AdWords Step-By-Step – Clickovation


How To Launch Killer AdWords Campaigns That Generate Red-Hot Leads & SalesRun profitable campaigns even if you’ve never stepped foot inside AdWordsHey, Marketer!If you’ve reached this page, you’re interested in generating more leads. Whether you’re a marketer, aspiring marketer, or business owner, you understand that leads are the life-blood of business, and without them, growth and success is impossible. The cold, hard truth is that even if your product or service is top-notch, if you can’t reach interested prospects consistently, you won’t find success – you’ll experience waves of unpredictable revenue and soul-crushing stress that cripples your ability to grow. You’re not alone. The majority of marketers and business owners face this problem every day. They ask themselves: “How the heck to I generate more leads ?”The good news is that there’s never been more traffic sources available than there are now.  You can flood your website and landing pages with more traffic than they can handle. The bad news is that every traffic source is different; the quality not only varies greatly by network, but also by your ability to learn the intricacies of that network to find winning placements and audiences that generate leads. And even if you do find winning placements, your ads will eventually fatigue and putter out – not good, and certainly not fun.And there you are, face in hands, wondering how the heck you’re going to pick up the pieces and find another winning ad. Finding converting traffic on these networks takes time, money and a lot of trial and error.It can turn into a total nightmare and a monumental waste of money.If you’ve ever run a failed traffic campaign that sucked your credit card dry, we’re here to help:AdWords Step-by-Step – a course that teaches you how to quickly and profitably launch an AdWords campaign that generates ready-to-buy leads that convert into paying customers. We’ve distilled years of experience into actionable, bite-sized lessons that take you step-by-step through creating a campaign, even if you’ve never stepped foot inside an AdWords account. AdWords is different than every traffic source out there – it’s keyword driven – you don’t have to search for the right audiences and behaviors because people are telling you what they’re looking for through their search. We find the right keywords, write a compelling ad, and send people directly to our landing pages. And because people already know what they want, they convert at very, very high rate. You’ll generate ready-to-buy leads ready & willing to whip out their credit cards. And unlike other traffic sources, your ads never fatigue – there are always fresh prospects searching on Google. Day after day.Week after week.Year after year. Get AdWords Step-By-Step – Clickovation, Only Price $47I remember the first successful campaign I launched for a medical spa client. Every time the campaign generated a new lead, I received an email with the subject line “NEW LEAD!” I was euphoric.It was working.And those emails didn’t stop.The campaign averages 15 new leads a day. And to this day, those leads continue to come in regularly and predictably.And I still have that client.  In fact, here’s a screenshot of today’s phone calls generated by AdWords:Imagine launching a campaign that never fatigues and generates leads every single day. That’s how you build a profitable, scalable business.That’s how you retain clients for years.And we’re going to teach you how to do it. For the past ten years, I’ve been running profitable AdWords campaigns – from hundreds of clients at agencies, to managing millions in-house.An optimized AdWords campaign can be an ATM machine.  Just look at the AdWords campaign below.  It’s generated over $77,000 in profit this year alone and I spend less than an hour per month managing it. And you won’t just be learning from me. You’ll also be learning from Brittany, an experienced enterprise-level pay-per-click manager. She’s managed over 8 million dollars in FedEx AdWords spend in her career. And she’s poured all of that knowledge into AdWords Step-By-Step. AdWords Step-by-Step will teach you how to:1. Create Your Campaign, Step-by-Step We’ve put in thousands of hours learning AdWords so you don’t have to. We’ll walk you through creating your first campaign step-by-step, eliminating the frustration, confusion and costly mistakes associated with learning yourself. We focus on doing, not theory. We’ll get you generating leads quickly and efficiently. 2. Support Every Step Of The WayMost courses throw you to the wolves. You receive your login credentials and that’s it. Good luck! We’re truly committed to your success. That’s why every student receives one hour of coaching and lifetime access to our Facebook group. We won’t rest until you’re generating leads! 3.  OptimizeOnce your campaign is launched, we teach you how to optimize. Here you’ll learn our simple process that teaches you how to generate more leads at a lower cost. Once your campaign’s optimized, it will continue to be a lead generating machine for months and years to come.What’s In The Course?Introduction to AdWordsDuration: 60mLearn the basics. From signing up for AdWords, to learning how the auction works, you learn it all here. Account StructureDuration: 23mCorrectly structuring your account is the foundation of your AdWords home. If not done correctly, everything can crumble! Ad ExtensionsDuration: 17mAd extensions not only improve the qualify of your ads, but help you take up more real estate. Learn all about them here. Conversion TrackingDuration: 20mWithout setting up conversion tracking, you’ll have no idea what’s working. We’ll help you set this up, step-by-step. Call TrackingDuration: 25mLearn how to track phone calls inside and outside of AdWords so your local clients know you’re the one who sent them. Call Only AdsDuration: 18mHave a business or client who wants phone calls? Let us teach you how to create “Call Only” campaigns that allows people to call directly from the search page. Ad TestingDuration: 20mTesting new ads is an important part of improving account performance. You’ll learn proven strategies to make it happen. Learn the InterfaceDuration: 57mFrom the Campaigns tab, to Auction Insights, we teach you where to find everything you’ll need to succeed. Campaign SettingsDuration: 63mCampaigns settings are another important piece of your AdWords foundation. We teach you what options you need to choose to ensure success. Campaign CreationDuration: 77mFinally, let’s do keyword research and build your AdWords account. Let’s get ready to launch, baby!OptimizationDuration:  55mYou’ve launched your campaign. What’s next? How do I hit my goals? Learn all of that here. RemarketingDuration: 25mLearn how to display your ad to people who visited your website, but didn’t take the desire action.Optimization ResourcesIncluded: 6 Downloads By now you’ve launched your campaign and you have data. Now it’s time to optimize! These resources will help you reach and exceed your goals. Bid AdjustmentsDuration: 32mIs mobile outperforming desktop? Saturdays doing better than Sundays? Learn how to improve performance based on that data with bid adjustments. Get AdWords Step-By-Step – Clickovation, Only Price $47Tag: AdWords Step-By-Step – Clickovation Review. AdWords Step-By-Step – Clickovation download. AdWords Step-By-Step – Clickovation discount.