Perry Nickelston – Stop Chasing Pain – Why Your Spleen Matters


Perry Nickelston – Stop Chasing Pain – Why Your Spleen MattersJust because you can live without your spleen doesn’t mean it’s not important. Discover why restriction in spleen motricity (passive motion of an organ during movement) impacts the hips, shoulders, and lower back. No system in the body ever works alone. Never gets injured all alone. Never heals alone. Overlooking organ motion in chronic musculoskeletal pain is a common cause of therapeutic failure. Don’t let that be you or your client.What you will learn:1. Why the spleen matters in pain2. Links to the immune system and pain3. Neural Reflex points to assess4. Palpation assessment5. Clinical signs of inefficiency6. Ligament attachments7. How obliques become inhibited8. 3-Part easy reset system9. Post reset sensory and motor learning tipsGet Perry Nickelston – Stop Chasing Pain – Why Your Spleen Matters download