about a formula (s) for stories that you can write and change a million times, and they literally never get old.Add to this that after completing basic training, I will publish weekly for an entire year, just dosing your brain with storytelling and sales strategies for storytellers – just to make it just a real juicy peach of a deal.Because every week I want you to come in for more, like a kid at the drugstore when new comics are put on the shelf.After you pay, email Me so that I can add you to the secret group. That is all. Plain. Two steps and you’ve spent a year building your chops and blowing your brain to become a storytelling machine that people pay to hear more of.I did it. I teach this to others. Now you.Let’s. Come on, oooonnnnnn. Do it.Join us. There are more than a hundred of us already there.P.S. members of the repository will receive this training internally when it is finished. Bonus, too, after all. Everyone else, get it from the link above and then click on me to add it.Thanks! Until the next issue…Business Online courseInformation about the business:A business is an activity aimed at earning a living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).[need a quote to verify] simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for the purpose of making a profit.This does not mean that it is a company, Corporation, partnership, or has any such formal organization, but it can range from a street vendor to General Motors.”The presence of a firm name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the enterprise is responsible and liable for the debts incurred by the enterprise.If a business acquires debts, creditors can go after the owner’s personal property.The business structure does not take into account corporate tax rates. The owner is personally taxed on all business income.Get Simple Stories Sell Stupid – Colin Theriot , Only Price $59Tag: Simple Stories Sell Stupid – Colin Theriot  Review. Simple Stories Sell Stupid – Colin Theriot  download. Simple Stories Sell Stupid – Colin Theriot  discount.