Chatbot Conversion Copywriting – Mary Kathryn Johnson


One of the biggest questions we get is “What do you put in a chatbot to get it to convert?”  Maybe this story will help answer that for you…Believe it or not, most high-converting chatbots start with a successful business, and a desire to help more people.That’s how it started with my client Mort Fertel. He has three businesses, all very successful, but Mort has a mission to help save marriages. When he heard about chatbots, he reached out to me to see what was possible for his solution, Marriage Fitness.His program reached its current level of success through Google Ads leading people to a landing page with an email opt in, and a 100 day email sequence providing amazing value to help save marriages. Each daily message also carried a soft invite to purchase one of Mort’s programs.When we started to gather information to build Mort’s bot, he wanted us to mirror exactly what he had in email…100 daily messages with the same calls to action each day. Needless to say, it took about 3 months of back and forth and testing and tweaking to show Mort that chatbots are not email, and chatbot copy is not email email copy!Finally, we went live with two versions of our nurturing chatbot, and you know what happened, right?The chatbot copy outperformed the email copy, and increased conversions to his Marriage Fitness program by 46%I was so proud the day Mort said to me, “You were right.” That was the day I knew I had the catalyst for high-converting chatbots!The 3 Most Common Questions People Ask About Chatbot Conversion Catalyst Are:Do I need to be a ManyChat Expert to build high-converting chatbots?Do I need to be a Professional Copywriter to write high-converting chatbot copy?Can I use these techniques to build a chatbot for my own business?You know, Mary V. wondered if she needed to be a ManyChat expert before she learned my Chatbot Conversion Catalyst techniques too. While knowing the basics of bot building with ManyChat is required (and a bonus training we provide with this course), the technical details are not the focus of these skills. And, Anthony thought he needed to already be a professional copywriter before starting this course, but that is not the case. The skills we teach you allow you to convert any long form copy into short, engaging, high-converting chatbot copy without any previous copywriting skills at all.The best part about this course is that in the last 2 Lessons, I guide you to use the tools you learned in the first 4 Lessons to build your own chatbot nurturing your prospects to your own high conversions. I Help You Combine the Tech of Messenger Bots and the Art of Copywriting to Create High-Converting Chatbots!YOUR 6 LESSONS INCLUDE:Videos • Worksheets • Case studies • Real client examples •  Private Community Access • Chatbot Conversion TransformationLESSON 1:Strategy of the AdventureHave you often wondered, “Where do I start when building a bot?” Or, do you sometimes start building out a conversational adventure, but tweak and iterate along the way so that you need to re-do stuff because it’s not leading where you thought? Does it typically take you a long time to build a chatbot, and the conversions aren’t quite where you need, which leads to frustration and time wasted?In this Lesson you will master the skill of bot design overview and project mind mapping so you can quickly and efficiently know the exact time and resources you need to complete a bot from start to finish. You will also be introduced to our proprietary process known as Face-Tweet:VisualInteractiveConciseThis process shows you the technique ChatBotMom’s team uses to break down a long, story-form email into copy that can now be used to create engaging, high-converting chatbot copy. After completing this Lesson, you will have the confidence to quickly create a strategic mind map of your chatbot funnel specifically in ManyChat from subscriber through nurture to conversion, and you will understand the simple framework to effectively translate any email copy into conversational chatbot copy.LESSON 2:Speaking Your Prospect’s LanguageAre you speaking in your bot as if you, yourself are the one typing each message? Do your subscribers think they are chatting with you directly, but it’s an automated sequence of bot messages? Did you know that’s illegal in some states?!Lesson 2 shows you exactly how to create the persona for your bot. You will easily create your bot responses so they carry the personality and character traits of your brand and voice, but don’t lie to people that there’s a real person behind the keyboard. After completing this Lesson, you will never again wonder how your bot should respond, because you understand the rules that govern automated communication in chatbots, and the consequences for breaking those rules. You will save time, and energy creating a chatbot journey, and you will have fun with the voice and persona that represent your brand to your subscribersLESSON 3:Warm Them Up to BuyAre you sending broadcasts as the main message tool in your chatbot? Would you like to build a brand that supports and nurtures your subscribers, but don’t know how that works in a bot? Do you have an email sequence, but it’s really just a series of pitch emails that hasn’t enabled you to build a loyal audience? Here is where you will discover the tools we use for creating a unique, valuable adventure for your chatbot subscribers in ManyChat. In this Lesson, ChatBotMom shows you how all stages of the adventure fit together – opt in, message sequence, and call to action. After completing this Lesson, you will gain the confidence to efficiently map any adventure to conversion with less effort. You will compassionately nurture subscribers to a decision or conversion. You become comfortable with “Inviting people to reject you!” while increasing conversions from subscribes who are white-hot for what you offer.LESSON 4:From Theory to Real World Practice Do you sometimes cringe when doing a discovery call, because the client is asking you to do things that make you a bit uncomfortable, but you need the money? Have you offered to do things for free, or in exchange for a share of the revenue “if” it works, but you still need to put food on the table, and you’ve considered taking on other work just to support this “bot thing”?ChatBotMom says this Lesson is the oxygen that lets you breathe the clean air of success. We help you differentiate:The clients you want from the clients you needWhat you want to do from what you’re willing to doThe projects that light you up from the projects that pay the billsYou will get comfortable trusting your instincts, and quickly deciding whether or not to work with a prospective client. Here is where you become a valued leader in the delivery of your work, and the client trusts your expertise (and more importantly YOU believe in yourself!) You will know your worth as a Conversational Marketer, and confidently believe that you belong to a small, select group of professionals with this amazing skill.LESSON 5:Inspiring Your Conversational JourneyHave you bought into one or all of these myths:All chatbots are the sameAll chatbots are based on AIChatbots are only available on Facebook MessengerChatbots are new technologyBuilding chatbots is easyHave you been frustrated by people saying “it’s easy” to build a chatbot, because you’ve discovered that the mechanics of the bot might be simple, but what you put in it that leads to conversions is not?! Have you struggled to build a chatbot that markets your own services, and nurtures your own subscribers?In Lesson 5, you will take what you’ve learned and apply it to your own business and message. You will create, embrace and have fun with your own bot persona. ChatBotMom shows you her project management process, and several others so you can be confident in the one you choose for success, and save time implementing it. You will continue the mindset shift necessary for conversion success in your own chatbot, which is actually harder to do than it is for a client.LESSON 6:Resolving to ConversionDo you find it difficult to sell through your bot, because you feel salesy or pushy? Have you felt like you’ve lost subscribers when you get to the pitch, and feel bad when people say “No Thanks.”In this Lesson, you will master the “No-Pitch Pitch” and use nurturing to resolve the conflict between the pain your subscribers feel without your product/service and the resolution and transformation they experience when they finally buy. The sleazy sales tactics that you never liked are replaced with the chatbot engagement that allows subscribers to make those “micro-commitments” that lead them to beg you for the solution. You feel at peace with your new-found skill of providing the value subscribers choose rather than selling them something. You are now a confident Chatbot Conversion Copywriting MASTER! PLUS…! BONUS 1: Client Etiquette Training – How to build mutual respect, manage expectations and fine-tune your client communications. $497 value  BONUS 2: Marketing Yourself and Your Products – After going through this course you’ll have all the tools to be an expert at chatBot Copywriting and ChatBot Building, but you still need to market yourself. 80% of the people trying to do this in the world do NOT know how to market themselves. We’ll start with mindset training and move to how to network in facebook groups, how to market yourself within your existing network, and so much more. I’ll be sharing all the secrets and lessons I learned getting to where I am now. $1,997 value  BONUS 3: An Incredible Master Chatbot Community – You are not alone in this mastery course. The reason we enjoy an 80% completion rate in this course is because we stay with you every step of the way. Say “Good Bye” to the days of lonely, abandoned DIY style learning. If you are ready to learn this skill, we are ready to help you MASTER it!  $Priceless value MORE BONUS RESOURCES: We use ManyChat exclusively in this course, and in our Agency, so here is your in-depth ManyChat Tech Training: Growth tools, Sequences, Zapier integration, Keywords, Flows, and more… AND FaceBook Terms of Service Training: When you can send messages (24+1 rule), and what kinds of messages you can and cannot send. You’ll learn how to avoid the pitfalls and take advantage of the loopholes. $289 + $217 valueWHAT’S INCLUDED?​Lifetime Access to all 6 Lessons that will TRANSFORM your chatbot conversions with: Videos, worksheets, case studies, real client examples, and private community access.  $2,500 regular price (This is what it actually cost me just to learn how to build a simple bot!)Lessons 1: Strategy of the Adventure so people want to click through to conversionLessons 2: Speaking Your Prospect’s Language so subscribers know they are in the right placeLessons 3: Positioning the Conversation so you clearly lay out the adventure people want to chooseLessons 4: Enter the Real World so you know what to do outside the classroom, in the bot world & beyondLessons 5: Inspiring Your Journey so subscribers who are white hot don’t get stuck behind cold onesLessons 6: Resolving to Conversion so it is easy and fun for subscribers to decide to ACT NOW Plus…​BONUS 1: Client Etiquette Training to transform your client relationships  $497 value​BONUS 2: Marketing Yourself & Your Products through Networking and Organic Content to grow your revenue $1,997 valueMORE BONUS RESOURCES: In depth Intro to ManyChat Training, plus FaceBook Terms of Service Training  $289 + $217 valueGet Chatbot Conversion Copywriting – Mary Kathryn Johnson , Only Price $127 Tag: Chatbot Conversion Copywriting – Mary Kathryn Johnson  Review. 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